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184_tutors [2024/01/10 21:37] – [Krizma Nagi (She/Her)] dmcpadden184_tutors [2024/09/04 17:59] (current) – [Aspen Tapley ()] dmcpadden
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 {{184_notes:alexis_arndt.jpg?300}} {{184_notes:alexis_arndt.jpg?300}}
-**Section**: 4+**Section**: 5
 **Major**: Astrophysics **Major**: Astrophysics
-**Future plans**: I’m not planning on going to grad school but I might change my mind, who knows! I would really like a job in data, nothing specific. I also want to travel so hopefully my job will include that, and if not, I’ll likely take a gap year and travel Europe+**Future plans**: Find a job (anything) that I enjoy and will allow me to travel! 
-**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Don’t be scared to work in groups, it helps so much to get input from others on all of the different approaches to each problem. Read the feedback and adjust accordingly! The feedback is there to help you succeed and we just want the best for you! +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Don’t be scared to work in groups! Everyone is in the same boat, and your teammates can help you out a lot. 
-**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** I highly recommend going to help roomand utilizing all of the other help options (piazza, asking ULAs, and even talking to your group). +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** Definitely go to the help room and utilize all of your other resources (piazza, asking ULAs, and even talking to your group).
-**Fun fact about me:** I have three part time jobs, one of which is observing at the MSU observatoryI work through MORP, a research program where I observe transiting exoplanets from sundown to sunrise.+**Fun fact about me:** I have 5 roommates that I met freshman year! 
 +**Help room hours:** Mondays 5:30 - 6:30 pm
 **Email**: arndtale@msu.edu **Email**: arndtale@msu.edu
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 {{184_notes:truman_bauer.png?300}} {{184_notes:truman_bauer.png?300}}
-**Section**: 3+**Section**: 5
 **Major**: Biosystems Engineering **Major**: Biosystems Engineering
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 **Fun fact about me:** Eminem used to live in the neighborhood across from mine **Fun fact about me:** Eminem used to live in the neighborhood across from mine
-**Help room hours:** Mondays 10 11 am+**Help room hours:** Tuesdays 5-6 pm
 **Email**: bauertru@msu.edu **Email**: bauertru@msu.edu
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 {{184_notes:dom_bednar.jpg?300}} {{184_notes:dom_bednar.jpg?300}}
-**Section**: 4+**Section**: 3
 **Major**: Mechanical Engineering **Major**: Mechanical Engineering
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 **Fun fact about me:** I have two little dachshunds named Rocco and Diesel. **Fun fact about me:** I have two little dachshunds named Rocco and Diesel.
-**Help room hours:** Mondays 5-pm+**Help room hours:** Tuesdays 4-pm
 **Email**: bednardo@msu.edu **Email**: bednardo@msu.edu
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 ==== Jordan Dashner (She/Her) ==== ==== Jordan Dashner (She/Her) ====
 **Section**: 4 **Section**: 4
Line 85: Line 87:
 **Major**: Biosystems Engineering **Major**: Biosystems Engineering
-**Future plans**: Attend med school or PhD program+**Future plans**: Find job in the food industry, travel, be outside, enjoy life, and be happy!
 **Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**:  Get comfortable with your groups and make connections outside of just physics. **Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**:  Get comfortable with your groups and make connections outside of just physics.
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 {{184_notes:faith_dawson2.png?300}} {{184_notes:faith_dawson2.png?300}}
-**Section**: 4+**Section**: 3
 **Major**: Computer Science **Major**: Computer Science
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 **Fun fact about me:** I love to draw and paint, especially things from nature like plants and animals! **Fun fact about me:** I love to draw and paint, especially things from nature like plants and animals!
