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184_tutors [2021/01/19 16:58] – [Matt Schram (He/Him)] dmcpadden184_tutors [2024/01/10 21:38] – [Noah Sanders (He/Him)] dmcpadden
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 ===== LA Teaching Staff ===== ===== LA Teaching Staff =====
-==== Yash Anandakumar (They/Them) ==== 
-{{course_planning:yash.jpg?200}}+==== Alexis Arndt (She/Her) ==== 
-**Major**: +**Section**: 4
-Computer Science+
-**Future plans**: +**Major**: Astrophysics
-Graduating is my future plan+
-**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: +**Future plans**: Im not planning on going to grad school but I might change my mind, who knows! I would really like job in datanothing specific. I also want to travel so hopefully my job will include that, and if not, Ill likely take a gap year and travel Europe
-Itgroup effort, so dont be afraid to ask questions. Communication is key for this class and anything else in life!+
-**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Don’t be scared to work in groupsit helps so much to get input from others on all of the different approaches to each problemRead the feedback and adjust accordinglyThe feedback is there to help you succeed and we just want the best for you
-Ask questions during class, come to the help room, Piazzaand taking your own notes on the materialCOMMUNICATE!!!+
-**Fun fact about me:** +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** I highly recommend going to help room, and utilizing all of the other help options (piazzaasking ULAsand even talking to your group)
-I’m the oldest of two kidsI’m a 4th year college studentmy pronouns are He/They/Them.+
-**Help room hours:** Fridays 3 pm - 4 pm+**Fun fact about me:** I have three part time jobs, one of which is observing at the MSU observatory! I work through MORP, a research program where I observe transiting exoplanets from sundown to sunrise.
 +**Email**: arndtale@msu.edu
-==== Abner Barbosa Jnr (He/Him) ==== 
-{{course_planning:image-2.jpeg?200}}+==== Truman Bauer (He/Him) ==== 
-**Major**: +**Section**: 3
-Mechanical Engineering+
-**Future plans**: +**Major**: Biosystems Engineering
-Work on R&D at some company, preferably on something clean energy related. +
-**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: +**Future plans**: I actually don'knowI've been looking for internship opportunities anywhere I can but I'm not too sure on my future career.
-Do the homework, read the notes, donbe scared to ask questions+
-**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Don't stress about the problems too much. The problems can seem really scary and complicated but I promise if you take it step by step with your group you can do anything in this class.
-Come to help room, and don’t be ashamed to ask the same question multiple times.+
-**Fun fact about me** +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** Reread the notes and come to help room. The notes and equations are a huge resource and help room is amazing for clearing up anything that may still be confusing.
-I was born and raised in the Amazon +
-**Help room hours:** Thursdays 11 am - 12 pm+**Fun fact about me:** Eminem used to live in the neighborhood across from mine
-==== Matt Hertel (He/Him) ==== +**Help room hours:** Mondays 10 - 11 am
-**Major**: Mathematics+**Email**: bauertru@msu.edu
 +==== Dominic Bednar (He/Him) ====
-**Future plans**: Attend graduate school to study Education and Mathematics +**Section**: 4
- +
-**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Come to class prepared to engage with your classmates and don't be afraid to share what's on your mind (questions, concerns, insights, jokes (appropriately), etc.)+**Major**: Mechanical Engineering
 +**Future plans**: Graduate and see where is takes me, maybe grad school or a cool job.
-**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** If you are struggling in class, try communicating with your groupmates and/or a tutor by letting them know what topics or ideas you are having trouble with and asking for assistance whenever needed+**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: My biggest pieces of advice would be to make sure to do the notes before hand and to be open to new perspectives within your group.
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** QUESTIONS!! Help room is extremely helpful because of the one-on-one help where you can work through your problems!
-**Fun fact about me**I have two pet rats named Isabella and Zoey that you may see from time to time in class.+**Fun fact about me:** I have two little dachshunds named Rocco and Diesel.
 +**Help room hours:** Mondays 5-6 pm
-**Help room hours:** N/A+**Email**: bednardo@msu.edu
-==== Matt Schram (He/Him) ==== 
-{{184_notes:mattschram3.png?200}}+==== Aesen (Ace) Copeland (He/Him) ==== 
 +**Major**: Astrophysics 
 +**Future plans**: I’m honestly not sure! I plan on getting my PhD, and my dream is to start my own business that leads in space innovation and exploration. 
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Have an open mind. Those who haven’t experienced a flipped classroom environment yet may not enjoy or understand its usefulness until they adjust to it. I promise it’s worth it! 
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** Go to help room! Use Piazza! Ask questions! The EM/P-cubed staff are at your disposal, and here to help whenever it’s needed. 
 +**Fun fact about me:** I’ve been singing since the 4th grade, and I am the current director of the MSU Grand Canonical Ensemble (Physics Choir). Contact me if you’re interested in joining! 
 +**Email**: copel116@msu.edu 
 +==== Jordan Dashner (She/Her) ==== 
 +**Major**: Biosystems Engineering 
 +**Future plans**: Attend med school or a PhD program 
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**:  Get comfortable with your groups and make connections outside of just physics. 
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** Go to your group first, that’s why they’re there! Ask for clarification or an explanation. Beyond that, help room is a great time to get assistance and discussion boards are helpful too. 
 +**Fun fact about me:** I’m licensed to operate a forklift. 
 +**Email**: dashner1@msu.edu 
 +==== Faith Dawson (She/Her) ==== 
 +**Major**: Computer Science 
 +**Future plans**: Make enough money to have an absurd number of pets and plants! 
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Don't be afraid to be wrong! It's better to facilitate discussions in your group than for everyone to sit there stumped.  
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** You can always ask your group mates and the teaching staff in class, there is a reason the class is structured the way it is. Secondly, go to help room!!! It's a super valuable resource that can help with homework or conceptual questions.  
