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183_notes:curving_motion [2014/09/24 15:12] – [The Derivative form of the Momentum Principle] caballero183_notes:curving_motion [2014/09/24 17:51] – [Relationship to the tangential and centripetal accelerations] caballero
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 ==== The Derivative form of the Momentum Principle ==== ==== The Derivative form of the Momentum Principle ====
-Earlier you read about the [[183_notes:momentum_principle|momentum principle]], and how interactions with a system's surroundings can change the momentum of a system. This principle was stated as a macroscopic change $\Delta \vec{p} = \vec{F}_{net} \Delta t$. That is, the time change is some reasonably measurable amount. However, when we considered very short time intervals, so short that the momentum could be changing all the time, we found that this principle was transformed to the derivative form ((Mathematically, this is the result of taking the the limit as $\Delta t$ goes to zero.)).+Earlieryou read about the [[183_notes:momentum_principle|momentum principle]], and how interactions with a system's surroundings can change the momentum of a system. This principle was stated as a macroscopic change $\Delta \vec{p} = \vec{F}_{net} \Delta t$. That is, the time change is some reasonably measurable amount. However, when we considered very short time intervals, so short that the momentum could be changing all the time, we found that this principle was transformed to the derivative form ((Mathematically, this is the result of taking the the limit as $\Delta t$ goes to zero.)).
 $$\dfrac{d\vec{p}}{dt} = \vec{F}_{net}$$ $$\dfrac{d\vec{p}}{dt} = \vec{F}_{net}$$
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 ==== A change in direction ==== ==== A change in direction ====
-The second half of the momentum change describes how the direction of the momentum is changing (${d\hat{p}}/dt$). This vector will point in the direction that the momentum is changing. This direction is always perpendicular to the tangent of the path, and pointing in the direction of the turn. Let's see how that's the case.+The second half of the momentum change describes how the direction of the momentum is changing (${d\hat{p}}/dt$) and will always point in the direction that the momentum is changing. This direction is always perpendicular to the tangent of the path, and pointing in the direction of the turn. Let's see how that's the case.
-[{{183_notes:speeding_up.png?200|A car driving on a circle track speeding up: v' is larger than v.}}]+[{{ 183_notes:speeding_up.png?200|A car driving on a circle track speeding up: v' is larger than v.}}]
-[{{183_notes:phat_circle.png?200|While the magnitude of the momentum changes, the length of a unit vector is always 1.}}]+Consider a car that is speeding up as it drives on a circular track (Figure to the right). In this case, the velocity vector is always tangent to the path (or the track), but it gets longer; the car speeds up. However, the unit vector for the velocity is always the same length and just changes direction. Because [[183_notes:momentum|the velocity and the momentum always point in the same direction]], the momentum unit vector also just changes direction (Figure below and to the left).
-Consider a car driving on circular track that is speeding up.+[{{183_notes:phat_circle.png?200|While the magnitude of the momentum changes, the length of unit vector is always 1. }}] 
 +As [[183_notes:ucm|you have seen before]], you can track the angle $\theta$ through which the car moves on this circular track to determine how the direction is changing. The challenging part is determining the where the angle $\theta$ is measured from for the final momentum direction. In the figure below and to the left, you can see that the initial momentum unit vector is in the $+y$-direction ($\hat{p}_i = \langle 0, 1 \rangle$) and the final momentum unit vector has components in both the $-x$-direction and the $+y$-direction ($\hat{p}_f = \langle -\sin \theta, \cos \theta \rangle$). In this case, you are trying to determine the change in the direction of the unit vector over this interval. 
 +$$\dfrac{\Delta \hat{p}}{\Delta t} = \dfrac{\hat{p}_f-\hat{p}_i}{\Delta t} = \dfrac{\langle -\sin \theta, \cos \theta \rangle-\langle 0, 1 \rangle}{\Delta t} = \dfrac{\langle -\sin \theta, \cos \theta - 1\rangle}{\Delta t}$$ 
 +[[183_notes:ucm|As before]], we can find the time ($\Delta t$) that it takes for the object to move through the arc length ($R\theta$) -- but, in this case, the velocity at which it does this is the average between the initial and final location (because the object is speeding up). 
 +$$v_{avg} = \dfrac{R\theta}{\Delta t} \qquad \rightarrow \qquad \Delta t = \dfrac{R\theta}{v_{avg}}$$ 
 +And thus you find that the change in the direction of the unit vector is given by: 
 +$$\dfrac{\Delta \hat{p}}{\Delta t} = \dfrac{v_{avg}}{R\theta} \langle -\sin \theta, \cos \theta - 1\rangle$$ 
 +As [[183_notes:ucm|you read before]], you can take the limit of smaller and smaller arc lengths, and thus smaller $\theta$, to arrive at the differential form: 
 +$$\dfrac{d \hat{p}}{d t} = \dfrac{|\vec{v}|}{R\theta} \langle -\theta, 0\rangle = \dfrac{|\vec{v}|}{R} \langle -1, 0\rangle$$ 
 +where you are using the approximation for small $\theta$ in both the cosine ($\cos \theta \approx 1$) and sine ($\sin \theta \approx \theta$). Here, the average velocity is replaced by the instantaneous because you are looking at infinitesimally short time interval. This vector points in the $-x$-direction, which is toward the turn and perpendicular to the direction of the momentum vector. This result generalizes to: 
 +$$\dfrac{d \hat{p}}{d t} = \dfrac{|\vec{v}|}{R} \hat{n}$$ 
 +[{{183_notes:mi3e_05-026.jpg?250|The perpendicular component of the net force points inward towards the turn.}}] 
 +where the unit vector, $\hat{n}$, always points inward towards the turn. For more general trajectories, the value of $R$ is the radius of curvature of the arc, that is, it is the radius of the circle that has exactly the same curvature at the location of interest. 
 +The change in the direction of the momentum is the result of the component of the net force that is perpendicular to the direction of motion (momentum). This component is referred to as "F net perpendicular" or $\vec{F}_{net,\perp}$. Some also call this force the "centripetal component of the net force"; it is always perpendicular to the tangent to the trajectory of the object. So, we have a relationship between this force component and the change in the magnitude of the momentum. 
 +$$\vec{F}_{net,\perp} = |\vec{p}|\dfrac{d \hat{p}}{d t} = \dfrac{|\vec{p}||\vec{v}|}{R} \hat{n} =\dfrac{mv^2}{R} \hat{n} $$ 
 +==== Relationship to the tangential and centripetal accelerations ==== 
 +In your previous studies, you might come acres the [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acceleration#Tangential_and_centripetal_acceleration|tangential acceleration ($\vec{a}_{t}$) and the centripetal acceleration ($\vec{a}_{c}$)]]. This are directly connected to the definitions of the parallel and perpendicular components of the net force. You can write the net force as the sum of these parallel and perpendicular components, which arise from the tangential and centripetal accelerations. 
 +$$\vec{F}_{net} = \vec{F}_{\parallel} + \vec{F}_{\perp}$$ 
 +$$\vec{F}_{\parallel}  = m\vec{a}_{t} = m{a}_{t}\hat{p} \qquad \vec{F}_{\perp} = m\vec{a}_{c} = m{a}_{c}\hat{n}$$
  • 183_notes/curving_motion.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/03/04 12:56
  • by stumptyl