-**Help room hours:** Tuesdays 5-6 pm+**Help room hours:** Tuesdays 6-7 pm
 **Email**: dawsonfa@msu.edu **Email**: dawsonfa@msu.edu
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 {{184_notes:dhiti.png?300}} {{184_notes:dhiti.png?300}}
-**Section**: 5+**Section**: 3
 **Major**: Astrophysics **Major**: Astrophysics
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 **Fun fact about me:** I have lived in 8 different places **Fun fact about me:** I have lived in 8 different places
-**Help room hours:** Mondays 11-12 pm+**Help room hours:** Mondays 4:30 5:30 pm
 **Email**: doddamre@msu.edu **Email**: doddamre@msu.edu
-==== Amie Donner (She/Her) ==== 
-**Section**: 3 
-**Major**: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 
-**Future plans**: Grad school! I am currently interviewing for PhD programs in Pharmacology and Biomedical sciences. 
-**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Don't be afraid to ask questions. The ULAs are here to help, and we probably had the same questions when we first took the class. 
-**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** Come to helproom! It's a great place to ask questions about the homework, or even things you struggled with during class. 
-**Fun fact about me:** I am currently doing research on photosynthetic bacteria! 
-**Help room hours:** Mondays 6-7 pm 
-**Email**: donnera2@msu.edu 
 ==== Max Doty (He/Him) ==== ==== Max Doty (He/Him) ====
 **Section**: 3 **Section**: 3
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 **Major**: Mechanical Engineering **Major**: Mechanical Engineering
-**Future plans**: Something in automotive testing and manufacturing.+**Future plans**: Work for Consumers Energy in their standards department or in their renewable energy division.
-**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Get to meet your group mates, don't be afraid of failure and stay on top of your work!+**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Get to meet your group mates, don't be afraid to speak up/ask questions and have fun!
 **What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** Watch the videos/read the readings more in depth, visit office hours, ask questions and collaborate with your group mates. **What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** Watch the videos/read the readings more in depth, visit office hours, ask questions and collaborate with your group mates.
-**Fun fact about me:** I had to get a haircut from my soccer team...was stuck with a mullet and finger tips for a year. +**Fun fact about me:** I'm an IZZONE student section leader!
-**Help room hours:** Tuesdays 6-pm+**Help room hours:** Tuesdays 2-pm
 **Email**: dotymax1@msu.edu **Email**: dotymax1@msu.edu
 +==== Krithika Mahesh (She/Her) ====
-==== Amanda Jeffers (She/Her) ==== +**Section**: 5
-{{184_notes:jeffers.jpg?400}} +
- +
-**Section**: 4+
 **Major**: Mechanical Engineering **Major**: Mechanical Engineering
-**Future plans**: To work in the biomedical field, designing medical devices.+**Future plans**: To design medical devices as a biomedical engineer
-**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**:  Come to class prepared and make sure to talk with your group.+**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Actively participate in group discussions and allow yourself time to struggle through homework problems before asking for help.
-**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** Come to help room and ask lots of questions!!+**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** Read the notes carefully. Make sure you have attempted the homework problems. Go to help room to ask clarifying questions. Don’t talk down to yourself and don’t give up!
-**Fun fact about me:** I love reading!+**Fun fact about me:** One of my hobbies is singing Indian classical music. 
-**Help room hours:** Mondays 1-pm+**Help room hours:** Tuesdays 3-pm 
 +**Email**: maheshk1@msu.edu
-**Email**: jeffe122@msu.edu 
 ==== Emily Minton (She/Her) ==== ==== Emily Minton (She/Her) ====
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 **Fun fact about me:** I have a lizard named Dan. **Fun fact about me:** I have a lizard named Dan.
-**Help room hours:** Piazza Discussion Board Manager - Thursdays & Fridays 
 **Email**: mintonem@msu.edu **Email**: mintonem@msu.edu
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 {{184_notes:apar_mohabani.jpg?200}} {{184_notes:apar_mohabani.jpg?200}}
-**Section**: 5+**Section**: 4
 **Major**: Computer Science, Minor in Business **Major**: Computer Science, Minor in Business
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 **Fun fact about me:** I love playing tennis with my friends and family on my off time! **Fun fact about me:** I love playing tennis with my friends and family on my off time!