 +**Fun fact about me:** I love to draw and paint, especially things from nature like plants and animals! 
 +**Help room hours:** Tuesdays 5-6 pm 
 +**Email**: dawsonfa@msu.edu 
 +==== Dhiti Doddamreddy (She/Her) ==== 
 +**Major**: Astrophysics 
 +**Future plans**: Would love to work for NASA or be a part of a research team for further space exploration. 
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Go into the class with an open mind. It might seem like a lot at first but it gets easier if you are on top of the work!  
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** Help room is your best friend. There is nothing that helped me more than help room please utilize it! 
 +**Fun fact about me:** I have lived in 8 different places 
 +**Help room hours:** Mondays 11-12 pm 
 +**Email**: doddamre@msu.edu 
 +==== Amie Donner (She/Her) ==== 
 +**Major**: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 
 +**Future plans**: Grad school! I am currently interviewing for PhD programs in Pharmacology and Biomedical sciences. 
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Don't be afraid to ask questions. The ULAs are here to help, and we probably had the same questions when we first took the class. 
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** Come to helproom! It's a great place to ask questions about the homework, or even things you struggled with during class. 
 +**Fun fact about me:** I am currently doing research on photosynthetic bacteria! 
 +**Help room hours:** Mondays 6-7 pm 
 +**Email**: donnera2@msu.edu 
 +==== Max Doty (He/Him) ==== 
 +**Major**: Mechanical Engineering 
 +**Future plans**: Something in automotive testing and manufacturing. 
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Get to meet your group mates, don't be afraid of failure and stay on top of your work! 
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** Watch the videos/read the readings more in depth, visit office hours, ask questions and collaborate with your group mates. 
 +**Fun fact about me:** I had to get a haircut from my soccer team...was stuck with a mullet and finger tips for a year.  
 +**Help room hours:** Tuesdays 6-7 pm 
 +**Email**: dotymax1@msu.edu 
 +==== Amanda Jeffers (She/Her) ==== 
 +**Major**: Mechanical Engineering 
 +**Future plans**: To work in the biomedical field, designing medical devices. 
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**:  Come to class prepared and make sure to talk with your group. 
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** Come to help room and ask lots of questions!! 
 +**Fun fact about me:** I love reading! 
 +**Help room hours:** Mondays 1-2 pm 
 +**Email**: jeffe122@msu.edu 
 +==== Emily Minton (She/Her) ==== 
 +**Major**: Chemical Engineering 
 +**Future plans**: To work with chemicals, either to reduce waste or to create new solutions 
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Read the notes before class, attempt every single homework question, and don't be afraid to ask for help! 
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** Go to help room. It doesn't matter if you have homework questions or you are studying for the exam - help room will help you with any and all of it!  
 +**Fun fact about me:** I have a lizard named Dan. 
 +**Help room hours:** Piazza Discussion Board Manager - Thursdays & Fridays 
 +**Email**: mintonem@msu.edu 
 +==== Apar Mohabansi (He/Him) ==== 
 +**Major**: Computer Science, Minor in Business 
 +**Future plans**: To work in AI and create solutions to problems all over the world. 
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Do the readings and make friends with your teammates! It will make the class much more enjoyable and you never know where a connection can take you. 
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** Don't hesitate to reach out to the TAs or ULAs if you have any questions. We are always happy to help! 
 +**Fun fact about me:** I love playing tennis with my friends and family on my off time! 
 +**Help room hours:** Piazza Discussion Board Manager - Saturdays & Sundays 
 +**Email**: mohabans@msu.edu 
 +==== Krizma Nagi (She/Her) ==== 
 +**Major**: Computational Data Science 
 +**Future plans**: Graduate and move out to Cali for grad school, or a fun job in fintech 
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: : Make sure you are taking the time to read the notes and attempt the examples yourself before you come to class. Knowing the content before coming to class is going to be super helpful. 
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** Ask questions!! The content can be hard and confusing so the more you are willing to ask questions, the better it will be for you, plus we are here to help you so take advantage of it.  
 +**Fun fact about me:** I can speak 5 languages fluently and am learning a sixth. 
 +**Help room hours:** Tuesdays 7-8 pm 
 +**Email**: nagikriz@msu.edu 
 +==== Mate Narh () ==== 
 +**Section**: 3
 **Major**:  **Major**: 
-Mechanical Engineering 
-**Future plans**: +**Future plans**: 
-Grad School, then a job in aviation/defense/or renewable energy. +
-**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: 
-Come to class prepared! Take the best notes possible before coming to class. This will benefit you greatly in a group setting while reassuring your own understanding.+
-**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** 
-Don't be afraid to talk to your LA's or professors to seek help, ask questions. We are here to support your learning, and will do what we can to ensure your success.+
-**Fun fact about me:** +**Fun fact about me:** 
-I've broken both my arms at the same time.+
-**Help room hours:** Thursdays 12 pm - 1 pm+**Help room hours:** Mondays 12-1 pm
 +**Email**: narhmate@msu.edu
-==== Mike Senecal (He/Him) ====+==== Grace Park (She/Her) ==== 
 +**Major**: Computer Science
-**Major**: Electrical Engineer+**Future plans**: Graduate and hopefully get into dental school
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Be open-minded and ready to learn! Get to know your groupmates.
-**Future plans**:  Graduate and get an engineering job with a company I enjoy +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** Take good notes (re-watch the videos if still confused), come to help room, and ask your groupmates. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, we are here to guide you through!
- +
-**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Doing the homework before class makes completing the problems in class much easier. Don’t be afraid to ask as many questions as possible and it never hurts to lean into your group members for help, it’s group effort!!+**Fun fact about me:** I fell from scooter and broke my front two teeth. 
