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183_notes:examples:predicting_the_motion_of_system_subject_to_a_spring_interaction [2014/07/22 02:46] – [Solution] caballero183_notes:examples:predicting_the_motion_of_system_subject_to_a_spring_interaction [2014/07/22 05:28] pwirving
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 ===== Example: Predicting the motion of a system that is subject to a spring interaction/Predicting the final location of an object moving under a non-constant force ===== ===== Example: Predicting the motion of a system that is subject to a spring interaction/Predicting the final location of an object moving under a non-constant force =====
-A spring has a relaxed length of (0.2m) and it has a spring constant of 8 N/m. Attached to the top of the spring is a block of mass (.06)kg. A force is exerted on the block to compress the spring to a total length of (0.2m). Predict the y position for the graph after 0.1 second and 0.2 seconds.+A spring has a relaxed length of (0.2m) and it has a spring constant of 8 N/m. Attached to the top of the spring is a block of mass (.06)kg. A force is exerted on the block to compress the spring to a total length of (0.2m). Predict the y position for the block after 0.1 second and 0.2 seconds.
 === Facts ==== === Facts ====
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   * Spring has spring constant of $8 N/m$   * Spring has spring constant of $8 N/m$
   * Block of mass (.06)kg attached to top of the spring   * Block of mass (.06)kg attached to top of the spring
-  * $\vec{p_i} = \langle 0,0,0 \rangle$ +  * The block has no initial momentum, $\vec{p_i} = \langle 0,0,0 \rangle$ 
-  * Two forces acting on the spring the gravitational force and the spring force+  * There are two forces acting on the springthe gravitational force and the spring force
 === Lacking === === Lacking ===
 +  * The $y$ position of the block after 0.1 and 0.2 seconds.
 === Approximations & Assumptions === === Approximations & Assumptions ===
-  * Assume block is at rest when released from compressed position therefore initial momentum of block is zero +  * Assume block is at rest when released from compressed position therefore the initial momentum of block is zero 
-  * Approximate that the origin is at the base of the spring+  * Assume that the origin is at the base of the spring
   * Over the time interval investigated drag forces are negligible.   * Over the time interval investigated drag forces are negligible.
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 {{183_notes:spring_example_2.jpg?300}} {{183_notes:spring_example_2.jpg?300}}
-  * The force of the spring is given by $F_{spring} = -k_s (|\vec{L}| - L_0) \hat{L}$ +  * The force of the spring is given by $\vec{F}_{spring} = -k_s (|\vec{L}| - L_0) \hat{L}$  
- +  * The gravitational force is given by $\vec{F}_{Earth}=-mg$
-  * The gravitational force is given by $F_{Earth}=-mg$ +
   * The momentum of the system is given by $\vec{p_f}=\vec{p_i}+\vec{F_{net}} \Delta t$   * The momentum of the system is given by $\vec{p_f}=\vec{p_i}+\vec{F_{net}} \Delta t$
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 <WRAP todo>Take a look at the solution that DC edited for the spring problem. Add this level of detail to this solution</WRAP> <WRAP todo>Take a look at the solution that DC edited for the spring problem. Add this level of detail to this solution</WRAP>
-Set-up force equations for both spring and force due to gravity+To solve this problem we must first set-up force equations for both spring and force due to gravity. To begin this process we must first determine the position vector ($\vec{L}$) of the mass and the length of the position vector ($|\vec{L}|$).
 $\vec{L}=\langle 0,0.1,0 \rangle - \langle 0,0,0 \rangle = \langle 0,0.1,0 \rangle m$ $\vec{L}=\langle 0,0.1,0 \rangle - \langle 0,0,0 \rangle = \langle 0,0.1,0 \rangle m$
 $\vec{|L|}=0.1$ $\vec{|L|}=0.1$
 +These can be used to compute the unit (direction) vector for the stretch ($\hat{s}$) (the difference between $|\vec{L}|$ and the relaxed distance \langle 0,.2,0 \rangle, which is in the same direction as the position vector.
 $\hat{L}=\langle 0,1,0 \rangle$ $\hat{L}=\langle 0,1,0 \rangle$
 +As expected it is acting only in the y direction. 
 +You can now input the unit vector and rewrite the representation for the spring force equation so that it is acting solely in the y direction as indicated by the unit vector.
 $F_{spring} = -k_s(|\vec{L}|-L_0)\langle 0,1,0 \rangle = \langle 0,-k_s(|\vec{L}|-L_0),0 \rangle$ $F_{spring} = -k_s(|\vec{L}|-L_0)\langle 0,1,0 \rangle = \langle 0,-k_s(|\vec{L}|-L_0),0 \rangle$
 +We know that the force due to gravity acts solely in the y direction also so we can write the representation for the force equation to represent this:
 $F_{Earth} = \langle 0,-mg,0 \rangle$ $F_{Earth} = \langle 0,-mg,0 \rangle$
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 $F_{Earth}=-mg$ $F_{Earth}=-mg$
 +The addition of these two forces is the net force acting on the system:
 $F_{net,y} = F_{spring,y} + F_{Earth,y}$ $F_{net,y} = F_{spring,y} + F_{Earth,y}$
-For 0.1 seconds+We needed the net force in order to be able to calculate the momentum at different time intervals as the momentum of a system is dependent on the net force on that system: 
 +$\vec{p_f}=\vec{p_i}+\vec{F_{net}} \Delta t$ 
 +So we are now going to calculate the y position of the system for 0.1 seconds
 +As found earlier: 
 $\vec{|L|} = 0.1m$ $\vec{|L|} = 0.1m$
 +The stretch is equal to \vec{|L|} - the relaxed distance (0.2m).
 $s = 0.1m - 0.2m = -0.1m$ $s = 0.1m - 0.2m = -0.1m$
 +Compute the value of the force of the spring.
 $F_{spring_y} = -8N/m(-0.1m)= +0.8N$ $F_{spring_y} = -8N/m(-0.1m)= +0.8N$
 +Compute the value of the force due to gravity.
 $F_{Earth,y} = -0.06kg * 9.8N/kg = -0.588N$ $F_{Earth,y} = -0.06kg * 9.8N/kg = -0.588N$
 +Add the force of spring to force due to gravity to obtain the net force.
 $F_{net,y} = .212N$ $F_{net,y} = .212N$
 +Input this net force into the equation for momentum using 0.1s as the time to find the momentum at this instance.
 $p_{fy} = 0 + (.212N)(0.1s)\quad(Momentum\ Principle)\\$ $p_{fy} = 0 + (.212N)(0.1s)\quad(Momentum\ Principle)\\$
 +Compute momentum:
 $p_{fy} = 0.0212 kg * m/s$ $p_{fy} = 0.0212 kg * m/s$
 +In order to find the change in position of the system we must find the velocity of the system for the time interval of 0.1s using the momentum just computed. Assume v_{avg,y} is approximate to v_{fy} for the time period of 0.1s.
 $v_{avg,y} \approx v_{fy}$ $v_{avg,y} \approx v_{fy}$
 +Using the equation $m(\vec{v}) = \vec{p}$
 $v_{fy} = \dfrac{p_{fy}}{m} = \dfrac{0.0212 kg * m/s}{0.06kg} = +0.353m/s$ $v_{fy} = \dfrac{p_{fy}}{m} = \dfrac{0.0212 kg * m/s}{0.06kg} = +0.353m/s$
  • 183_notes/examples/predicting_the_motion_of_system_subject_to_a_spring_interaction.txt
  • Last modified: 2015/09/29 16:44
  • by obsniukm