In this class, we are often going to use VPython to create computational models, which will serve as a powerful tool to help us create visualizations and apply the ideas in this course to more real-world contexts. Below are some of the common Python commands that we will use in this course and some coding tips compiled by previous EMP-Cubed students. (Note: we do not expect you to have any coding experience prior to this course, and we will not expect you to write a program from scratch. We will primarily be asking you to interpret chunks of code with your group members and adjust/modify pieces of code that you will be given.)
A=4+4/2 B=(4+4)/2
## Set the radius (this line would be ignored by the program) R=20 #cm (Everything in this line before the # would run in the program, everything after the # is ignored)
cloud = sphere(pos=vec(0,3500,0), color=color.white, radius=100)
object1=box(pos=vec(0,0,0), length=2, width=2, object1.pos=vec(3,4,5)
position1=vec(3,4,5) position2=vec(2,1,0) separation=position2-position1 #This will give separation=vec(-1,-3,-5) testing=separation-4 #This will give an error
vector1=vec(1,2,3) mag1=mag(vector1) #This will calculate sqrt(1^2+2^2+3^2)
A=7*9/3 print(A) #This will then print out the number 21
A=vec(1,2,3) B=vec(4,5,6) AB=dot(A,B) #This will calculate (1*4)+(2*5)+(3*6) print(AB) #This will print out 32
C=vec(5,6,7) D=vec(3,2,1) CD=cross(C,D) #This will calculate (6*1-2*7)i-hat - (5*1-7*2)j-hat + (5*2-6*3)k-hat print(CD) #This will print out the vector (-8, 9, -8)
get_library('') #Imports physutil MassOfBall = 20 SpeedOfBall = 10 t=0 dt=0.1 tf=10 ExampleGraph2 = PhysGraph(numPlots = 1) #Defines graph window while t < tf: rate(50) KineticEnergy = 0.5*MassOfBall*SpeedOfBall**2 ExampleGraph2.plot(t, KineticEnergy) #Plot function is identical SpeedOfBall = SpeedOfBall - 0.5 t = t+ dt
get_library('') #Imports physutil Moving_Sphere = sphere(pos=vector(0,0,0), radius = 0.5, color = color.cyan) #The object we want to place arrows for, a cyan sphere. Sphere_velocity = vector(5,5,0) #Let's say we want a MotionMap for the velocity of this sphere. Setting up time parameters for the motion t=0 dt=0.1 tf=10 #Creating the MotionMap via MotionMap(object, stop time, number of arrows, arrow size, arrow color, number labels on arrows or not) Moving_Sphere_MotionMap = MotionMap(Moving_Sphere, tf, 5, markerScale=1,, labelMarkerOrder=False) while t < tf: rate(100) Moving_Sphere.pos = Moving_Sphere.pos + Sphere_velocity * dt #Sphere is moving according to its velocity Moving_Sphere_MotionMap.update(t,Sphere_velocity) #MotionMap update function plots the vector as time goes by t = t + dt