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184_notes:examples:week12_changing_shape [2017/11/10 02:46] – [Flux Through a Changing, Rotating Shape] tallpaul184_notes:examples:week12_changing_shape [2017/11/10 03:42] – [Flux Through a Changing, Rotating Shape] tallpaul
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   * We represent the steps with the following visual:   * We represent the steps with the following visual:
-{{ 184_notes:12_steps_for_loop.png?400 |Steps}}+{{ 184_notes:12_steps_for_loop.png?1000 |Steps}}
 ====Solution==== ====Solution====
-Since the magnetic field has a uniform direction, and the area of the loop is flat (meaning $\text{d}\vec{A}$ does not change direction either), then we can simplify the dot product: +Since the magnetic field has a uniform direction, and the area of the loop is flat (meaning $\text{d}\vec{A}$ does not change direction if we move along the area), then we can simplify the dot product: 
-$$\vec{B} \bullet \text{d}\vec{A} = B\text{d}A\cos\theta$$+$$\int \vec{B} \bullet \text{d}\vec{A} = \int B\text{d}A\cos\theta$$
 Since $B$ and $\theta$ do not change for different little pieces ($\text{d}A$) of the area, we can pull them outside the integral: Since $B$ and $\theta$ do not change for different little pieces ($\text{d}A$) of the area, we can pull them outside the integral:
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 $$\int B\text{d}A\cos\theta =B\cos\theta \int \text{d}A = BA\cos\theta$$ $$\int B\text{d}A\cos\theta =B\cos\theta \int \text{d}A = BA\cos\theta$$
-Area for a square is just $A = L^2$and $\theta$ is different for each loop:+It will be easier to concern ourselves with this valuerather than try to describe the integral calculation each time. At the beginning of the motion, the loop is just a circle. Its area vector and the magnetic field are aligned (parallel), so it has some nonzero magnetic flux.
-\[ +**Step 1:** As soon as we begin to stretch out our circle, we can imagine that its area begins to decrease, much like when you pinch a strawWe don't change its orientation with respect to the magnetic field, but since its area decreases, we expect that the flux through the loop will also decrease.
-  \Phi_B = \begin{cases} +
-             BL^2\cos 0 = 1.5 \cdot 10^{-4} \text{ Tm}^2 & \text{Loop 1} \\ +
-             BL^2\cos 90^\text{o} = 0 & \text{Loop 2} \\ +
-             BL^2\cos 42^\text{o} = 1.1  \cdot 10^{-4} \text{ Tm}^2 & \text{Loop 3} +
-           \end{cases} +
-Notice that we could've given answers for Loops 1 and 2 pretty quicklysince they are parallel and perpendicular to the magnetic field, respectivelywhich both simplify the flux calculation greatly.+**Step 2:** As we rotate the stretched loop, notice that the area vector and magnetic field remain perfectly aligned ($\theta$ does not change). Further, the area itself is not changing. Since the magnetic field is also constant, we don't expect the flux the change at all during this rotation. It remains the same! 
 +**Step 3:** As we rotate the stretched loop againwe are rotating it in such a way that the area vector also rotates. In fact, the area vector becomes less and less aligned with the magnetic field, which indicates that $\cos \theta$ will be decreasing during this motion. This causes us to expect that the magnetic flux through the loop will decrease during this rotation. Alternatively, based on the perspective shown in the representation, one can imagine that the magnetic field "sees" less and less of the loopindicating that the flux is decreasing. 
 +If the loop were to continue rotating in the last stepeventually we would have zero magnetic flux, and as it rotates back around the other way, we could imagine that the flux would then be defined as "negative", since $\cos \theta$ would become negative -- as long as we don't flip the direction of the area-vector.
  • 184_notes/examples/week12_changing_shape.txt
  • Last modified: 2018/08/09 18:08
  • by curdemma