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184_notes:examples:week7_wire_dimensions [2017/10/04 13:51] – [Solution] tallpaul184_notes:examples:week7_wire_dimensions [2017/10/09 15:11] dmcpadden
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 ===Approximations & Assumptions=== ===Approximations & Assumptions===
-  * The circuit is in a steady state.+  * The circuit is in a steady state - which means the current should be the same in all three sections.
   * Approximating the battery as a mechanical battery.   * Approximating the battery as a mechanical battery.
   * The wire has a circular cross-section.   * The wire has a circular cross-section.
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 The power dissipated through the segment is just $$P_1=I_1 \Delta V_1 = 5 \text{ W}$$ The power dissipated through the segment is just $$P_1=I_1 \Delta V_1 = 5 \text{ W}$$
-Now, for segment 2. We can use [[184_notes:r_energy#Conservation_of_Charge_in_Circuits|what we know]] about charge in steady state circuits to determine the electric field: $$E_2=\frac{A_1}{A_2}E_1 = \frac{\pi d_1^2}{\pi d_2^2}E_1=9E_1=4.5\text{ V/m}$$+Now, for segment 2. We can use [[184_notes:r_energy#Conservation_of_Charge_in_Circuits|what we know]] about charge in steady state circuits to determine the electric field (notice we divide diameter by 2 in order to get the radius of the circular cross-section): $$E_2=\frac{A_1}{A_2}E_1 = \frac{\pi (d_1/2)^2}{\pi (d_2/2)^2}E_1=9E_1=4.5\text{ V/m}$$ 
 +A simple application of the [[184_notes:current#Current_in_Different_Parts_of_the_Wire|Current Node Rule]] tells us that $I_2=I_1$. The voltage is easily found from the constant electric field: $\Delta V_2=E_2 L_2 = 9 \text{ V}$. The power dissipated through the segment is then $$P_2=I_2 \Delta V_2 = 45 \text{ W}$$ 
 +For segment 3, we can reason based on the thicknesses of the segments that $E_3=E_1$. This yields $$E_3 = 0.5 \text{ V/m}$$ 
 +We can use the same reasoning as before to say that $I_3=I_2=I_1$. We can also use the same equation to find voltage: $\Delta V_3=E_3 L_3 = 2 \text{ V}$. The power is calculated as before. $$P_3=I_3 \Delta V_3 = 10 \text{ W}$$ 
 +Notice that we could have also used [[184_notes:r_energy#Energy_around_the_Circuit|Kirchoff's Loop Rule]] to find the voltage of different segments. For now, it will serve as a nice check on our math. If we travel along the direction of conventional current (counterclockwise in our representation), voltage decreases, so $\Delta V_1$, $\Delta V_2$, $\Delta V_3<0$, whereas we have $\Delta V_{battery}>0$. These four potential differences form a loop, so by Kirchoff's Loop Rule they should add to 0: 
 +$$\Delta V_{battery}+\Delta V_1+\Delta V_2+\Delta V_3 = 12 \text{ V} - 1 \text{ V} - 9 \text{ V} - 2 \text{ V} = 0$$ 
 +Sometimes we will not have as much information as we did here, and using the Loop Rule will be required. For now, it serves as a nice check.
  • 184_notes/examples/week7_wire_dimensions.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/06/14 23:40
  • by schram45