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course_planning:183_projects:f17_project_15 [2018/04/26 13:36] learyashcourse_planning:183_projects:f17_project_15 [2018/04/26 13:52] learyash
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-After news of the team’s involvement in the boar-tiger apocalypse conspiracy, a warrant has been put out for your arrest. Officers Richard “Big Rich” Hallstein and “Jolly Johannes” Pollanen -- notorious for helping cover up the boar-tiger crisis -- are put on the case. +After news of the team’s involvement in the boar-tiger apocalypse conspiracy, a warrant has been put out for your arrest. Officers Richard “Big Rich” Hallstein and “Jolly Johannes” Pollanen – notorious for helping cover up the boar-tiger crisis – are put on the case.
-In the abandoned garage your team is hiding out in, you discover a vehicle mysteriously labeled “Your GPA”. Unsure of what to make of the name, you decide to just move forward and use the car for your escape. The garage is blocked by a gate which is 7 m across, but luckily for you the vehicle is equipped with a cannon and cannon ball. In order to get the vehicle on the road, you must launch it out from the back of the garage with a spring (ks = 1.8 x 1011 N/m) and use the cannon ball to open the gate. With the police rapidly approaching your location, you determine the gate has a moment of inertia equal to 50 kg*m2 and can’t exceed an angular velocity greater than 10 rad/s. Additionally, in order to escape the police you need to be travelling a minimum of 30 m/s when you exit the garage. +In the abandoned garage your team is hiding out in, you discover a vehicle mysteriously labeled “Your GPA”. Unsure of what to make of the name, you decide to just move forward and use the car for your escape. The garage is blocked by a gate which is 7 m across, but luckily for you the vehicle is equipped with a cannon and cannon ball. In order to get the vehicle on the road, you must launch it out from the back of the garage with a spring (ks = 1.8 x 1011 N/m) and use the cannon ball to open the gate. With the police rapidly approaching your location, you determine the gate has a moment of inertia equal to 50 kg*m2 and can’t exceed an angular velocity greater than 10 rad/s. Additionally, in order to escape the police you need to be travelling a minimum of 30 m/s when you exit the garage.
 Can you and “Your GPA” escape the clutches of Big Rich and Jolly Johannes? Can you and “Your GPA” escape the clutches of Big Rich and Jolly Johannes?
  • course_planning/183_projects/f17_project_15.txt
  • Last modified: 2018/04/26 15:06
  • by hallstein