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184_notes:examples:week10_force_on_charge [2017/10/29 21:42] – [Solution] tallpaul184_notes:examples:week10_force_on_charge [2017/10/29 21:54] – [Solution] tallpaul
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 Alternatively, we could use the whole vectors and the angle between them. We find that we obtain the same result for the cross product. One would need to use the [[184_notes:rhr|Right Hand Rule]] to find that the direction of the cross product is $+\hat{z}$. The magnitude is given by Alternatively, we could use the whole vectors and the angle between them. We find that we obtain the same result for the cross product. One would need to use the [[184_notes:rhr|Right Hand Rule]] to find that the direction of the cross product is $+\hat{z}$. The magnitude is given by
 +$$\left|\vec{v} \times \vec{B} \right|= \left|\vec{v}\right| \left|\vec{B} \right| \sin\theta = (10 \text{ m/s})(4\cdot 10^{-4} \text{ T}) \sin 90^{\text{o}} = 4\cdot 10^{-3} \text{ T} \cdot \text{m/s}$$
 +We get the same answer with both methods. Now, for the force calculation:
 +$$\vec{F} = q \vec{v} \times \vec{B} = 1.5 \text{ mC } \cdot 4\cdot 10^{-3} \text{ T} \cdot \text{m/s } \hat{z} = 6 \mu\text{N}$$
 +Notice that the $\sin 90^{\text{o}}$ term evaluates to $1$. This is the maximum value it can be, and we get this value because the velocity and the B-field were exactly perpendicular. Any other orientation would have yielded a weaker magnetic force. In fact, in the second case, when the velocity is parallel
  • 184_notes/examples/week10_force_on_charge.txt
  • Last modified: 2017/11/02 13:32
  • by dmcpadden