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Project 2: Learning goals

  • Predict the motion of a single-particle system executing constant velocity or constant acceleration motion using appropriate representations (this includes verbal, graphical, diagrammatic, mathematical, and computational representations).
  • Collect, analyze, and evaluate data to determine the type of motion and the properties of the motion of a single-particle system.
  • Evaluate the applicability/limitations of models and the validity of predictions for different types of motion.
  • Apply the momentum principle ($\Delta\vec{p}=\vec{F}\,\Delta t$; $d\vec{p}=\vec{F}\,dt$) iteratively/computationally to predict the motion or determine the properties of motion/net force acting on a single-particle system where the net force is not constant (e.g., due to spring-like restoring forces or dissipative drag forces).
  • glowscript_getting_started.1528923343.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2018/06/13 20:55
  • by tallpaul