 +**Help room hours:** Mondays 2-3 pm
-**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** Ask the LA for help or go to help rooms. This class has many road blocks and asking questions is the best way to break them down+**Email**: parkeu24@msu.edu
 +==== Ben Proctor (He/Him) ====
-**Fun fact about me** I built the security system at my High School.+**Section**: 3
 +**Major**: Math
-**Help room hours:** Tuesdays 11 am - 12 pm+**Future plans**: Do a lot of math. Hopefully enough to get a PhD.
-==== Julie Walczak (She/Her) ====+**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Come to class prepared and make friends with your groupmates!
-{{184_notes:juliewalczak2.png?200}}+**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** Come to the help room often! All of us LAs are on your side and want you to succeed. 
 +**Fun fact about me:** I have a Mexican Street Dog named Delso.
-**Major**+**Help room hours:** Thursdays 6-7 pm
-Applied Engineering — Concentration in Supply Chain Management+
 +**Email**: procto86@msu.edu
-**Future plans**: + 
-Graduating this spring and obtaining full-time job +==== Elena Ristoski (She/Her) ==== 
 +**Major**: Electrical Engineering  
 +**Future plans**: Work on projects that have a strong focus on sustainability. I would also love to work globally. 
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Challenge yourself by stepping into different roles and don’t fear being wrong. Doing notes before class and being engaged during class is the best way to learn.  
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** Try switching to active learning methods! There’s a lot of resources online but some of my favorite methods in summary: teaching the content to someone or an imaginary person, practice problems, after class write down any important processes/ideas from memory right away and then fill in knowledge gaps with your notes. Also come to help room for anything you need help with! 
 +**Fun fact about me:** I am half Macedonian half Serbian. 
 +**Help room hours:** Mondays 9-10 am 
 +**Email**: ristosk2@msu.edu 
 +==== Noah Sanders (He/Him) ==== 
 +**Major**: Computer Engineering 
 +**Future plans**: Work in embedded systems or software development. Autonomous vehicles or smart devices seem like interesting applications. 
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Come to each class prepared by reading the notes or coming in with questions on the material. Also, don’t be afraid to share your ideas or to let others share theirs. 
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** There are a lot of modes of resources we throw at you to learn the material in this class. Find what works best for you. Help Room and Piazza are great resources. 
 +**Fun fact about me:** As side project for interns this summer at my place of employment, we built a go-cart from scratch to race other teams. 
 +**Help room hours:** Piazza Discussion Board Manager - Tuesdays 
 +**Email**: sande501@msu.edu 
 +==== Bora Uner () ==== 
 +**Future plans**: 
 **Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**:  **Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: 
-Come to class with an open mindset! This style is incredibly beneficial (and fun), but it can be intimidating at first. Come to class prepared, build trust within your group, ask questions, and communicate. Don’t let yourself get bogged down by focusing on the “correct final answer”, focus on the process and the understanding. 
-**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** 
-Reach out for help and be transparent. We have all been in your shoes and we are here to see/help you succeed! Use your resources as well. Everyone in your group brings something different to the table, use that to the benefit of the group! +
-**Fun fact about me**  +**Fun fact about me:** 
-I’m on the MSU Figure Skating Team and I’m currently on e-board as social chair! Bad timing to be in charge of social events :/+
 **Help room hours:**  **Help room hours:** 
-Thursdays 10 - 11 am+ 
 +**Email**: unerbora@msu.edu 
 ===== Graduate Student Teaching Staff ===== ===== Graduate Student Teaching Staff =====
-==== Alyssa Waterson (She/Her) ==== +==== Theo Bott (He/Him) ==== 
 +**Sections**: 3 & 4
 **Research Area**: Physics Education Research **Research Area**: Physics Education Research
 +**Description of research in that area**: I am currently researching the ways in which computational thinking manifests in introductory physics classrooms, and how we can guide curricular design to promote computational thinking engagement.
-**Description of research in that area**: Quantitative, data manipulation, coding, and statistical tests applied to large datasets that pertain to student learning or student experiences in physics.+**What excites you about physics**: I find that learning physics is very exciting; the notion of understanding the ways in which the universe operates is quite fascinating. I grow more intrigued as I learn about new phenomena, and I feel as though I have truly found my passion.
-**What excites you about physics**: physics is where you learn about how every facet of the world workswith math that can be simplified and approximate! You don't need math to understand it, though, since physics is just as much observations as it is the math behind them.+**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Stay ahead of schedule by reviewing ideas before classbecause it will make class time feel much more productive
-**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**the EMP-Cubed experience is one you may never encounter again, so take moment to reflect on how you //want// to experience it. The course only exists with your presenceso the more you interact and engage/encourage others to engage with youthe more you'll learn how to work with others and how to craft your own physics knowledge. The most important thingin my opinionis that you try and have fun with itPhysics may not be the most 'fun' thing in the world, but they way that you learn it can be!+**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** I’d recommend reaching out to an LA who could point you in the right direction of where valuable resource might be for your unique situationincluding online noteshomework problemsexam prep folders, help roomdiscussion board, etc
-**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** I recommend reaching out in 3 stages: to your group mates, to your tutor, and then to the professor. The in-class time is meant to be a discussion between you and your group, so when you come in, there are 3 to 4 immediate sources of help. When you are stuck or feeling like you're falling behind, speak up and ask what's going on or for a summary! Your tutor can help in that when they walk by, you can ask them questions or even approach them during help room hours for a recap of the day's work. The professors are there for more fundamental or more serious group questions/issues, though don't hesitate to talk to any of your tutors about these either. We're here to help!+**Fun fact about me**play piano and have a big cat named Solomon who is the ruler of our apartment
-**Fun fact about me**: I sing along to anything and everything if I know it. This makes me very annoying in car rides.+**Help room hours**: 
 +**Email**: botttheo@msu.edu
-**Help room hours**: Tuesday Piazza Managersome hours during exam weeks.+ 
 +==== Gabe Grauvogel () ==== 
 +**Major**: PhD in physics  
 +**Future plans**: Becoming a professor and or making a career out of nuclear physics research 
 +**Advice on how to approach P-Cubed:**  Write things out and organize your thoughts and information in a way that flows for you. If you haven't tried it muchtry writing things in variable form and see the broader relationships between the things present in the expression! If you don't know if an answer makes sense, compare it to something you do know and see if the units work out. Order of magnitude estimates and unit checks are your friend! 
