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183_notes:examples:positionpredict [2014/07/11 02:29] – [Setup] caballero183_notes:examples:positionpredict [2024/01/31 16:37] (current) – [Setup] caballero
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 ===== Example: Predicting the location of a object undergoing constant velocity motion ===== ===== Example: Predicting the location of a object undergoing constant velocity motion =====
-A cart is given a slight push along a near frictionless track (as shown in the video below). After the push, the cart is observed to move with a near constant velocity $\vec{v}_{cart} =\langle 1.2, 0, 0 \rangle \dfrac{m}{s}$. Determine its location after 3 seconds.+A cart is given a slight push along a near frictionless track (as shown in the video below). 
 +{{ youtube>sdjsaxLfevQ?large }}
 +After the push, the cart is observed to move with a near constant velocity $\vec{v}_{cart} =\langle 1.2, 0, 0 \rangle \dfrac{m}{s}$. Determine its location after 3 seconds.
 ==== Setup ==== ==== Setup ====
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   * The location of the cart can be predicted using the position update formula, $\vec{r}_f = \vec{r}_i + \vec{v}_{avg} \Delta t$   * The location of the cart can be predicted using the position update formula, $\vec{r}_f = \vec{r}_i + \vec{v}_{avg} \Delta t$
   * The motion of the cart is represented using the following motion diagram.   * The motion of the cart is represented using the following motion diagram.
- +{{url>https://glowscript.org/#/user/danny/folder/Shared/program/FanCarConstantVelocity 660px,420px|Simulation of Fan Cart moving with Constant Velocity}}
-<WRAP todo>Add motion map diagram</WRAP>+
 ==== Solution ==== ==== Solution ====
  • 183_notes/examples/positionpredict.1405045770.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2014/07/11 02:29
  • by caballero