-**Help room hours:** Piazza Discussion Board Manager - Saturdays & Sundays+**Help room hours:** Piazza Discussion Board Manager - Tuesdays
 **Email**: mohabans@msu.edu **Email**: mohabans@msu.edu
 +==== Aaditya Moudgil () ====
 +**Section**: 4
 +**Future plans**: 
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: 
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** 
 +**Fun fact about me:** 
 +**Help room hours:** Piazza Discussion Board Manager - Mondays
 +**Email**: moudgil1@msu.edu
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 {{184_notes:krizma_nagi.jpg?200}} {{184_notes:krizma_nagi.jpg?200}}
-**Section**: 4+**Section**: 3
 **Major**: Computational Data Science **Major**: Computational Data Science
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 **Fun fact about me:** I can speak 5 languages fluently and am learning a sixth. **Fun fact about me:** I can speak 5 languages fluently and am learning a sixth.
-**Help room hours:** Tuesdays 7-8 pm+**Help room hours:** Piazza Discussion Board Manager Saturdays & Sundays
 **Email**: nagikriz@msu.edu **Email**: nagikriz@msu.edu
-==== Mate Narh () ==== +==== Om Nair () ==== 
 **Section**: 3 **Section**: 3
-**Major**: +**Major**:
 **Future plans**:  **Future plans**: 
Line 269: Line 269:
 **Fun fact about me:**  **Fun fact about me:** 
-**Help room hours:** +**Help room hours:** Tuesdays 5-6 pm
-**Email**: narhmate@msu.edu +**Email**: nairom@msu.edu
- +
-==== Grace Park (She/Her) ==== +
-{{184_notes:park.jpg?350}} +
- +
- +
-**Major**: Computer Science +
- +
-**Future plans**: Graduate and hopefully get into dental school +
- +
-**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Be open-minded and ready to learn! Get to know your groupmates. +
- +
-**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** Take good notes (re-watch the videos if still confused), come to help room, and ask your groupmates. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, we are here to guide you through! +
- +
-**Fun fact about me:** I fell from a scooter and broke my front two teeth.  +
- +
-**Help room hours:**  +
- +
-**Email**: parkeu24@msu.edu+
 ==== Ben Proctor (He/Him) ==== ==== Ben Proctor (He/Him) ====
 {{184_notes:ben_proctor.png?300}} {{184_notes:ben_proctor.png?300}}
-**Section**: 3+**Section**: 5
 **Major**: Math **Major**: Math
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 **Fun fact about me:** I have a Mexican Street Dog named Delso. **Fun fact about me:** I have a Mexican Street Dog named Delso.
-**Help room hours:** Thursdays 6-pm+**Help room hours:** Mondays 12:30 1:30 pm
 **Email**: procto86@msu.edu **Email**: procto86@msu.edu
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 **Fun fact about me:** I am half Macedonian half Serbian. **Fun fact about me:** I am half Macedonian half Serbian.
-**Help room hours:** Mondays 9-10 am+**Help room hours:** Tuesdays 7-8 pm
 **Email**: ristosk2@msu.edu **Email**: ristosk2@msu.edu
- +==== Aspen Tapley (She/Her) ==== 
-==== Noah Sanders (He/Him) ==== +{{184_notes:aspen_tapley.jpg?200}}
 **Section**: 5 **Section**: 5
-**Major**: Computer Engineering+**Major**: Chemical Engineering with a concentration in Biomedical Engineering
-**Future plans**: Work in embedded systems or software development. Autonomous vehicles or smart devices seem like interesting applications.+**Future plans**: I am not sure as of right now. I have a big interest in the pharmaceutical industry, batteries, and environmental sustainability, so I am just exploring what I like right now!
-**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Come to each class prepared by reading the notes or coming in with questions on the material. Also, don’t be afraid to share your ideas or to let others share theirs.+**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Be confident! Meet people in your groups, ask questions, and if you have an idea share it! Many times, people know the right answer and are too afraid to share it.