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?**: Go to office hours or the help room! Either are great options that will save you a lot of head racking all while being a great way to establish connections with your peers and physics faculty. Finding help does not make you a lesser student, but rather shows that you know how to use your time efficiently and utilize the resources available to you to learn. Be patient with yourself. Physics can be hard, and it took hundreds of years for humans to collectively figure this stuff out. You are learning it in a few months. 
 +**Fun fact about me**: I have lived in 8 states! 
 +**Email**: graybird@msu.edu
 ===== Professors ===== ===== Professors =====
 +==== Ty DeYoung (He/Him) ====
 +**Section**: 5
 +**Degrees**: B.A. in Physics, Ph.D. in Physics with research area in high energy astrophysics
 +**Research/Interest Area**: Particle astrophysics
 +**Description of research in that area**:  My research focuses on ultra-relativistic particles coming from deep space, especially neutrinos, both attempting to understand where and how they are produced and to use them to study their fundamental properties.  Most of my work is related to two projects: the [[https://icecube.wisc.edu|IceCube Neutrino Observatory]] and the [[https://www.pacific-neutrino.org/p-one|Pacific Ocean Neutrino Experiment (P-ONE)]] off Vancouver Island.  Several undergrads work in my research group -- if you're interested, let me know!
 +**What excites you about physics**:  Physics is both a great way to learn about cool aspects of the world around us, and also a toolkit that's useful for thinking about a very broad range of problems: breaking them down into models, applying quantitative reasoning or computation to understand what the models predict, and using graphs and data to evaluate evidence.
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**:  EMP-Cubed asks you to go beyond little self-contained "crossword-puzzle physics" problems and learn how to think about and model bigger, more open-ended problems.  The point is not to memorize equations, but to be able to apply them to whatever crazy new situation you're given.  Be sure to prepare before class so that you can apply the new principles to the problems we'll work on.  There won't always be a single right answer, and the hardest part is usually figuring out a reasonable model to apply.
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?**  Don't be reluctant to ask for help, and don't convince yourself that everything's OK because you understand things once someone explains them to you.  Physics takes practice, and the LAs, TAs, and faculty are here to be your coaches and help you learn.
 +**Fun fact about me:**  I've been to the South Pole three times.
 +**Help room hours:** , or by appointment
 +**Email**: tdeyoung@msu.edu
 ==== Daryl McPadden (She/Her) ==== ==== Daryl McPadden (She/Her) ====
 {{course_planning:darylmcpadden.jpg?200}} {{course_planning:darylmcpadden.jpg?200}}
 +**Section**: 3 & 4
 +**Degrees**: B.S. in Engineering Physics; M.S. in Physics; Ph.D. in Physics, research area in Physics Education Research
 **Research/Interest Area**: **Research/Interest Area**:
Line 167: Line 458:
 **Description of research in that area**: **Description of research in that area**:
-My research has focused on the development and evaluation of active learning (non-lecture) physics classes, particularly introductory mechanics and E&M. I am particularly interested in studying the scientific skills that students are developing and how learning environments influence those skills.+My research has focused on the development and evaluation of active learning (non-lecture) physics classes, particularly introductory mechanics and E&M. Most recently, my research has focused particularly on two areas: 1) how we can make active learning classes more accessible and 2) how students develop scientific practices in physics courses, including computational thinking skills.
 **What excites you about physics**: **What excites you about physics**:
-I love the explanatory power of physics and that physics can explain what happens in every day life - like how metal detectors work or how power is generated or how the power grid is set up.+I love the explanatory power of physics and that physics can explain what happens in every day life - like how metal detectors work or how power is generated or how the electric grid is set up.
 **Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: **Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**:
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 **What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** **What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?**
-Remember that you have a lot of resources in this class. In addition to help room, you have your instructors in class, you have your group mates, there's piazza, and the notes. Don't be afraid of not knowing something - it is always worth it to ask questions or say something if you don't get an idea/concept! +Remember that you have a lot of resources in this class. In addition to help room, you have your instructors in class, you have your group mates, there's piazza discussion boards, and the notes. Don't be afraid of not knowing something - it is always worth it to ask questions or say something if you don't get an idea/concept! 
 **Fun fact about me:** **Fun fact about me:**
-During quarantine, I've learned to make croissants from scratch! Turns out it is 3-day recipe.+I love to cook and bake. Most recently, I've learned to make panna cotta from scratch (I've decided it's basically just fancy pudding) and variety of homemade sausages. I'm also learning how to make lots of different breads as an ongoing project.
 +**Help room hours:** 
 +**Email**: mcpadden@msu.edu
 +==== Richard Hallstein (He/Him) ====
 +**Section**: 4 & 5
 +**Degrees**: BS degrees in Mechanical Engineering and Physics; MS in Physics Education
 +**Research/Interest Area**: Teaching Physics
 +**What excites you about physics**: That physics helps me to understand the universe and the world around me.  I love learning new things about how physics applies to other areas of interest, particularly from the students in my classes about their areas of interest.
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Read the lecture notes and watch the linked videos to prepare you to complete the pre-class homework.  Instead of trying to rush through an in-class problem, your focus should be on the process you follow as you work through them.   How you work through and connect the concepts is more important than your group finishing the problem.   After the first class meeting of each week, get started on the post-class homework – don’t wait until the last minute.  While there is an individual-only component to the class (our exams), most of it is group-focused in the case of our in-class problems and projects; or homework where you can collaborate with your fellow students and course staff on your personalized assignments.    Use the lecture notes and pre-class homework to prepare you for our in-class problems; the in-class problems help to prepare you for group projects, the post-class homework, and the individual exams; the post-course homework helps to solidify your understanding of the week’s work and better prepare you for the individual exams. 
