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184_notes:q_in_wires [2018/09/19 18:12] dmcpadden184_notes:q_in_wires [2021/02/23 20:22] – [Hypothesis 1 - Electric field comes from the battery alone] bartonmo
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 Sections 17.1, 17.5, and 18.1-18.5 in Matter and Interactions (4th edition) Sections 17.1, 17.5, and 18.1-18.5 in Matter and Interactions (4th edition)
-[[184_notes:defining_current|Next Page: Defining Current]]+/*[[184_notes:defining_current|Next Page: Defining Current]]
-[[184_notes:batteries|Previous Page: Batteries]]+[[184_notes:batteries|Previous Page: Batteries]]*/
 ===== Surface Charges around a Circuit ===== ===== Surface Charges around a Circuit =====
 We have already talked about how to model a battery as a separation of charges. However, if we connect the two ends of the battery with a conducting wire, what happens to the charge distribution in the wire? Using [[184_notes:batteries|the mechanical model of battery]] and [[184_notes:charge_and_matter|what we know about conductors]], these notes will discuss how charges interact in the wire and how that impacts the electron current. We have already talked about how to model a battery as a separation of charges. However, if we connect the two ends of the battery with a conducting wire, what happens to the charge distribution in the wire? Using [[184_notes:batteries|the mechanical model of battery]] and [[184_notes:charge_and_matter|what we know about conductors]], these notes will discuss how charges interact in the wire and how that impacts the electron current.
-{{youtube>Sxntc0SVkUQ?large}}+{{youtube>Sxntc0SVkUQ?medium }}
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 We will start with the simplest circuit possible: a battery connected by a conducting wire (shown to the right). If we //__assume the battery is a mechanical battery__//, then we should have a constant amount of charge on each of the plates (one side of the battery being the positive plate and one side being the negative plate). Much like the example before, we would expect the electrons to flow from the negative plate through the wire to the positive end of the plate (with the only difference being that the chemical "conveyer belt" would now move the electrons from the positive plate back to the negative plate to start the cycle over again).  We will start with the simplest circuit possible: a battery connected by a conducting wire (shown to the right). If we //__assume the battery is a mechanical battery__//, then we should have a constant amount of charge on each of the plates (one side of the battery being the positive plate and one side being the negative plate). Much like the example before, we would expect the electrons to flow from the negative plate through the wire to the positive end of the plate (with the only difference being that the chemical "conveyer belt" would now move the electrons from the positive plate back to the negative plate to start the cycle over again). 
-If the electrons are moving, there has to be some sort of force that is making those charges move. From what we talked about before, we know we can write this force on the electron in terms of the electron charge and the electric field it is in:+If the electrons are moving, there has to be some sort of force that is making those charges move. [[184_notes:pc_force|From what we talked about before]], we know we can write this force on the electron in terms of the electron charge and the electric field it is in:
 $$\vec{F}_{e^-}=q_{e^-}\vec{E}$$  $$\vec{F}_{e^-}=q_{e^-}\vec{E}$$ 
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 [{{  184_notes:microcircuit.png?350|Hypothesis 1 - Simple circuit: shows the electric field at 3 points in the wire from ONLY the mechanical battery}}] [{{  184_notes:microcircuit.png?350|Hypothesis 1 - Simple circuit: shows the electric field at 3 points in the wire from ONLY the mechanical battery}}]
-=== Hypothesis 1 - Electric field comes from the battery alone ===+==== Hypothesis 1 - Electric field comes from the battery alone ====
 If this were true, the electric field at Point 1 in the wire would point to left given that it is near the positive plate. Likewise, the electric field at Point 2 would also point to the left, given that it is near the negative plate. At Point 3, we would expect the electric field to be point to the right because it is between the positive and negative plates, though it would be smaller because it is further away from the plates.  If this were true, the electric field at Point 1 in the wire would point to left given that it is near the positive plate. Likewise, the electric field at Point 2 would also point to the left, given that it is near the negative plate. At Point 3, we would expect the electric field to be point to the right because it is between the positive and negative plates, though it would be smaller because it is further away from the plates. 