-**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** There are a lot of modes of resources we throw at you to learn the material in this class. Find what works best for you. Help Room and Piazza are great resources.+**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** If you are struggling there are many resources for help including Help Room, Piazza, and CORE tutoring. I recommend YouTube videos, they can help me visualize things that are hard to in class!
-**Fun fact about me:** As side project for interns this summer at my place of employmentwe built a go-cart from scratch to race other teams.+**Fun fact about me:** I have dog and cat. My dog's name is Nala, and my cat's name is Cat. They are both with me at MSU. I love being outside including runninghiking, and camping.
-**Help room hours:** +**Help room hours:** Piazza Discussion Board Manager - Thursdays & Fridays
-**Email**: sande501@msu.edu+**Email**: tapleyas@msu.edu
-==== Bora Uner () ==== 
-**Section**: 3 
-**Major**+==== Bora Uner (He/Him) ==== 
-**Future plans**: +**Section**: 4
-**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: +**Major**: Computer Science
-**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** +**Future plans**: not coding
-**Fun fact about me:** +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Try to build good connections with your group and trust the process, you will get better.
-**Help room hours:** +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** Watch the videos and read the topics, take notes. Discuss with your group and EMP-Cubed instructors. 
 +**Fun fact about me:** I'm from Turkey and my hometown is in 2 continents 
 +**Help room hours:** Mondays 6:30 - 7:30 pm
 **Email**: unerbora@msu.edu **Email**: unerbora@msu.edu
 +==== Angela Wegrecki (She/Her) ====
 +**Section**: 4
 +**Major**: Mechanical Engineering
 +**Future plans**: Work in the automotive or aerospace field.
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Be open-minded, confident, and put in your best effort and you will succeed!
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** Use your resources! Go to the help room, complete your homework, and never be afraid to approach the ULAs, TAs, and professors. We are here to help!
 +**Fun fact about me:** Cooking is my favorite hobby, and sushi is my favorite food!
 +**Help room hours:** Mondays 1:30 - 2:30 pm
 +**Email**: wegreck1@msu.edu
 ===== Graduate Student Teaching Staff ===== ===== Graduate Student Teaching Staff =====
-==== Theo Bott (He/Him) ==== +==== Alex Reynolds (She/They) ==== 
-**Sections**: 3 & 4+**Section**: 4
 **Research Area**: Physics Education Research **Research Area**: Physics Education Research
-**Description of research in that area**: I am currently researching the ways in which computational thinking manifests in introductory physics classroomsand how we can guide curricular design to promote computational thinking engagement.+**Description of research in that area**: Right nowmy research is analyzing interviews on how accessible group work in classes (like this one!) are for ADHD students.
-**What excites you about physics**: I find that learning physics is very exciting; the notion of understanding the ways in which the universe operates is quite fascinating. I grow more intrigued as I learn about new phenomena, and I feel as though I have truly found my passion.+**What excites you about physics**: Having the tools to understand why things happen–like why the pitch gets higher and higher as you fill up your water bottle.
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: In order to practice physics, you and your group will have to risk sharing ideas you aren’t sure about–be kind to others and yourself
-**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Stay ahead of schedule by reviewing ideas before classbecause it will make class time feel much more productive+**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** Help room is a great resourceif you're struggling or if you're just not sure. When I took introductory E&M, I went to office hours 3-5 times a week.
-**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** I’d recommend reaching out to an LA who could point you in the right direction of where valuable resource might be for your unique situation, including online notes, homework problems, exam prep folders, help room, discussion board, etc+**Fun fact about me**love knitting and crafting, and can explain the physics behind spinning wheel
-**Fun fact about me**: I play piano and have a big cat named Solomon who is the ruler of our apartment+**Email**: reyno650@msu.edu
-**Help room hours**+==== Andrea Wooley () ==== 
-**Email**: botttheo@msu.edu+**Sections**: 4 & 5
 +**Research Area**: Physics Education Research
-==== Gabe Grauvogel () ====+**Description of research in that area**: My research focuses on culturally relevant physics education. One of my projects is designing and implementing culture-based assessments that engage students in using their cultural resources to learn physics concepts.
