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184_notes:examples:week2_electric_potential_positive_point [2018/01/24 16:49] tallpaul184_notes:examples:week2_electric_potential_positive_point [2018/01/24 17:42] tallpaul
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 ===== Electric Potential from a Positively Charged Balloon ===== ===== Electric Potential from a Positively Charged Balloon =====
-Suppose we have a positively charged balloon with total charge $Q=5\cdot 10^{-9} \text{ C}$. What is the electric potential (also called voltage) at a point $P$, which is a distance $R=50 \text{ cm}$ from the center of the balloon?+Suppose we have a positively charged balloon with total charge $Q=5.0\cdot 10^{-9} \text{ C}$. What is the electric potential (also called voltage) at a point $P$, which is a distance $R=50 \text{ cm}$ from the center of the balloon?
 ===Facts=== ===Facts===
-  * The balloon has total charge $Q=5\cdot 10^{-9} \text{ C}$.+  * The balloon has total charge $Q=5.0\cdot 10^{-9} \text{ C}$.
   * The point $P$ is a distance $R=50 \text{ cm}$ away from the center of the balloon.   * The point $P$ is a distance $R=50 \text{ cm}$ away from the center of the balloon.
   * The electric potential due to a point charge can be written as $$V = \frac{1}{4\pi\epsilon_0}\frac{q}{r},$$ where $q$ represents the charge and $r$ is the distance.   * The electric potential due to a point charge can be written as $$V = \frac{1}{4\pi\epsilon_0}\frac{q}{r},$$ where $q$ represents the charge and $r$ is the distance.
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 ===Goal=== ===Goal===
   * Find the electric potential at $P$.   * Find the electric potential at $P$.
-===Approximations & Assumptions=== 
-  * The balloon's electric field outside the balloon acts like a point charge centered at the center of mass of the balloon. 
-  * The electric potential infinitely far away from the balloon is $0 \text{ V}$. Read [[184_notes:superposition#Superposition_of_Electric_Potential|here]] for why this is important. 
 ====Solution==== ====Solution====
 +=== Approximation ===
 +We approximate the balloon as a point charge. We do this because we have the tools to find the electric potential from a point charge. This seems like a reasonable approximation because the balloon is not too spread out, and we are interested in points outside the balloon. so the balloon might "look" like a point charge from the perspective of an observation location that is little far away.
 +=== Assumption ===
 +The electric potential infinitely far away from the balloon is $0 \text{ V}$. Read [184_notes:superposition#Superposition_of_Electric_Potential|here]] for why this is important.
 The electric potential at $P$ is given by The electric potential at $P$ is given by
  • 184_notes/examples/week2_electric_potential_positive_point.txt
  • Last modified: 2018/05/17 16:48
  • by curdemma