-However this is problematic for a few of reasons: +**However this is problematic for a few of reasons:** 
   - If the electric field is smaller in some parts of the wire than others, this would mean that the electrons move faster in parts of the wire (where the electric field is bigger - close to the battery) and slower in other parts of the wire (where the electric field is smaller - in the middle of the wire). We can measure the electron current at each part of the wire in such a circuit and show that this is not in fact true. //The electron current close to the battery is exactly the same as the electron current in the middle of the wire//.     - If the electric field is smaller in some parts of the wire than others, this would mean that the electrons move faster in parts of the wire (where the electric field is bigger - close to the battery) and slower in other parts of the wire (where the electric field is smaller - in the middle of the wire). We can measure the electron current at each part of the wire in such a circuit and show that this is not in fact true. //The electron current close to the battery is exactly the same as the electron current in the middle of the wire//.  
   - The electric field from the battery plates would always point either left or right (away the positive plate and towards the negative plate); thus, this electric field could never push the electrons down or up the vertical parts of the wires, let alone explain how the electrons are able to bend around the corner of the wire.   - The electric field from the battery plates would always point either left or right (away the positive plate and towards the negative plate); thus, this electric field could never push the electrons down or up the vertical parts of the wires, let alone explain how the electrons are able to bend around the corner of the wire.
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 This tells us that while the battery certainly contributes to the electric field in the wire, **there must be something else that is adding to the electric field in the wire**.  This tells us that while the battery certainly contributes to the electric field in the wire, **there must be something else that is adding to the electric field in the wire**. 
-=== Hypothesis 2 - There are stationary charges on the surface of the wires ===+==== Hypothesis 2 - There are stationary charges on the surface of the wires ====
 [{{  184_notes:circuitefield.png?300|Hypothesis 2 - Simple circuit: shows the electric field in the wire from the charges on the surface of the wire}}] [{{  184_notes:circuitefield.png?300|Hypothesis 2 - Simple circuit: shows the electric field in the wire from the charges on the surface of the wire}}]
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-=== Electric field in the wire follows the surface charge gradient ===+==== Electric field in the wire follows the surface charge gradient ====
 The electric field around the circuit then follows the charge gradient, pointing from more positive areas of the wire to less positive areas (or from less negative areas to more negative areas). Ultimately, this means that the **electric field follows the wire pointing from the positive end of the battery to the negative**. Remember that because electrons are negative charges, [[184_notes:pc_force|they will move in the direction opposite of the electric field]]. In a circuit then, the electrons that are driven by the mechanical battery follow the wire opposite to the electric field that is set up by the surface charges.  The electric field around the circuit then follows the charge gradient, pointing from more positive areas of the wire to less positive areas (or from less negative areas to more negative areas). Ultimately, this means that the **electric field follows the wire pointing from the positive end of the battery to the negative**. Remember that because electrons are negative charges, [[184_notes:pc_force|they will move in the direction opposite of the electric field]]. In a circuit then, the electrons that are driven by the mechanical battery follow the wire opposite to the electric field that is set up by the surface charges. 
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   - If the force that pushes the electrons comes from the surface of the wires, then the proximity to the battery doesn't matter - there will still be a constant electric field in the wire to move the electrons.   - If the force that pushes the electrons comes from the surface of the wires, then the proximity to the battery doesn't matter - there will still be a constant electric field in the wire to move the electrons.
-Thus, surface charges as the model for how charges move through wires is far more consistent with the observations we have in real circuits in everyday life. If you have a very large battery (also called a high voltage power supply) it is actually possible to observe the surface charges on a wire. Here's a video demonstrating it.+Thus, surface charges as the model for how charges move through wires is far more consistent with the observations we have in real circuits in everyday life. If you have a very large battery (also called a high voltage power supply) it is actually possible to observe the surface charges on a wire. 
 + {{ youtube>U7RLg-691eQ?medium}} 
 +In this video, you can see the mechanical effects of surface charge when a piece of foil is held by the positive end, negative end, and neutral center of the wire. On the ends of the wire, the foil is initially attracted, polarized, and then repelled. Since the surface charge at the center of the wire is 0 nothing happens to the foil. A metal pen can also be used to see what kind of charge the foil has picked up based on if it is attracted to or repelled by the pen.
-{{ youtube>U7RLg-691eQ?medium }} 
 ==== Examples ==== ==== Examples ====
 [[:184_notes:examples:Week6_charges_circuit|Charge Distribution on the Bends of a Circuit]] [[:184_notes:examples:Week6_charges_circuit|Charge Distribution on the Bends of a Circuit]]
  • 184_notes/q_in_wires.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/06/08 00:38
  • by schram45