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A central principle of mechanics involves the relationship between momentum and force. In these notes, you will read about the concept of momentum.

When you observe an object's motion changing, you are typically paying attention to how it changes it position. The object can speed up, slow down, or change direction. Each of these changes are changes to the object's velocity.

You might have noticed that when you try to change an object's velocity, for example by slowing it down, it is often easier to do it for “lighter” objects. That is, it is somehow easier to change the motion of objects that have less mass. This is due to the plain fact that an object with mass has momentum, and that momentum depends on the mass of the object.

Momentum: A vector that quantifies the “ease” with which an object's motion can be changed. Most formally, it is the product of the object's mass (a scalar), its velocity (a vector), and a proportionality constant (that takes into account relativistic motion). Mathematically, we represent the momentum like this:

$$\vec{p} = \gamma m \vec{v}$$

where the proportionality constant is needed when object's travel near the speed of light. This proportionality constant ($\gamma$, gamma) is given by:

$$\gamma = \dfrac{1}{\sqrt{1-\left(\dfrac{|\vec{v}|}{c}\right)^2}}$$

For most motion that is fair from the speed of light, the $\gamma$ factor will not matter so much. For example, consider the following table of speeds.

$|\vec{v}|$ m/s $|\vec{v}|/c$ \gamma
0 0 1.000
  • course_planning/course_notes/momentum.1404822188.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2014/07/08 12:23
  • by caballero