-{{course_planning:Grauvogel.jpg?300}}+**What excites you about physics**Through my experiences in physics classes, I have far exceeded what I ever thought that I would be capable of. Whether it’s approaching a challenging problem by breaking it into manageable steps or modeling a complex system as a sum of individual parts, physics has made what seems impossible, possible and allows you to do some pretty cool things
-**Section**: 4+**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Come to class prepared with the lecture notes and be open to attempting something that you’ve never done before.
-**Major**: PhD in physics +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** When in doubt, reach out to the people around you. Growth is challenging and it’s not much fun to struggle alone.
-**Future plans**: Becoming professor and or making a career out of nuclear physics research+**Fun fact about me**: I’m college dropout turned Ph.D. student
-**Advice on how to approach P-Cubed:**  Write things out and organize your thoughts and information in a way that flows for you. If you haven't tried it much, try writing things in variable form and see the broader relationships between the things present in the expression! If you don't know if an answer makes sense, compare it to something you do know and see if the units work out. Order of magnitude estimates and unit checks are your friend!+**Help room hours**: Tuesdays 6 - 8 pm
-**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?**: Go to office hours or the help room! Either are great options that will save you a lot of head racking all while being a great way to establish connections with your peers and physics faculty. Finding help does not make you a lesser student, but rather shows that you know how to use your time efficiently and utilize the resources available to you to learn. Be patient with yourself. Physics can be hard, and it took hundreds of years for humans to collectively figure this stuff out. You are learning it in a few months.+**Email**: wooleya2@msu.edu
-**Fun fact about me**: I have lived in 8 states! 
-**Email**: graybird@msu.edu 
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 {{184_notes:deyoung.jpg?200}} {{184_notes:deyoung.jpg?200}}
-**Section**: 5+**Section**: 4
 **Degrees**: B.A. in Physics, Ph.D. in Physics with research area in high energy astrophysics **Degrees**: B.A. in Physics, Ph.D. in Physics with research area in high energy astrophysics
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 **What excites you about physics**:  Physics is both a great way to learn about cool aspects of the world around us, and also a toolkit that's useful for thinking about a very broad range of problems: breaking them down into models, applying quantitative reasoning or computation to understand what the models predict, and using graphs and data to evaluate evidence. **What excites you about physics**:  Physics is both a great way to learn about cool aspects of the world around us, and also a toolkit that's useful for thinking about a very broad range of problems: breaking them down into models, applying quantitative reasoning or computation to understand what the models predict, and using graphs and data to evaluate evidence.
-**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**:  EMP-Cubed asks you to go beyond little self-contained "crossword-puzzle physics" problems and learn how to think about and model bigger, more open-ended problems.  The point is not to memorize equations, but to be able to apply them to whatever crazy new situation you're given.  Be sure to prepare before class so that you can apply the new principles to the problems we'll work on.  There won't always be a single right answer, and the hardest part is usually figuring out a reasonable model to apply.+**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**:  EMP-Cubed asks you to go beyond little self-contained "crossword-puzzle physics" problems and learn how to think about and model bigger, more open-ended problems.  There won't always be a single right answer, and finding a good model to apply is often the hardest part.  The point is not to memorize equations, but to understand them well enough to be able to apply them to whatever crazy new situation is in front of you.  Be sure to read the notes and do the prep problems before class so that you can spend your time applying the new principles to the problems we'll work on.  
-**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?**  Don't be reluctant to ask for help, and don't convince yourself that everything's OK because you understand things once someone explains them to you.  Physics takes practice, and the LAs, TAs, and faculty are here to be your coaches and help you learn.+**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?**  Don't be reluctant to ask for help, and PLEASE don't convince yourself that everything's OK because you understand things once someone explains them to you.  Physics takes practice, and the LAs, TAs, and faculty are here to be your coaches and help you learn.