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** Take advantage of all of the resources available to you.  In addition to the course notes and videos, you have the help room, D2L discussion boards, your group mates, and your fellow students from other groups available to you.   If you find yourself grappling with a concept, don’t delay seeking help through these resources.    Questions you bring to the help room or the D2L discussion can go beyond the current homework.   Use these forums to ask about any concepts from the class, the in-class problems, the lecture notes, or any previous homework assignments you wish to review.
-**Help room hours:** Mondays 1 - 2 pm+**Fun fact about me:** I like to bike, cook and taking my dog Reo on long walks (or does he walk me?).   Each of the past couple of summers, I rode my mountain bike for 100 miles in a day and hope to do this again this August.
 +**Help room hours:** Tuesdays 3 - 4 pm
 +**Email**: hallstei@msu.edu
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 **Help room hours:** Mondays 9 - 11 am **Help room hours:** Mondays 9 - 11 am
 +==== Abner Barbosa Jnr (He/Him) ====
 +Mechanical Engineering
 +**Future plans**:
 +Work on R&D at some company, preferably on something clean energy related. 
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**:
 +Do the homework, read the notes, don’t be scared to ask questions! 
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?**
 +Come to help room, and don’t be ashamed to ask the same question multiple times.
 +**Fun fact about me**
 +I was born and raised in the Amazon 
 +**Help room hours:** Thursdays 11 am - 12 pm
 +==== Matt Hertel (He/Him) ====
 +**Major**: Mathematics
 +**Future plans**: Attend graduate school to study Education and Mathematics
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Come to class prepared to engage with your classmates and don't be afraid to share what's on your mind (questions, concerns, insights, jokes (appropriately), etc.)
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** If you are struggling in class, try communicating with your groupmates and/or a tutor by letting them know what topics or ideas you are having trouble with and asking for assistance whenever needed. 
 +**Fun fact about me**: I have two pet rats named Isabella and Zoey that you may see from time to time in class.
 +**Help room hours:** N/A
 +==== Mike Senecal (He/Him) ====
 +**Major**: Electrical Engineer
 +**Future plans**:  Graduate and get an engineering job with a company I enjoy
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Doing the homework before class makes completing the problems in class much easier. Don’t be afraid to ask as many questions as possible and it never hurts to lean into your group members for help, it’s a group effort!!
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** Ask the LA for help or go to help rooms. This class has many road blocks and asking questions is the best way to break them down. 
 +**Fun fact about me** I built the security system at my High School.
 +**Help room hours:** Mondays 9 - 11 am, Thursdays 1 - 2 pm, Fridays 12 - 2 pm
 +==== Julie Walczak (She/Her) ====
 +Applied Engineering — Concentration in Supply Chain Management
 +**Future plans**:
 +Graduating this spring and obtaining a full-time job 
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: 
 +Come to class with an open mindset! This style is incredibly beneficial (and fun), but it can be intimidating at first. Come to class prepared, build trust within your group, ask questions, and communicate. Don’t let yourself get bogged down by focusing on the “correct final answer”, focus on the process and the understanding.
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?**
 +Reach out for help and be transparent. We have all been in your shoes and we are here to see/help you succeed! Use your resources as well. Everyone in your group brings something different to the table, use that to the benefit of the group! 
 +**Fun fact about me** 
 +I’m on the MSU Figure Skating Team and I’m currently on e-board as social chair! Bad timing to be in charge of social events :/
 +**Help room hours:** 
 +Thursdays 10 - 11 am
 +==== Alyssa Waterson (She/Her) ====
 +**Research Area**: Physics Education Research
 +**Description of research in that area**: Quantitative, data manipulation, coding, and statistical tests applied to large datasets that pertain to student learning or student experiences in physics.
 +**What excites you about physics**: physics is where you learn about how every facet of the world works, with math that can be simplified and approximate! You don't need math to understand it, though, since physics is just as much observations as it is the math behind them.
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: the EMP-Cubed experience is one you may never encounter again, so take a moment to reflect on how you //want// to experience it. The course only exists with your presence, so the more you interact and engage/encourage others to engage with you, the more you'll learn how to work with others and how to craft your own physics knowledge. The most important thing, in my opinion, is that you try and have fun with it. Physics may not be the most 'fun' thing in the world, but they way that you learn it can be!
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** I recommend reaching out in 3 stages: to your group mates, to your tutor, and then to the professor. The in-class time is meant to be a discussion between you and your group, so when you come in, there are 3 to 4 immediate sources of help. When you are stuck or feeling like you're falling behind, speak up and ask what's going on or for a summary! Your tutor can help in that when they walk by, you can ask them questions or even approach them during help room hours for a recap of the day's work. The professors are there for more fundamental or more serious group questions/issues, though don't hesitate to talk to any of your tutors about these either. We're here to help!
 +**Fun fact about me**: I sing along to anything and everything if I know it. This makes me very annoying in car rides.
 +**Help room hours**: Mondays 11 am - 12 pm, Fridays 11 am - 12 pm
 +==== Yash Anandakumar (They/Them) ====
 +**Section**: 004
 +Computer Science
 +**Future plans**:
 +Graduating is my future plan
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**:
 +It’s a group effort, so don’t be afraid to ask questions. Communication is key for this class and anything else in life!
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?**
 +Ask questions during class, come to the help room, Piazza, and taking your own notes on the material. COMMUNICATE!!!
 +**Fun fact about me:**
 +I’m the oldest of two kids, I’m a 4th year college student, my pronouns are They/Them.
