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183_projects:problem8_fall2021_b [2021/11/02 16:16] pwirving183_projects:problem8_fall2021_b [2021/11/04 13:28] pwirving
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 ====== Project 8 A: Post-Apocalypse Now ====== ====== Project 8 A: Post-Apocalypse Now ======
 +<WRAP info>
 +==== Project 8: Learning goals ====
 +  * For single-particle systems where little or no heat is exchanged with the surroundings, use conservation of energy ($\Delta E_{\rm sys}=W_{\rm ext}$) to explain and/or predict the final state of the system (this includes choosing a system, and setting up initial and final states consistent with that system).
 +  * For multi-particle systems where little or no heat is exchanged with the surroundings, use conservation of energy ($\Delta E_{\rm sys}=W_{\rm ext}$) to explain and/or predict the final state of the system (this includes accounting for the potential energy of each pair of interacting particles; gravitational potential energy).
 {{ 183_projects:apoc2.jpg??800 }} {{ 183_projects:apoc2.jpg??800 }}
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 ====== Project 8 Part B : Engineering a movie stunt ====== ====== Project 8 Part B : Engineering a movie stunt ======
 +<WRAP info>
 +==== Project 9: 5 Questions to test pre reading ====
 +  * What is meant by inertia?
 +  * What is moment of inertia dependent on?
 +  * What is translational kinetic energy?
 +  * If you have a coin rolling across a table, what type of energies will it have?
 +  * What is the equation for rotational kinetic energy?
 You and your team have been hired by Marvel Entertainment to develop a stunt for the next offering in the Marvel Cinematic Universe -- Squirrel Girl - New Warrior. This film introduces a new character: Squirrel Girl.  You and your team have been hired by Marvel Entertainment to develop a stunt for the next offering in the Marvel Cinematic Universe -- Squirrel Girl - New Warrior. This film introduces a new character: Squirrel Girl. 
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 Remember this is Hollywood, so make sure the stunt is exciting! Remember this is Hollywood, so make sure the stunt is exciting!
 +====== Project 8 Part C : Engineering a movie stunt ======
 +<WRAP info>
 +==== Project 8C: Learning issues ====
 +  * Rotational and Translational Kinetic Energy
 +  * Moment of Inertia
 +  * Conservation of Energy
 +  * Relationship between Linear and Angular Velocity
 +  * Point Particle versus Real Systems
 +{{ 183_projects:drsnightmare.jpg }}
 +Your success with the previous stunt has lead to your being hired by Marvel Entertainment again for the new Doctor Strange film (a film that some have waited nearly 20 years to be released). Benedict Cumberbatch is Doctor Stephen Vincent Strange, a neurosurgeon who protects the Earth from magical threats both foreign and domestic.
 +In one of the final scenes, Doctor Strange has been captured by Nightmare and has been sent to the Dark Dimension using a teleportation system constructed by Dormammu. The teleportation system is located on a small island above the Arctic circle. Ms. Marvel and Spiderman arrive to save Doctor Strange by crossing into the Dark Dimension. They find a sled that can be used to launch them into the teleportation system. Spidey uses his web shooters to attach a web strand to the teleportation system and accelerate he and Ms. Marvel into the teleportation system. 
 +For this stunt, the current plan is to use a sled ($M_{\rm sled} = 1500\,{\rm kg}$) with a wire reel system attached to the front end. The wire will be attached to a snowmobile and the sled will be dragged across the ice while the wire unwinds from the reel. The sled must be traveling with a speed of 30 m/s at a distance of 100 m from its starting location. 
 +Unfortunately, the island was chosen for its beauty and not any sort of safety considerations. The island itself is only 2.5 km across at its widest point, so the wire cannot unwind too much or the snowmobile will end up in the frozen arctic waters.
 +The reel is hoop-shaped, but its mass has not been chosen. Your team is meant to decide how to proceed with the stunt, and report back to the production company.  Find the appropriate force that the snowmobile should exert on the wire/sled, and determine the mass of the reel. Some initial testing of reels of different masses and radii have shown (for a constant force) that the relationship between the angular speed of the reel and the linear speed of the sled is related to the ratio of the masses of the sled and reel. The equation that best fits this data is given below,
 +$$\omega_{\rm reel} = \dfrac{M_{\rm sled}}{m_{\rm reel}}\dfrac{v_{\rm sled}}{R_{\rm reel}}$$
 +{{ 183_projects:sled_on_ice.001.png }}
  • 183_projects/problem8_fall2021_b.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/18 07:07
  • by pwirving