Integrating Computation in Science Across the Mitten (ICSAM) is a NSF funded initiative that aims to support high school teachers who wish to integrate computation into their physics classroom. The ICSAM workshop is an opportunity to learn the value and potential of computational modeling as another dimension for students to learn and understand physics while also providing them with a grounding in the tool of 21st century physics.
In this week-long workshop, participants, with the assistance of the workshop coordinators, will develop a viable, personalized plan for integrating computation into their high school classroom(s) to be implemented in the upcoming academic term.
Teachers participating in this workshop will be provided a stipend.
If you are interested in participating please go to the following link: ICSAM Sign Up Link
If you have any questions about the ICSAM workshop or participating in the ICSAM workshop please contact: Paul Irving or Danny Caballero.
This work is generously supported by the National Science Foundation DRL-1741575.