 +**Help room hours:** D2L Discussion Manager - Sundays
 +**Email**: anandaku@msu.edu
 +==== Sai Ramesh (He/Him) ====
 +**Section**: help room & grader for both sections
 +**Major**: Computational Data Science
 +**Future plans**: Master’s degree in Computer Science, then a career in Machine Learning Engineering.
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: The in class group projects may be an unfamiliar teaching style, but that’s where the deep understanding really kicks in. So stay as engaged as possible during class; ask as many questions as you need!
 +**Fun fact about me:** I have lived in four states- CA, CO, TX, and now MI!
 +**Help room hours:** Fridays 2:30 - 4:30 pm & Tuesdays 3 - 5 pm (In person - BPS 1248)
 +**Email**: rameshs5@msu.edu
 +==== Matt Schram (He/Him) ====
 +**Section**: 004
 +Mechanical Engineering
 +**Future plans**:
 +Grad School, then a job in aviation/defense/or renewable energy. 
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**:
 +Come to class prepared! Take the best notes possible before coming to class. This will benefit you greatly in a group setting while reassuring your own understanding.
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?**
 +Don't be afraid to talk to your LA's or professors to seek help, ask questions. We are here to support your learning, and will do what we can to ensure your success.
 +**Fun fact about me:**
 +I've broken both my arms at the same time.
 +**Help room hours:** Tuesdays 9 - 10 am (Zoom)
 +**Email**: schram45@msu.edu
 +==== Tahira Ali (She/Her) ====
 +**Section**: 3
 +**Major**: Neuroscience
 +**Future plans**: Pursue research in brain related fields
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Be prepared for class and don’t hesitate to ask questions. It’s meant to be a group effort so communication is the key. 
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** There are so many resources available to help you out. You can come to help room (in person or online through zoom meeting) or drop your questions in d2l discussion board. Reach out to your instructor. 
 +Remember that we are here to support  you and we will do anything we can to help you succeed. If you don’t know or you are not sure, it’s always best to ask questions. 
 +**Fun fact about me:** I am the oldest of 6 siblings. This summer I started to learn new language (write and read Arabic). I can now read and write and hardly make some sample sentences.
 +**Help room hours:** Mondays 10 - 11 am
 +**Email**: alitahir@msu.edu
 +==== Jacob Grobbel (He/Him) ====
 +**Section**: 4
 +**Major**: Materials science and engineering with a biomedical concentration
 +**Future plans**: To work in R&D for a biomedical company
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Read the notes and the feedback EVERY WEEK! That’s the best way to learn and improve in this class especially since it’s based on group work.
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** Ask for help from your LA, your group members, the instructors or really anyone else in the class. It’s designed to be a collaborative experience so the best way to improve is by communicating with other people. A good way to do that is by attending the help room hours or using the discussion boards on D2L.
 +**Fun fact about me:** I spent all of last year working for Johnson & Johnson in their front end research and development metallurgy lab and I loved every minute of it! If anyone is interested in biomedical materials I will talk your ear off about what I did there!
 +**Help room hours:** D2L Discussion Board Manager - Mondays
 +**Email**: grobbe19@msu.edu
 +==== Tanner Herald (He/They) ====
 +**Section**: 4
 +**Major**: Civil Engineering
 +**Future plans**: Graduate, get a job, then have a little house that I can redecorate all the time.
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**:  Say what’s on your mind and think out loud. Communication is so, so important for success in this class.
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** Once again, say what’s on your mind and think out loud! Your instructor and LAs are here to help you, so do not be afraid to speak up in or out of class and ask for help. Help room hours and discussion boards are also available every week, and we want you to use them!
 +**Fun fact about me:** I have a Japanese minor, and I’ve studied abroad in Japan twice!
 +**Help room hours:** Mondays 6 - 7 pm
 +**Email**: heraldta@msu.edu
 +==== Matt Roberts (He/Him) ====
 +**Section**: 5
 +**Major**: Data Science
 +**Future plans**: Graduate from MSU. Past that, no idea… we’ll see!
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Maybe you don’t understand everything coming to class...that’s okay! Just ask questions and participate and you’ll get there.
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** Take advantage of every resource this class offers. Most importantly ask questions. Lots of them.
 +**Fun fact about me:** I love backpacking. Been backpacking in New Mexico, northern Minnesota, pictured rocks, and even around metro Detroit! 
 +**Help room hours:** Mondays 9 - 10 am
 +**Email**: robe1157@msu.edu
 +==== Tyler Stump (He/Him) ====
 +**Section**: 3
 +**Major**: Premedical Program & Biosystems Engineering
 +**Future plans**: Pursuing a PhD/MD in Surgical Innovation with the intersection of Genetic Engineering and Surgery
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Talk! Talk about why you are confused, talk about what you understand , talk about what you are struggling with - this is a community-based learning for a reason so use that community to learn. 
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** Help Room! It sounds obvious, but devote time to understanding what you do not understand so that you can connect the big picture items.
 +**Fun fact about me:** I am the Vice President for the Spartan Marching Band and do research with the Physics Education Research Lab. 
 +**Help room hours:** Fridays 2 - 3 pm (Zoom)
 +**Email**: stumptyl@msu.edu
 +==== Nathan Woods (He/Him) ====
 +**Section**: 5
 +**Major**: Computer Science
 +**Future plans**: Complete a Master’s degree in CS at MSU, work as an algorithm engineer in the automotive industry.
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Be friendly with your groupmates and tutors, the community is a big part of this class.
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** Come to help room and ask questions :D
 +**Fun fact about me:** I’ve worked as a software engineering intern for Amazon in Seattle. Feel free to send an email if you have questions about them as an employer.
