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course_planning:course_notes:vpython [2014/06/25 15:38] – [Software for Projects] caballerocourse_planning:course_notes:vpython [2014/06/25 15:50] – [Software for Projects] caballero
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 ====== Software for Projects ====== ====== Software for Projects ======
-You will make use of {{|VPython}} and {{|PhysUtil}} to model the motion of different physical systems.+In class, you will make use of [[|VPython]] and [[|PhysUtil]] to model the motion of different physical systems. Both bits of software have extensive documentation. Listed below are some of the things that each bit of software can do.
 ===== VPython ===== ===== VPython =====
 +VPython is built from the Python programming language. It adds some features that were traditionally difficult to have Python do. With very little code, VPython can:
 +  * create visual objects in 3 dimensions,
 +  * animate the motion of objects, and
 +  * move the visualization around with mouse interactions
 +Extensive documentation on VPython is [[|available here]].
 ===== PhysUtil ===== ===== PhysUtil =====
 +PhysUtil is a module for VPython that makes it simpler to create highly visual simulations. With very little code, PhysUtil lets you:
 +  * generate motion maps
 +  * make timers
 +  * plot graphs, and
 +  * import CSV data
 +Extensive documentation on PhysUtil is [[|available here]].
  • course_planning/course_notes/vpython.txt
  • Last modified: 2014/06/25 15:54
  • by caballero