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184_notes:examples:week6_node_rule [2017/09/27 13:58] – [Solution] tallpaul184_notes:examples:week6_node_rule [2018/02/03 22:33] – [Solution] tallpaul
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 =====Example: Application of Node Rule===== =====Example: Application of Node Rule=====
-Suppose you have the circuit below. Nodes are labeled for simplicity of discussion. you are given a few values: $I_1=8 \text{ A}$, $I_2=3 \text{ A}$, and $I_3=4 \text{ A}$. Determine all other currents in the circuit, using the [[184_notes:current#Current_in_Different_Parts_of_the_Wire|Current Node Rule]]. Draw the direction of the current as well. +Suppose you have the circuit below. You are given a few values: $I_1=8 \text{ A}$, $I_2=3 \text{ A}$, and $I_3=4 \text{ A}$. Determine all other currents in the circuit, using the [[184_notes:current#Current_in_Different_Parts_of_the_Wire|Current Node Rule]]. Draw the direction of the current as well. 
- +{{ 184_notes:6_nodeless.png?300 |Circuit}}
-{{ 184_notes:6_nodes.png?300 |Circuit with Nodes}}+
 ===Facts=== ===Facts===
   * $I_1=8 \text{ A}$, $I_2=3 \text{ A}$, and $I_3=4 \text{ A}$.   * $I_1=8 \text{ A}$, $I_2=3 \text{ A}$, and $I_3=4 \text{ A}$.
   * $I_1$, $I_2$, and $I_3$ are directed as pictured.   * $I_1$, $I_2$, and $I_3$ are directed as pictured.
 +  * The Node Rule is $I_{in}=I_{out}$, for any point along the current.
-===Lacking=== +===Goal=== 
-  * All other currents (including their directions). +  * Find all the currents in the circuit and their directions.
- +
-===Approximations & Assumptions=== +
-  * The current is not changing. +
-  * All current in the circuit arises from other currents in the circuit.+
 ===Representations=== ===Representations===
-  * We represent the situation with diagram given. +For simplicity of discussion, we label the nodes in an updated representation: 
-  * We represent the Node Rule as $I_{in}=I_{out}$.+{{ 184_notes:6_nodes.png?300 |Circuit with Nodes}}
 ====Solution==== ====Solution====
 +Okay, there is a lot going on with all these nodes. Let's make a plan to organize our approach.
 +=== Plan ===
 +Take the nodes one at a time. Here's the plan in steps:
 +  * Look at all the known currents attached to a node.
 +  * Assign variables to the unknown currents attached to a node.
 +  * Set up an equation using the Node Rule. If not sure about whether a current is going in or coming out of the node, guess.
 +  * Solve for the unknown currents.
 +  * If any of them are negative, then we guessed wrong two steps ago. We can just flip the sign now.
 +  * Repeat the above steps for all the nodes.
 Let's start with node $A$. Incoming current is $I_1$, and outgoing current is $I_2$. How do we decide if $I_{A\rightarrow B}$ is incoming or outgoing? We need to bring it back to the Node Rule: $I_{in}=I_{out}$. Since $I_1=8 \text{ A}$ and $I_2=3 \text{ A}$, we need $I_{A\rightarrow B}$ to be outgoing to balance. To satisfy the Node Rule, we set Let's start with node $A$. Incoming current is $I_1$, and outgoing current is $I_2$. How do we decide if $I_{A\rightarrow B}$ is incoming or outgoing? We need to bring it back to the Node Rule: $I_{in}=I_{out}$. Since $I_1=8 \text{ A}$ and $I_2=3 \text{ A}$, we need $I_{A\rightarrow B}$ to be outgoing to balance. To satisfy the Node Rule, we set
 $$I_{A\rightarrow B} = I_{out}-I_2 = I_{in}-I_2 = I_1-I_2 = 5 \text{ A}$$ $$I_{A\rightarrow B} = I_{out}-I_2 = I_{in}-I_2 = I_1-I_2 = 5 \text{ A}$$
 +We do a similar analysis for node $B$. Incoming current is $I_{A\rightarrow B}$, and outgoing current is $I_3$. Since $I_{A\rightarrow B}=5 \text{ A}$ and $I_3=4 \text{ A}$, we need $I_{B\rightarrow D}$ to be outgoing to balance. To satisfy the Node Rule, we set
 +$$I_{B\rightarrow D} = I_{out}-I_3 = I_{in}-I_3 = I_{A\rightarrow B}-I_3 = 1 \text{ A}$$
 +For node $C$, incoming current is $I_2$ and $I_3$. There is no outgoing current defined yet! $I_{C\rightarrow D}$ must be outgoing to balance. To satisfy the Node Rule, we set
 +$$I_{C\rightarrow D} = I_{out} = I_{in} = I_2+I_3 = 7 \text{ A}$$
 +Lastly, we look at node $D$. Incoming current is $I_{B\rightarrow D}$ and $I_{C\rightarrow D}$. Since there is no outgoing current defined yet, $I_{D\rightarrow battery}$ must be outgoing to balance. To satisfy the Node Rule, we set
 +$$I_{D\rightarrow battery} = I_{out} = I_{in} = I_{B\rightarrow D}+I_{B\rightarrow D} = 8 \text{ A}$$
 +Notice that $I_{D\rightarrow battery}=I_1$. This will always be the case for currents going in and out of the battery (approximating a few things that are usually safe to approximate, such as a steady current). In fact, we could have treated the battery as another node in this example. Notice also that if you incorrectly reason about the direction of a current (incoming or outgoing), the calculation will give a negative number for the current. The Node Rule is self-correcting. A final diagram with directions is shown below.
 +{{ 184_notes:6_nodes_with_arrows.png?300 |Circuit with Nodes}}
  • 184_notes/examples/week6_node_rule.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/06/08 00:51
  • by schram45