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course_planning:184_projects:s18_project_5 [2018/02/06 17:29] – created dmcpaddencourse_planning:184_projects:s18_project_5 [2018/02/08 17:47] – [Project 5B: Maverick and JPL] pwirving
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 +==== Project 5B: Maverick and JPL ====
 +You are working for The Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) Division of NASA testing a new and highly experimental spacecraft capable of in atmosphere flight as well as outer orbit maneuvering. Lieutenant Pete "Maverick" Mitchell has been testing the new spacecraft now for a few weeks, and has had continuous issues with the warning light for power delivery failure to the stabilizers on the wings. 
 +{{  183_notes:6b_opencircuit.png}}
 +Maverick is convinced that the time between when the problem happens and when the warning light comes on is way too long, and this delay in relaying the warning to him could lead to a very problematic incident in the future. He does not want to loose another Goose. You have been given the task of explaining to Maverick why this could not be the case, and your boss, Clint Howard, has given you the following circuit diagram to try and aid you in your explanation to Maverick.  The circuit diagram at this time does not include the warning light.
 +Maverick likes numbers, so part of your explanation should also include a calculation of the amount of time it takes the light to come on when the length of the wire in the circuit between the stabilizer control module switch and the warning light in the cockpit is 5.2$m$ distance. He should also understand what the electric field looks like in this circuit, and why it means that his original presumptions about the warning light "taking too long" cannot be correct. You should also correct this circuit diagram to include the warning light so that your boss has a more accurate circuit diagram to show people.
 +<WRAP info>
 +=== Learning Goals ===
 +  * Explain what happens to the surface charges and electric field in a circuit when wires are initially connected.
 +  * Explain why current starts to flow almost instantaneously (or rather why a lightbulb turns on immediately after to flip the switch).
 +  * Explain why a lightbulb would not turn on if it were only connected to the positive end of the battery.
 +  * Explain the role of the battery in lighting up the lightbulb.
  • course_planning/184_projects/s18_project_5.txt
  • Last modified: 2018/02/08 17:48
  • by pwirving