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184_notes:ind_graphs [2022/11/26 15:14] valen176184_notes:ind_graphs [2022/12/05 16:08] valen176
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 ===== Induction Graphs ===== ===== Induction Graphs =====
-In these notes, we will examine a few examples of changing magnetic fluxes and associated induced voltages. +In these notes, we will examine a few examples of changing magnetic fluxes and associated induced voltages. Recall from the previous notes that these are related by **Faraday's Law** which says: 
 +$$V_{ind} = -\frac{d\Phi_b}{dt}$$ 
 +This is saying that the induced current is the **negative slope** of the magnetic flux
 First let's consider when $\Phi_B$ rises and falls linearly with the same magnitude of slope: First let's consider when $\Phi_B$ rises and falls linearly with the same magnitude of slope:
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 [{{184_notes:examples:ind_graph3.png?800|  }}] [{{184_notes:examples:ind_graph3.png?800|  }}]
-$\Phi_B(t)$ looks like a quadratic centered about t = 2. We can see that while $\Phi_B(t)$ is decreasing ($0<t<2$), $V_{ind} is positive, and while $\Phi_B(t)$ is increasing ($2<t<8$), $V_{ind} is negative. +$\Phi_B(t)$ looks like a quadratic centered about t = 2. We can see that while $\Phi_B(t)$ is decreasing ($0<t<2$), $V_{ind}is positive, and while $\Phi_B(t)$ is increasing ($2<t<8$), $V_{ind}is negative.  
 +Specifically, in this case we have: 
 +$$\Phi_B(t) = (t-2)^2$$ 
 +Taking a first derivative with respect to time yields: 
 +$$\frac{d \Phi_B}{dt} = 2(t-2)$$ 
 +Multiplying by $-1$ to find $V_{ind}$ gives: 
 +$$V_{ind} = -2(t-2)$$
  • 184_notes/ind_graphs.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/12/07 14:43
  • by valen176