Charged Particles
Where should a particle be placed around two charged particles so that the total force acting on the particle is zero. Open the minimally working code (below) and answer the following questions:
Now within your program, develop an equation to calculate the force on your test particle by Charge 1. Likewise, develop an equation to calculate the force on your test particle by Charge 2. Using the forces you calculated, create an equation for the net force on your test particle, and subsequently the acceleration of the test particle. Use the acceleration to update the position of the particle within the while loop. Lastly, graph the force on the test particle with respect to distance from Charge 1, and do the same with Charge 2.
GlowScript 2.7 VPython #Created by Meagan Brasseur, Sofia Villanueva, and John Plough on August 9,2019 ##Objects## Charge1 = sphere(pos=vec(0,0,0), radius=0.1, color=color.cyan) Charge2 = sphere(pos=vec(5,0,0), radius=0.1, color=color.cyan) Tcharge = sphere(pos=vec(2.5,2.5,0), radius=0.05, color=color.red) #Coulombic charges of our spheres q1 = 6.0*10**(-19) q2 = 6.0*10**(-19) qt = -1.6*10**(-19) ##Constants## k = 9*10**9 mTest = 9.11*10**(-31) vTest = vec(0,0,0) ## Create graphs to track force Grph1 = graph(title='Force (1) v Distance', xtitle='Distance (m)', ytitle='Force (N)', fast=False, ymin=-1.4E-28, ymax=-1.3E-28) #initialize our graphs. F1Graph = gcurve(color=color.green, label='Force of Charge 1 on Test Charge') #Make a graph for the force on the test charge with respect to distance from Charge1. Grph1 = graph(title='Force (2) v Distance', xtitle='Distance (m)', ytitle='Force (N)', fast=False, ymin=1.4E-28, ymax=1.3E-28) #initialize our graphs. F2Graph = gcurve(color=color.green, label='Force of Charge 2 on Test Charge') #Make a graph for the force on the test charge with respect to distance from Charge2. #Set up time variables for while loop t=0 dt=1*10**(-4) tf=1 #While loop to iterate over the time interval while t < tf: rate(100) # Defines the rate at which the program runs # ##Hint: For the following calculations, break them up into components!## #Come up with an equation for the force on your test charge from Charge 1 F1tx = if Tcharge.pos.x <= Charge1.pos.x : F1tx = F1ty = if Tcharge.pos.y <= Charge1.pos.y : F1ty = F1tz = if Tcharge.pos.z <= Charge1.pos.z : F1tz = F1t = vec(F1tx,F1ty,F1tz) # print("F1t = ", mag(F1t)) ##Come up with an equation for the force on your test charge from Charge 2 F2tx = if Tcharge.pos.x <= Charge2.pos.x : F2tx = F2ty = Tcharge.pos.y <= Charge2.pos.y : F2ty = F2tz = Tcharge.pos.z <= Charge2.pos.z : F2tz = F2t = vec(F2tx,F2ty,F2tz) # ##Come up with an equation for the net force on your test charge from both charges # Fnetx = Fnety = Fnetz = Fnet = #Come up with an equation for the net acceleration of your test charge from both charges at = at = #Update the position of the test charge using the equation you came up with for acceleration. vTest = vTest + at*dt Tcharge.pos = Tcharge.pos + vTest*dt #Graph the Net Force on the Test charge with regards to position. F1Graph.plot(mag(Tcharge.pos),mag(F1t)) F2Graph.plot(mag(Tcharge.pos),mag(F2t)) t = t + dt
GlowScript 2.7 VPython #Created by Meagan Brasseur, Sofia Villanueva, and John Plough on August 9,2019 ##Objects## Charge1 = sphere(pos=vec(0,0,0), radius=0.1, color=color.cyan) Charge2 = sphere(pos=vec(5,0,0), radius=0.1, color=color.cyan) Tcharge = sphere(pos=vec(2.5,2.5,0), radius=0.05, color=color.red) #Coulombic charges of our spheres q1 = 6.0*10**(-19) q2 = 6.0*10**(-19) qt = -1.6*10**(-19) ##Constants## k = 9*10**9 mTest = 9.11*10**(-31) vTest = vec(0,0,0) ## Create graphs to track force Grph1 = graph(title='Force (1) v Distance', xtitle='Distance (m)', ytitle='Force (N)', fast=False, ymin=-1.4E-28, ymax=-1.3E-28) #initialize our graphs. F1Graph = gcurve(color=color.green, label='Force of Charge 1 on Test Charge') #Make a graph for the force on the test charge with respect to distance from Charge1. Grph1 = graph(title='Force (2) v Distance', xtitle='Distance (m)', ytitle='Force (N)', fast=False, ymin=1.4E-28, ymax=1.3E-28) #initialize our graphs. F2Graph = gcurve(color=color.green, label='Force of Charge 2 on Test Charge') #Make a graph for the force on the test charge with respect to distance from Charge2. #Set up time variables for while loop t=0 dt=1*10**(-4) tf=1 #While loop to iterate over the time interval while t < tf: rate(100) # Defines the rate at which the program runs # ##Hint: For the following calculations, break them up into components!## #Come up with an equation for the force on your test charge from Charge 1 F1tx = k*q1*qt/((Tcharge.pos.x-Charge1.pos.x)**2) if Tcharge.pos.x <= Charge1.pos.x : F1tx = -F1tx F1ty = k*q1*qt/(((Tcharge.pos.y)-(Charge1.pos.y))**2) if Tcharge.pos.y <= Charge1.pos.y : F1ty = -F1ty F1tz = k*q1*qt/((Tcharge.pos.z-Charge1.pos.z)**2) if Tcharge.pos.z <= Charge1.pos.z : F1tz = -F1tz F1t = vec(F1tx,F1ty,F1tz) # print("F1t = ", mag(F1t)) ##Come up with an equation for the force on your test charge from Charge 2 F2tx = k*q2*qt/(((Tcharge.pos.x)-(Charge2.pos.x))**2) if Tcharge.pos.x <= Charge2.pos.x : F2tx = -F2tx F2ty = k*q2*qt/(((Tcharge.pos.y)-(Charge2.pos.y))**2) Tcharge.pos.y <= Charge2.pos.y : F2ty = -F2ty F2tz = k*q2*qt/(((Tcharge.pos.z)-(Charge2.pos.z))**2) Tcharge.pos.z <= Charge2.pos.z : F2tz = -F2tz F2t = vec(F2tx,F2ty,F2tz) # ##Come up with an equation for the net force on your test charge from both charges # Fnetx = F1tx + F2tx Fnety = F1ty + F2ty Fnetz = F1tz + F2tz Fnet = vec(Fnetx,Fnety,Fnetz) #Come up with an equation for the net acceleration of your test charge from both charges at = vec(Fnetx/mTest,Fnety/mTest,Fnetz/mTest) at = vec((F1tx)/mTest,0,0) #Update the position of the test charge using the equation you came up with for acceleration. vTest = vTest + at*dt Tcharge.pos = Tcharge.pos + vTest*dt #Graph the Net Force on the Test charge with regards to position. F1Graph.plot(mag(Tcharge.pos),mag(F1t)) F2Graph.plot(mag(Tcharge.pos),mag(F2t)) t = t + dt