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course_planning:184_projects:f18_project_2 [2019/01/15 17:37] – [Project 2A: Building Stormchaser HQ] tallpaulcourse_planning:184_projects:f18_project_2 [2019/01/17 17:35] (current) tallpaul
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 ===== Project 2 ===== ===== Project 2 =====
 +==== Project 2A: Meanwhile Back At Stormchaser HQ====
 +The team back at headquarters has just received a call from the National Weather Service ( that they want you to take some additional data on this cloud. Apparently some of the properties of this cloud are particularly interesting, specifically due to the fact that the cloud is moving Northward, not typical of most clouds in this geographical region (see some [[|discussion of this here]] if you're interested). For the moment, the winds have died down and the cloud isn't moving.
 +The Super-Mega-Storm-Cloud-Meter 9000<sup>TM</sup>, standing 30 m tall, operates by collecting data from the cloud using a series of satellite dishes planted on the ground that monitor the cloud as it moves and develops/deteriorates, sort of like a fancy [[|digital multimeter]]. There is only one problem: the equipment you are going to use to collect said data is //extremely// sensitive, specifically to electric field interferences. In order to collect useful data, it must be properly calibrated to the source of interest. The field team has already set up the device below the cloud 250 m away from HQ.  In order to calibrate this instrument, a computer based model of the electric field of the cloud needs to be built and sent to the measuring device's main computer located with the field team. This alleviates any background "noise" in the data caused by satellite dishes, cell phones, camera equipment, power lines, transformers, interference with any residual charges in the ground, etc.Thankfully, your team has a template for building these computer models.
 +## Scene Setup
 +scene = display(width=1000, height = 1000)
 +## Parameters
 +ec = 1.6e-19
 +k = 9e9
 +## Objects
 +cloud = sphere(pos=vec(0,3500,0), color=color.white, radius=100)
 +ground = box(pos = vec(0,0,0), width=5000, length=5000, height=0.1, color=vec(1,0.7,0.2))
 +HQ = box(pos = vec(-250,100,0), width = 10, length=10, height=200,
 +detector = box(pos = vec(0,30,0), width = 5, length=5, height=3, color = color.white)
 +E = vec(0,0,0)
 +field = arrow(pos=detector.pos, axis = E, color = color.yellow)
 +Complete the computer model that will calibrate the Super-Mega-Storm-Cloud-Meter 9000<sup>TM</sup> to the cloud's electric field at the position of measurement. The Super-Mega-Storm-Cloud-Meter 9000<sup>TM</sup> will also need to be calibrated for a variety of electric field positions to the North and the South of its operation point once it has been properly programmed for its stationary position. This is to set a baseline for collecting data as the cloud begins moving.
 +== Notes on Coding ==
 +[[184_notes:using_python|Using Python]]
 +[[184_notes:glowscript|Getting Started with Glowscript]]
 +[[184_notes:python_syntax|Common Commands in Python]]
 +===Learning Goals:===
 +  * Become comfortable with reading code (where in the code are objects made, how do you make arrows/objects, where are calculations happening, etc.)
 +  * Connect the parts of the code to what you see when you hit the "Run" button
 +  * Recognize what you want to enter as a "known" (or parameter) in the code and what you want the program to calculate
 +  * Be able to explain how the code relates to the physics equations (from Week 1) and vice versa
 +==== Project 2B: Building Stormchaser HQ ====
 +You are part of a secret organization that sends task forces to investigate strange phenomenon. The name of your particular task force is S.P.A.R.T.A.N force. Your team has been sent to investigate an abnormal storm system that has encapsulated the town of Lakeview. You and your team are racing to be on the frontline to investigate this new system and as you speed toward Lakeview you receive a call from a group of scientists working at Stormchaser HQ. They explain that they have built their new base of operations (HQ) 2 km away from the mountains, which typically gather large clouds (on average, $m=1*10^9 kg$  and $q=-150 C$) to the west of the HQ. The Lakeview scientists have calibrated the equipment on top of HQ to deal with the electric potential from the large clouds, but they are concerned about an incoming storm system that is displaying abnormal qualities. As much as they would love to collect data on this storm, if the electric potential changes by more 20 MV due to the additional clouds, the equipment will be damaged. They have received reports that the storm system is heading toward HQ from the eastern plains (where the wind can last up to 20 minutes and exert a force of 36000 N) with a mass around $m=3*10^5 kg$  and a charge between $-50 C$ and $-60 C$. (For out-of-town-ers, they like to clarify that the eastern plains are roughly 500 km away.) They know that you need immediate data on the storm and would like a recommendation from your team on whether they can keep their equipment on top of HQ or if they should take it down for this storm.
 +===Learning Goals:===
 +  * Understand how electric force, electric energy, electric potential, and electric field relate to one another (and be able to calculate these quantities for a system of point charges)
 +  * Apply energy principles to a situation with charges (energy conservation, transfer of energy, system definitions, etc.)
 +  * Apply momentum/force principles to a situation with charges (momentum-force relationship, force-acceleration relationship, force diagrams, etc.)
 +  * Think about what might change when there are multiple sources of charge in the problem
  • course_planning/184_projects/f18_project_2.txt
  • Last modified: 2019/01/17 17:35
  • by tallpaul