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Inner Tube River Crossing

Activity Information

Learning Goals

  • Use vectors to mathematically determine:
    • Relative velocity within inner tube-river system
    • Launch angle
  • Use code to model relative motion

Prior Knowledge Required

  • Relative velocity
  • Vector addition
  • Vector decomposition
    • $\sin$ and $\cos$ functions
    • $\arctan$ function

Code Manipulation

  • Interpret code
  • Modify variables within existing code



Inner Tube River Crossing

Part 1
It is a hot summer day, and you are meeting your friends for a picnic lunch down by the river. When you get to the river, you discover you are on the wrong side, 20 meters from the picnic site. As an experienced inner tuber, you know that you can paddle your tube at a speed of 2.0 m/s. Additionally, you know the river moves westward at a speed of 1.5 m/s. Your friends have already started the grill and your meal will be ready in 15 seconds.

You have an app that lets you enter your velocity and the velocity of the river to determine your net velocity. For the following questions, calculate the answer and check your results with the code.

  1. If you were to get in the river and begin paddling directly across, what velocity (magnitude and direction) do your friends see you moving relative to the shore?
  2. How long does it take to cross the river? If the river had a faster current, how would this affect the time it takes you to get across?

Part 2
You would like to paddle across the river to get to your friends at the picnic site, but you don't want to hike back upriver once you paddle across.

  1. At what angle with the shore must you paddle in order to get directly across the river to the picnic area?
  2. How long will this take? Why is this different from your answer in Part 1?

Part 3
After lunch, you decide to cool off by floating in the river. You want to chat with your friends on the shore while you float, so you need to paddle in such a way that you remain stationary.

  1. How might you modify your code so that you model the scenario of floating in the center of the river, in front of the picnic site?

Part 4
Coding questions:

  1. What is a while loop, and what quantities/values must go inside a while loop?
  2. What does “dt” stand for (line 37)? What happens when you make “dt” larger?
  3. Why is the width of the river divided in half in “tube = ring(pos=vector(0,-w/2,0)…” (line 16)?
  4. What is the purpose of “w/2” in “while tube.pos.y<w/2:” (line 46)?
  5. If you modified you code correctly in Part 3, the text “time to cross” and “tube velocity” will not appear. Why?



  1. GlowScript 2.7 VPython
  2. get_library('')
  4. #Window setup
  5. scene.range = 20
  6. scene.width = 900
  7. scene.height = 500
  8. scene.background=vector(0,0.7,0.1)
  11. #Objects
  12. w=20
  13. river = box(pos=vector(0,0,-1), length=200, height=w, width=1,, texture=textures.rough)
  14. #southshore = box(pos=vector(0,-100,0), length=600, height=50, width=1, color=vector(0.4,0.6, 0.2))
  15. #northshore = box(pos=vector(0,100,0), length=600, height=50, width=1, color=vector(0.4,0.6, 0.2))
  16. tube = ring(pos=vector(0,-w/2,0), axis=vector(0,0,180), radius=2, thickness=0.8,, make_trail=False,)
  17. #target= text(text='X', align='center',
  18. label(pos=vec(tube.pos.x,w/2,0), text='picnic site', )
  19. label(pos=vec(-10,-10,0), text='click to run', )
  22. #Parameters and Initial Conditions
  23. tubes=0
  24. riverv = vector(0.5,0,0)
  25. degrees=0
  26. theta=degrees*pi/180
  27. tubesx=tubes*sin(theta)
  28. tubesy=tubes*cos(theta)
  29. tubev=vec(tubesx,tubesy,0)
  30. scale=1.0
  34. #Time and time step
  35. t = 0
  36. tf = 3
  37. dt = 0.01
  39. tubeMotionMapx = MotionMap(tube, tf, 2, markerScale=scale,, labelMarkerOrder=False)
  40. tubeMotionMapy= MotionMap(tube, tf, 2, markerScale=scale,, labelMarkerOrder=False, )
  41. tubeMotionMapr= MotionMap(tube, tf, 2, markerScale=scale,, labelMarkerOrder=False)
  43. ev = scene.waitfor('click')
  45. #Calculation Loop
  46. while tube.pos.y<w/2:
  47. rate(500)
  49. tube.pos = tube.pos + tubev*dt
  50. tube.pos = tube.pos + riverv*dt
  52. #Set up motion map
  53. relv = riverv + tubev
  54. tubeMotionMapr.update(t, relv)
  55. tubeMotionMapx.update(t, tubev)
  56. tubeMotionMapy.update(t, riverv)
  59. t = t + dt
  61. #determine angle
  62. angle=atan(mag(riverv)/mag(tubev))*(180/pi)
  64. #label
  65. print("time to cross =", t , "s")
  66. print("tube velocity=",mag(relv),"m/s at", angle, "degrees")

Answer Key




See Also

  • repository/inner_tube_river_crossing.1582059458.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2020/02/18 20:57
  • by porcaro1