Ball on a Ramp
Provided below is some code that is supposed to model the behavior of a ball rolling down an inclined plane. Run the code.
Find the variables below and record their abbreviations. Change them, one at a time, to see how they impact the code performance. Discuss what changes and what remains consistent:
Reset variables to the following:
Now run this code. Describe the motion of the ball. Does this represent real world physics? Why or why not? What would need to change?
ramp1 = cylinder(pos = vector(R1s, R1h, 0), axis = vec(R1X, -R1Y, 0), radius = Bh, color = color.white)
GlowScript 2.7 VPython # Window setup######################## scene.width = 800 #The width of your view window scene.height = 400 #The height of your view window ###################################### # Parameters and Initial Conditions### BaR = 10 #Radius of the ball BaS = 1 #Scalar to change ball speed Bh = 5 #Height of books in first stack of books Bw = 30 #Width of books in first stack of books Bs = -100 #X-value offset of the center of the first book stack Tt = 0 #reference point for drawing the books (not used in any real math) Bc = 1 #condition for beginning to draw books (checked against time) R1L = 100 #Length of first ramp nB = 5 #The number of books in the first stack A1 = 0 #Acceleration of ramp 1 ######################################### # Time and time step##################### t = 0 #start time (this command sets the counter to 0) tFinal = 200 #The end number on the counter to stop actions ######################################### #Ramp and speed calculations############# R1Y = Bh*nB #Starting Y-value coordinate for ramp (total Y value of ramp) R1X = sqrt(R1L**2 - R1Y**2) #Starting X-value coordinate for ramp (total X value of ramp) S1x = R1X/R1L*BaS #the horizontal vector of movement down first ramp S1y = R1Y/R1L*BaS #the vertical vector of movement down first ramp ######################################### #Drawing initial objects################# #draw tabletop Table= box(pos = vector(75,-6,0), size = vector(400, 10, 30), color = color.orange) #Stack of books Bc = Tt while t<nB: Bc = Tt + Bh*t +Bh/2 book = cylinder(pos = vector(Bs, Bc, 0), axis = vec(Bw, 0, 0), radius = Bh, color = color.yellow) t=t+1 ballstopx = Bs - Bw/2 - R1L/2 t=t+1 #Downward Ramp R1h = Tt + Bh*t +Bh/2 R1s = Bs + Bw ramp1 = cylinder(pos = vector(R1s, R1h, 0), axis = vec(R1X, -R1Y, 0), radius = Bh, color = color.white) #Ball BaX = R1s + BaR/2 BaY = R1h+Bh + BaR/2 ball = sphere(pos=vec(BaX,BaY,0), radius = BaR/2, color=color.red) ########################################## #MOVEMENT COMMANDS LOCATED BELOW############################################################################### #Command for ball rolling down first ramp################################################### scene.camera.follow(ball) #this makes the camera follow the ball t=0 #resets the time counter to 0 at the start of the loop theta = acos(R1X/R1L) #this calculates angle of the ramp A1x = sin(theta)*cos(theta) #calculates x-value of acceleration A1y = sin(theta)*sin(theta) #calculates y-value of acceleration while t<tFinal: #sets the condition for this command taking place rate(20) #how many times per cycle the action will take place ball.pos.x = ball.pos.x + S1x #updates the x position of the ball at rate listed above every sec t=t+1 #makes it so ever cycle it adds 1 to the time counter # if ???: #sets condition for when the ball should stop moving # t=tFinal #sets the timer to the final value, so the loop stops
GlowScript 2.7 VPython # Window setup############################################################################ scene.width = 800 #how far the view extends along the X-axis initially scene.height = 600 #how tall the view extends on the Y-axis initially ########################################################################################## # Parameters and Initial Conditions####################################################### BaR = 10 #radius of the ball (balldia) BaS = 1 #Scalar of speed for ball (ballspeed) Bh = 5 #Y-value of individual books (bookheight) Bw = 30 #X-value of the individual books (bookwidth) Bs = -100 #X-value of the centerpoint of the stack of books (bookstack) Tt = 0 #refrence point for drawing the books (tabletop) Bc = 1 #condition for beginning to draw books (checked against time)(numberbooks) R1L = 100 #Length of down ramp (ramplength) R1T = 10 #height of the ramp (rampthickness) nB = 8 #The number of books in the initial stack (numberofbooks) A1 = .1 #acceleration for ramp 1 determined by students from data ########################################################################################### # Introduction of Objects################################################################# #books drawn one at a time in code #ramp drawn on top of books in code #ball drawn on top of ramp in code ########################################################################################## # Time and time step###################################################################### t = 0 #start time t2 = 0 #start line for second stack of books *** tFinal = 100 #First phase final time dt = 1 #rate of time change ########################################################################################## #MAIN CODE LOCATED BELOW #Ramp and speed calculations############################################################## R1Y = Bh*nB #Starting Y-value of top of ramp (rampy) R1X = sqrt(R1L**2 - R1Y**2) #distance of ramp from stack of books (x-value) (rampx) S1x = R1X/R1L*BaS #the horizontal vector of movement (speedx) S1y = R1Y/R1L*BaS #the vertical vector of movement (speedy) A1x = R1X/R1L*A1 # horizontal acceleration A1y = R1Y/R1L*A1 # vertical acceleration ########################################################################################## #Drawing initial objects################################################################## #draw tabletop Table= box(pos = vector(75,-6,0), size = vector(400, 10, 30), color = color.orange) #Stack of