 **Fun fact about me:**  I've been to the South Pole three times. **Fun fact about me:**  I've been to the South Pole three times.
-**Help room hours:** , or by appointment+**Help room hours:** Tuesdays 5-6 pm in the help room, or by appointment (email me)
 **Email**: tdeyoung@msu.edu **Email**: tdeyoung@msu.edu
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 {{course_planning:darylmcpadden.jpg?200}} {{course_planning:darylmcpadden.jpg?200}}
-**Section**: 3 & 4+**Section**: 3 & 5
 **Degrees**: B.S. in Engineering Physics; M.S. in Physics; Ph.D. in Physics, research area in Physics Education Research **Degrees**: B.S. in Engineering Physics; M.S. in Physics; Ph.D. in Physics, research area in Physics Education Research
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 I love to cook and bake. Most recently, I've learned to make panna cotta from scratch (I've decided it's basically just fancy pudding) and a variety of homemade sausages. I'm also learning how to make lots of different breads as an ongoing project. I love to cook and bake. Most recently, I've learned to make panna cotta from scratch (I've decided it's basically just fancy pudding) and a variety of homemade sausages. I'm also learning how to make lots of different breads as an ongoing project.
-**Help room hours:** +**Help room hours:** Thursdays 10:30 - 11:30 am, or by appointment (email me)
 **Email**: mcpadden@msu.edu **Email**: mcpadden@msu.edu
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 **Email**: haaseede@msu.edu **Email**: haaseede@msu.edu
-==== Krithika Mahesh (She/Her) ==== 
-**Section**: 4 
-**Major**: Mechanical Engineering 
-**Future plans**: To design medical devices as a biomedical engineer 
-**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Actively participate in group discussions and allow yourself time to struggle through homework problems before asking for help. 
-**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** Read the notes carefully. Make sure you have attempted the homework problems. Go to help room to ask clarifying questions. Don’t talk down to yourself and don’t give up! 
-**Fun fact about me:** One of my hobbies is singing Indian classical music.  
-**Help room hours:** Tuesdays 11 am - 12 pm (in person) 
-**Email**: maheshk1@msu.edu 
-==== Angela Wegrecki (She/Her) ==== 
-**Section**: 5 
-**Major**: Mechanical Engineering 
-**Future plans**: Work in the automotive or aerospace field. 
-**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Be open-minded, confident, and put in your best effort and you will succeed! 
-**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** Use your resources! Go to the help room, complete your homework, and never be afraid to approach the ULAs, TAs, and professors. We are here to help! 
-**Fun fact about me:** Cooking is my favorite hobby, and sushi is my favorite food! 
-**Help room hours:** Mondays 4-5 pm 
-**Email**: wegreck1@msu.edu 
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 **Email**: neuharti@msu.edu **Email**: neuharti@msu.edu
 +==== Amie Donner (She/Her) ====
 +**Section**: 3
 +**Major**: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
 +**Future plans**: Grad school! I am currently interviewing for PhD programs in Pharmacology and Biomedical sciences.
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Don't be afraid to ask questions. The ULAs are here to help, and we probably had the same questions when we first took the class.
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** Come to helproom! It's a great place to ask questions about the homework, or even things you struggled with during class.
 +**Fun fact about me:** I am currently doing research on photosynthetic bacteria!
 +**Help room hours:** Mondays 6-7 pm
 +**Email**: donnera2@msu.edu
 +==== Amanda Jeffers (She/Her) ====
 +**Section**: 4
 +**Major**: Mechanical Engineering
 +**Future plans**: To work in the biomedical field, designing medical devices.
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**:  Come to class prepared and make sure to talk with your group.
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** Come to help room and ask lots of questions!!
 +**Fun fact about me:** I love reading!
 +**Help room hours:** Mondays 1-2 pm
 +**Email**: jeffe122@msu.edu
 +==== Mate Narh (He/Him) ====
 +**Section**: 3
 +**Major**: Computer Engineering
 +**Future plans**: Robotics and Automation! I love both software and hardware, so I see myself contributing to hardware design and describing the logic that runs them as well. 