 +**Help room hours:** Fridays 12 - 1 pm
 +**Email**: woodsna1@msu.edu
 +==== Yannis Trimis (He/Him) ====
 +**Section**: 4
 +**Research Area**: Quantum Chromodynamics
 +**Description of research in that area**: It is the theory that we have in order to describe one of the fundamental interactions in nature: the strong interaction. It is the interaction that binds quarks and makes protons and neutrons, but also the interaction that binds protons and neutrons and makes atomic nuclei.
 +**What excites you about physics**: Telescopes and observatories.
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Try to interpret the formulas. That is, try to interpret each of the variables and other mathematical symbols (signs, vector notations etc.) in a formula and by combining everything try to explain in a sentence what the formula is saying.
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** Ask as many questions as you want and remember that we are here for you.
 +**Fun fact about me**: In high school I seriously considered studying history.
 +**Help room hours**: Tuesdays 9 - 10 am & 12 - 1 pm
 +**Email**: trimisio@msu.edu
 +==== Neha Challa (She/Her) ====
 +**Section**: 4
 +**Major**: Computer Science
 +**Future plans**: I want to pursue an MBA and hopefully start my own company in the future
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: my advice would be to be ready to be challenged as this course will pull you outside of your comfort zone but in the best way possible
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** ASK, reach out! We’re all here to help you succeed so don’t be afraid to ask questions and share any concerns you have. There are also tons of resources available for you so don’t be afraid to ask us questions or let us know if you are feeling uncertain about any concepts!
 +**Fun fact about me:** My first car accident ever was crashing into a tree in my neighborhood :D
 +**Help room hours:** Piazza Discussion Board Manager - Saturdays
 +**Email**: challane@msu.edu
 +==== Kat Hummer (She/Her) ====
 +**Section**: 5
 +**Major**: Chemical Engineering
 +**Future plans**: Right now, I just want to graduate. In the future I want to do something with water science but I’m not sure what yet.
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Always do the readings before class and look over any notes you might have taken or even just quick look over the readings before class. Always be prepared!
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** Go to help room and use Piazza! We want to help you as much as possible!
 +**Fun fact about me:** I’ve been riding horses for over 16 years and have gotten to compete in equestrian competitions around the country.
 +**Help room hours:** Thursdays 3 - 4 pm (Zoom)
 +**Email**: hummerka@msu.edu
 +==== Jeff Williams (He/Him) ====
 +**Section**: 3
 +**Major**: Math (Secondary Ed Focus)
 +**Future plans**: Hopefully I'll be moving back to Wyoming to teach High School Math and coach High School Football!
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Ask questions and do not be afraid of being wrong!
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** Use the resources provided to you! We have help room hours, CoRe tutoring, the slack discussion board, etc.
 +**Fun fact about me:** I guided white water rafting this past summer, and ended up swimming a few rapids (see picture).
 +**Help room hours:** Thursdays 5-6 pm (in person)
 +**Email**: will3567@msu.edu
 +==== Paul Gueye () ====
 +**Section**: 5
 +**Research/Interest Area**:
 +**Description of research in that area**:
 +**What excites you about physics**:
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**:
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?**
 +**Fun fact about me:**
 +**Help room hours:** Mondays 10 - 11 am (zoom), or by appointment
 +**Email**: gueyepau@msu.edu
 +==== Sam Kwiatkowski-Martin (He/Him) ====
 +**Section**: 3
 +**Major**: Computer Science
 +**Future plans**: To become a Cyberspace Operator for the Air Force
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: If you get to know your groupmates, come prepared to class, and put in effort everyday, you will do outstanding in this course.
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** If you're feeling overwhelmed, try and find something that relaxes you like going for a walk or reading a book. If you are struggling on physics content specifically, come to the help room! It'll help immensely.
 +**Fun fact about me:** I met a CowFish this past year. See my picture for more details.
 +**Help room hours:** Mondays 7 - 8 pm (in person)
 +**Email**: kwiatk67@msu.edu
 +==== Bilal Pargan (He/Him) ====
 +**Section**: 4
 +**Major**: Computer Science
 +**Future plans**: My plans as of now are just to graduate
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Some good advice would be to always be able to contact your group mates and prepare well before the class.
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** If you’re struggling in the course attend help rooms and don’t be afraid to ask questions to the teaching team, as well as your group mates.
 +**Fun fact about me:** I was born in Bosnia and moved to Lansing when I was a kid.
 +**Help room hours:** Sundays 7 - 8 pm (zoom)
 +**Email**: parganbi@msu.edu
 +==== Olivia Pauls (She/Her) ====
 +**Section**: 3 & 4 as needed
 +**Major**: Civil Engineering 
 +**Future plans**: I’m leaning towards structural engineering, focusing on concrete bridges. I’m honestly not sure what I want to do, though. 
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Don’t be afraid to be wrong, get comfortable asking questions, and become friends with your group mates 
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** help room!! 
 +**Fun fact about me:** I’ve never been trick or treating. 
 +**Help room hour:** Tuesdays 10 - 11 am (in person)
 +**Email**: paulsoli@msu.edu
 +==== Danielle Seppala (She/Her) ====
 +**Section**: 3
 +**Major**: Physics
 +**Future plans**: Get into grad school for nuclear physics and eventually work in a nuclear physics lab  
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Don’t be afraid to ask questions and have fun
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** Take a step back look over the problem and your work so far, talk back through everything you have written, and don’t be afraid to ask questions that’s why we are here 
 +**Fun fact about me:** I was in the Navy for 8 years as an electrician and I am Mom to 4 kids and 2 cats 
 +**Help room hours:** Mondays 1 - 2 pm (in person)
 +**Email**: seppalad@msu.edu
 +==== Caleb Story (He/Him) ====
 +**Section**: 4
 +**Major**: Computer Science
 +**Future plans**: Use my degree to get some job, not sure what yet.
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Get to know the people in your groups and start the homework early so you have time to ask questions.