books Bc = Tt while t<nB: Bc = Tt + Bh*t +Bh/2 book = cylinder(pos = vector(Bs, Bc, 0), axis = vec(Bw, 0, 0), radius = Bh, color = color.yellow) t=t+1 t=t+1 #Downward Ramp R1h = Tt + Bh*t +Bh/2 R1s = Bs + Bw ramp1 = cylinder(pos = vector(R1s, R1h, 0), axis = vec(R1X, -R1Y, 0), radius = Bh, color = color.white) #Ball BaX = R1s + BaR/2 BaY = R1h+Bh + BaR/2 ball = sphere(pos=vec(BaX,BaY,0), radius = BaR/2, color=color.red) scene.camera.follow(ball) #this makes the camera follow the ball t=0 #reset counter to zero ########################################################################################### #Command for ball rolling down first ramp################################################## while t<tFinal: rate(20) #how many times per second the action will take place ball.pos.x = ball.pos.x + S1x ball.pos.y = ball.pos.y - S1y S1x = S1x + A1x S1y = S1y + A1y t=t+1 #Stopping ball motion at end of ramp #see if the ball is at the position of the ramp + rampx (total position on the screen is the two combined if ball.pos.x > R1s + R1X: t=tFinal
GlowScript 2.7 VPython # Window setup######################## scene.width = 800 #The width of your view window scene.height = 400 #The height of your view window ###################################### # Parameters and Initial Conditions### BaR = 10 #Radius of the ball BaS = 1 #Scalar to change ball speed Bh = 5 #Height of books in first stack of books Bw = 30 #Width of books in first stack of books Bs = -100 #X-value offset of the center of the first book stack Tt = 0 #refrence point for drawing the books (not used in any real math) Bc = 1 #condition for beginning to draw books (checked against time) R1L = 100 #Length of first ramp nB = 5 #The number of books in the first stack R2L = 100 #Length of flat section ** n2B = 5 #The number of books in the second stack of books *** B2c = 1 #condition for beginning second stack of books (checked against time)*** T2t = 0 #refrence point for drawing second stack of books(not used in any real math) *** B2h = 5 #height of books in second stack of books *** B2w = 30 #width of books in second stack of books *** R3L= 100 #length of second ramp *** ######################################### # Time and time step##################### t = 0 #start time (this command sets the counter to 0) tFinal = 100 #The end number on the counter to stop actions tFinal2=100 #Same as above but for second loop (final counter number)** ######################################### #Ramp and speed calculations############# R1Y = Bh*nB #Starting Y-value coordinate for ramp (total Y value of ramp) R1X = sqrt(R1L**2 - R1Y**2) #Starting X-value coordinate for ramp (total X value of ramp) S1x = R1X/R1L*BaS #the horizontal vector of movement down first ramp S1y = R1Y/R1L*BaS #the vertical vector of movement down first ramp R3Y = B2h*n2B #Y-value for second ramp *** R3X = sqrt(R3L**2 - R3Y**2) #X-value for third ramp *** B2s = R1X + R2L + R3X + Bs + B2w #X-value of the centerpoint of the second stack of books *** ######################################### #Drawing initial objects################# #draw tabletop Table= box(pos = vector(75,-6,0), size = vector(400, 10, 30), color = color.orange) #Stack of books Bc = Tt while t<nB: Bc = Tt + Bh*t +Bh/2 book = cylinder(pos = vector(Bs, Bc, 0), axis = vec(Bw, 0, 0), radius = Bh, color = color.yellow) t=t+1 ballstopx = Bs - Bw/2 - R1L/2 t=t+1 #Downward Ramp R1h = Tt + Bh*t +Bh/2 R1s = Bs + Bw ramp1 = cylinder(pos = vector(R1s, R1h, 0), axis = vec(R1X, -R1Y, 0), radius = Bh, color = color.white) #Ball BaX = R1s + BaR/2 BaY = R1h+Bh + BaR/2 ball = sphere(pos=vec(BaX,BaY,0), radius = BaR/2, color=color.red) #draw ramp 2 ** R2h = Tt + Bh/2 R2s = Bs + Bw + R1X + R2L/2 ramp2 = box(pos = vector(R2s, R2h, 0), size = vector(R2L, Bh*4, 10), color = color.orange) ########################################## #MOVEMENT COMMANDS LOCATED BELOW############################################################################### #Command for ball rolling down first ramp################################################### scene.camera.follow(ball) #this makes the camera follow the ball t=0 #resets the time counter to 0 at the start of the loop theta = acos(R1X/R1L) #this calculates angle of the ramp A1x = sin(theta)*cos(theta) #calculates x-value of acceleration A1y = sin(theta)*sin(theta) #calculates y-value of acceleration while t<tFinal: #sets the condition for this command taking place rate(20) #how many times per cycle the action will take place ball.pos.x = ball.pos.x + S1x #updates the x position of the ball at rate listed above every sec ball.pos.y = ball.pos.y - S1y #updates the y position of the ball at rate listed above every sec S1x = S1x + A1x #adjusts the update position based on the x acceleration S1y = S1y + A1y #adjusts the update position based on the y acceleration t=t+1 #makes it so ever cycle it adds 1 to the time counter if ball.pos.x > R1s + R1X: #sets condition for when the ball's x position reaches the end of the ramp t=tFinal #sets the timer to the final value, so the loop stops ########################################################################################### #Command for our second stage animation#################################################### t=0 #reset counter for second loop S2x = S1x # carries over x-value speed from end of ramp 1 S2y = 0 #stop vertical movement of the ball as we hit the flat section while t<tFinal2:#sets the condition for this command taking place rate(20) #how many timeps per cycle the action will take place ball.pos.x = ball.pos.x + S2x #updates the x position of the ball at rate above ball.pos.y = ball.pos.y + S2y #updates the y position of the ball at the rate above if ball.pos.x > R2s + .5*R2L - BaR*.5: #sets condition for when ball reaches end of plane t = tFinal2 #sets timer to the final for section 2 when above condition is met t=t+1 #increases the time counter by 1 every time loop runs ###########################################################################################