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: View things explosively, do each thing one at a time, and see where and how the different parts of E&M intersect or diverge. Stories are usually easy to understand and remember, so when you can, animate what you learn.
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** Discuss your challenges with your teammates, and 100% utilize Helproom. ULAs and instructors are ever ready to help guide you to resolve your challenges.
 +**Fun fact about me:** I love Gospel arrangements for Jazz and Neo-soul.
 +**Help room hours:** Mondays 12-1 pm
 +**Email**: narhmate@msu.edu
 +==== Grace Park (She/Her) ====
 +**Section**: 4
 +**Major**: Computer Science
 +**Future plans**: Graduate and hopefully get into dental school
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Be open-minded and ready to learn! Get to know your groupmates.
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** Take good notes (re-watch the videos if still confused), come to help room, and ask your groupmates. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, we are here to guide you through!
 +**Fun fact about me:** I fell from a scooter and broke my front two teeth. 
 +**Help room hours:** Mondays 2-3 pm
 +**Email**: parkeu24@msu.edu
 +==== Noah Sanders (He/Him) ====
 +**Section**: 5
 +**Major**: Computer Engineering
 +**Future plans**: Work in embedded systems or software development. Autonomous vehicles or smart devices seem like interesting applications.
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Come to each class prepared by reading the notes or coming in with questions on the material. Also, don’t be afraid to share your ideas or to let others share theirs.
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** There are a lot of modes of resources we throw at you to learn the material in this class. Find what works best for you. Help Room and Piazza are great resources.
 +**Fun fact about me:** As a side project for interns this summer at my place of employment, we built a go-cart from scratch to race other teams.
 +**Help room hours:** Piazza Discussion Board Manager - Tuesdays
 +**Email**: sande501@msu.edu
 +==== Theo Bott (He/Him) ====
 +**Sections**: 3 & 4
 +**Research Area**: Physics Education Research
 +**Description of research in that area**: I am currently researching the ways in which computational thinking manifests in introductory physics classrooms, and how we can guide curricular design to promote computational thinking engagement.
 +**What excites you about physics**: I find that learning physics is very exciting; the notion of understanding the ways in which the universe operates is quite fascinating. I grow more intrigued as I learn about new phenomena, and I feel as though I have truly found my passion.
 +**Advice on how to approach EMP-Cubed**: Stay ahead of schedule by reviewing ideas before class, because it will make class time feel much more productive
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?** I’d recommend reaching out to an LA who could point you in the right direction of where a valuable resource might be for your unique situation, including online notes, homework problems, exam prep folders, help room, discussion board, etc. 
 +**Fun fact about me**: I play piano and have a big cat named Solomon who is the ruler of our apartment
 +**Help room hours**: Tuesdays 5-6 pm, Piazza Discussion Board Manager - Mondays
 +**Email**: botttheo@msu.edu
 +==== Gabe Grauvogel (He/Him) ====
 +**Section**: 4
 +**Major**: PhD in physics 
 +**Future plans**: Becoming a professor and or making a career out of nuclear physics research
 +**Advice on how to approach P-Cubed:**  Write things out and organize your thoughts and information in a way that flows for you. If you haven't tried it much, try writing things in variable form and see the broader relationships between the things present in the expression! If you don't know if an answer makes sense, compare it to something you do know and see if the units work out. Order of magnitude estimates and unit checks are your friend!
 +**What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?**: Go to office hours or the help room! Either are great options that will save you a lot of head racking all while being a great way to establish connections with your peers and physics faculty. Finding help does not make you a lesser student, but rather shows that you know how to use your time efficiently and utilize the resources available to you to learn. Be patient with yourself. Physics can be hard, and it took hundreds of years for humans to collectively figure this stuff out. You are learning it in a few months.
 +**Fun fact about me**: I have lived in 8 states!
 +**Email**: graybird@msu.edu
 */ */
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  • Last modified: 2024/01/10 21:37
  • by dmcpadden