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** Post on the d2l discussion boards and attend help-rooms. I would also step away from the problem for a while just to calm yourself for another go at the problem
 +**Fun fact about me:** I play trombone in the Spartan Marching Band
 +**Help room hours:** Fridays 4 - 5 pm (in person) 
 +**Email**: storycal@msu.edu
 +==== Alia Valentine (She/Her) ====
 +**Section:** 3
 +**Major**: Physics
 +**Future plans**: Go to grad school to get a doctorate in physics, then teach and do research at a university.
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Have an open mind! The format of this class can be unfamiliar, but it is ultimately an enriching experience.
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** Ask questions and use the resources at your disposal! And know that it's okay to take a breath during class.
 +**Fun fact about me:** I play guitar and bass and love to write music.
 +**Email**: valen176@msu.edu
 +==== John Byrd (He/Him) ====
 +**Section**: 3 (& 4)
 +**Research Area**: Physics Education Research
 +**Description of research in that area**: My research focuses on students' self-efficacy, their belief in their ability to succeed, and what parts of a physics course give rise to opportunities for self-efficacy growth. I have research experience in neural engineering and tend to focus on more complex statistical analysis methods.
 +**What excites you about physics**:  I love that physics is so fundamental. It can be used to describe almost everything. I feel like understanding physics gives you a broader perspective on the world.
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Ask any and all questions. You're probably not the only person in your group who is confused. Start work early so that you have time to really think about the concepts.
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?**  Reach out for help as soon as you feel you're struggling. The sooner you ask for help the more time we have to work through things. If you don't feel comfortable asking in person an email to the LA's/myself is a great way to start.
 +**Fun fact about me**: I am an avid movie collector and somewhat of an expert on the Lord of the Rings. I took two college classes in undergrad on the subject!
 +**Help room hours**: Tuesdays 3 - 5 pm (in person), Tuesdays 6-7 pm (zoom), Discussion Board Manager - Tuesdays
 +**Email**: johnbyrd@msu.edu
 +==== Jonas Becker (He/Him) ====
 +**Section**: 3
 +**Research/Interest Area**:
 +**Description of research in that area**:
 +**What excites you about physics**:
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**:
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?**
 +**Fun fact about me:**
 +**Help room hours:** Mondays 10 - 11 am (in STEM), or by appointment
 +**Email**: becke183@msu.edu
 +==== Joe Dreon (He/Him) ====
 +**Section**: 5
 +**Major**: Mechanical Engineering
 +**Minor**: Computer Science 
 +**Future plans**: Graduate and get a job in the Aerospace Industry 
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Come to class prepared and be attentive in class while working on problems with your group 
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** I would recommend going to the help room and asking lots of questions
 +**Fun fact about me:** In my free time I like to go fishing and spend time outdoors. 
 +**Help room hours:** Mondays 6-7 pm
 +**Email**: dreonjos@msu.edu
 +==== Edie Haase (She/Her) ====
 +**Section**: 3
 +**Major**: Computer Science
 +**Future plans**: Work remotely and live out of a van.
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Come to class prepared and form connections with your groupmates. Don't stress!
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** Ask questions and come to help room!!
 +**Fun fact about me:** I worked in Yellowstone National Park this summer and I summited the middle Teton.
 +**Email**: haaseede@msu.edu
 +==== Krithika Mahesh (She/Her) ====
 +**Section**: 4
 +**Major**: Mechanical Engineering
 +**Future plans**: To design medical devices as a biomedical engineer
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Actively participate in group discussions and allow yourself time to struggle through homework problems before asking for help.
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** Read the notes carefully. Make sure you have attempted the homework problems. Go to help room to ask clarifying questions. Don’t talk down to yourself and don’t give up!
 +**Fun fact about me:** One of my hobbies is singing Indian classical music. 
 +**Help room hours:** Tuesdays 11 am - 12 pm (in person)
 +**Email**: maheshk1@msu.edu
 +==== Angela Wegrecki (She/Her) ====
 +**Section**: 5
 +**Major**: Mechanical Engineering
 +**Future plans**: Work in the automotive or aerospace field.
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Be open-minded, confident, and put in your best effort and you will succeed!
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** Use your resources! Go to the help room, complete your homework, and never be afraid to approach the ULAs, TAs, and professors. We are here to help!
 +**Fun fact about me:** Cooking is my favorite hobby, and sushi is my favorite food!
 +**Help room hours:** Mondays 4-5 pm
 +**Email**: wegreck1@msu.edu
 +==== Abbey Yager (She/Her) ====
 +**Section**: 5
 +**Major**: Mechanical Engineering
 +**Future plans**: To work in the Biomechanical field with prosthetics and other medical devices.
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Get to know your groupmates and be confident sharing all your ideas!
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** Take advantage of the various resources such as the help room and CoRe tutoring. Never hesitate about asking questions because we are all here to help!
 +**Fun fact about me:** I can build an IKEA dresser in under an hour.
 +**Help room hours:** Thursdays 2-3 pm (in person)
 +**Email**: yagerabi@msu.edu
 +==== Ian Neuhart (He/Him) ====
 +**Section**: 4
 +**Research Area**: Computational Condensed Matter Physics
 +**Description of research in that area**: I simulate quantum dot dynamics and optical effects in open quantum systems, focusing on quantum information transfer and nonlinear optical phenomena.
 +**What excites you about physics**:  I like to take things apart to see how they work. Physics is so ingrained into how everything operates and understanding the underlying processes is fascinating to me.
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Like everything, take it one day at a time. Nobody knows what they haven't learned before, but this class is the perfect opportunity to challenge yourself and understand everything.
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?**  Talk to someone, we are a community, and someone else has probably been in your place and can help. 
 +**Fun fact about me**: I'm SCUBA certified! And love to ski.
 +**Email**: neuharti@msu.edu
 */ */
  • 184_tutors.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/09/04 17:59
  • by dmcpadden