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183_notes:grav_and_spring_pe [2014/10/10 15:44] – [Spring Potential Energy] caballero183_notes:grav_and_spring_pe [2014/10/10 17:53] – [Conservative Forces] caballero
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 ===== Types of Potential Energy ===== ===== Types of Potential Energy =====
 +<wrap todo>Add a bit of intro</wrap>
 ==== (Near Earth) Gravitational Potential Energy ==== ==== (Near Earth) Gravitational Potential Energy ====
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 [{{ 183_notes:potential_energy.003.png?400|An object (mass, $m$) is lifted above the surface of the Earth (height, $h$).}}] [{{ 183_notes:potential_energy.003.png?400|An object (mass, $m$) is lifted above the surface of the Earth (height, $h$).}}]
-To determine the (near Earth) gravitational potential energy associated with a system consisting of an object and the Earth, consider the work done by the Earth on the object (mass, $m$) that is being lifted to height $h$ above the surface of the Earth.+To determine the (near Earth) gravitational potential energy associated with a system consisting of an object and the Earth, consider the work done by the Earth on the object (mass, $m$) that is being lifted to height $h$ above the surface of the Earth. The displacement and the gravitational force are in opposite directions.
-To calculate the work that Earth does, consider the object as the system.+To calculate the work that the Earth does, consider the object as the system.
   - System: object; Surroundings: Earth   - System: object; Surroundings: Earth
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 ==== Spring Potential Energy ==== ==== Spring Potential Energy ====
-[{{183_notes:potential_energy.006.png?400|}}]+[{{ 183_notes:potential_energy.006.png?400|A spring-mass system (spring constant, $k_s$) is stretched through a distance ($\Delta s$).}}] 
 +To determine the potential energy associated with a spring-mass system, consider the work done by a spring on an object (mass, $m$) attached to its end. The spring is stretched through a displacement ($\Delta \vec{s}$). The displacement and the gravitational force are in opposite directions. 
 +To calculate the work that the spring does, consider the object as the system. Remember that the [[183_notes:springmotion|spring force changes with displacement]], and thus we must use the [[183_notes:work_by_nc_forces|integral formulation to calculate the work]]. 
 +  - System: object; Surroundings: spring 
 +  - Initial state: object at $s_i=0$; Final state: object at $s_f=s$ 
 +$$W_{s} = \int_0^s \vec{F}_{spring}\cdot d\vec{r}$$ 
 +$$W_{s} = \int_0^s \left(-k_sx\right)dx = -k_s\int_0^s x\;dx = -k_sx^2\Big|_0^s = -\dfrac{1}{2}k_ss^2$$ 
 +So more generally, the work done by a spring is given by, 
 +$$W_{s} = -\dfrac{1}{2}k_s\left(s_f^2-s_i^2\right)$$ 
 +If you include the spring in your system, so that the system is now the spring and the object, then potential energy shared spring-object system is given by, 
 +  - System: object+spring; Surroundings: Nothing 
 +  - Initial state: object at $s_i=0$; Final state: object at $s_f=s$ 
 +$$\Delta U_{s} = - W_{s} = +\dfrac{1}{2}k_s\left(s_f^2-s_i^2\right)$$ 
 +The spring potential energy depends on the spring constant ($k_s$) and how stretch changes ($s_f-s_i$). 
 +==== Conservative Forces ==== 
 +Both of the examples above (local gravitational force and spring force) are examples of [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conservative_force|conservative forces]]. Conservative forces are those for which we can associate a potential energy. The energy associated with conservative forces does not depend on the path that the objects take but only their separation. That is, for conservative forces, only the initial and final locations of the objects matter not the path they took to get from one place to another. Forces that only depend on position tend to be conservative.((We say "tend to" because there is an additional condition that the force have [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curl_(mathematics)|no curl]].)) 
 +Dissipative forces such as friction and air drag are non-conservative forces. The path that an object takes matters very much when non-conservative forces are present. Moreover, these dissipative forces cannot be associated with any construct like potential energy.
  • 183_notes/grav_and_spring_pe.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/03/12 02:45
  • by stumptyl