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184_projects:particle_accel_24 [2024/01/09 16:39] – [Wrap Up Questions] dmcpadden184_projects:particle_accel_24 [2024/02/05 22:06] tdeyoung
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 ==== Kick Off Questions ==== ==== Kick Off Questions ====
 +  - Read through the main problem & given code for Part 1. What does it mean for a vector (like Electric Field) to be "constant"? Can you draw a constant electric field? 
 +  - What would you expect the electric field to look like for an observation point at the center of the ring? What about a ring of observation points aligned with the ring (z=0) but with a radius inside the ring of charge? What about a ring of observation points with some z value away from the ring of charge? Draw these out on the whiteboard. 
 +  - Comment the Part 1 code line-by-line and make sure everyone understands what each line is doing.
 ==== Main Problem ==== ==== Main Problem ====
-S.P.A.R.T.A.N force, still trapped in the town of Lakeviewhas been sent as part of a larger governmental team to work on developing a micro-particle accelerator on the outskirts of townWhy does a town the size of Lakeview need a micro-particle accelerator? You are not at liberty to say. Your team is tasked with modeling the initial part of the accelerator, which uses a constant electric field to accelerate the charges. The concept is that the particles will enter a tube that is encapsulated by rings of charge. Your team needs to demonstrate that this concept will produce a __constant__ electric field.+With the Super-Mega-Storm-Cloud-Meter 9000<sup>TM</sup> taking data, you head back to Lakeview for some well-deserved rest.  In town, you find Manny and Jo arguing about animals they say they've seen near town - Manny is waving hairs that he caught on his tape traps and insisting they're some kind of big cat, but Jo insists they are just wild boars that live in the forest.  Before you hear anything more, your boss calls you to a secret S.P.A.R.T.A.N research lab on the edge of town called FTOEthe Facility for Transformative Observations of Electromagnetism. 
 +When you get there, you find that it contains miniature particle accelerator.  Your boss says that it produces exotic charged particles called hawkions, which may be able to disrupt the storms besetting Lakeview.  But the accelerator malfunctioned immediately after it was first turned on and with all the storms around Lakeview, the FTOE engineers haven't been able to figure out what's wrong. 
 +Your team is tasked with modeling the first stage of the accelerator, which uses a constant electric field to accelerate the charges.  The concept is that the particles will enter a tube that is encapsulated by rings of charge. Your team needs to demonstrate that this concept will produce a __constant__ electric field.
 === Part 1: === === Part 1: ===
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   - What is a surface charge gradient?   - What is a surface charge gradient?
   - Why does this set up count as an "accelerator"? What would you need to change to make the accelerator stronger?   - Why does this set up count as an "accelerator"? What would you need to change to make the accelerator stronger?
 +  - What questions do you have going into the first exam?
  • 184_projects/particle_accel_24.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/02/07 13:46
  • by dmcpadden