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183_projects:problem11a_fall2024 [2024/11/04 13:33] hallstein183_projects:problem11a_fall2024 [2024/11/04 13:35] (current) hallstein
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 +==== Kick Off Questions ====
 +  * What is meant by inertia?
 +  * What is moment of inertia dependent on?
 +  * What is translational kinetic energy?
 +  * If you have a coin rolling across a table, what type of energies will it have?
 +  * What is the equation for rotational kinetic energy?
 ====== Project 11: Part A: Engineering a movie stunt 1 ====== ====== Project 11: Part A: Engineering a movie stunt 1 ======
 <WRAP info> <WRAP info>
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 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-<WRAP info> 
-==== Project 11A: 5 Questions to test pre-reading ==== 
-  * What is meant by inertia? 
-  * What is moment of inertia dependent on? 
-  * What is translational kinetic energy? 
-  * If you have a coin rolling across a table, what type of energies will it have? 
-  * What is the equation for rotational kinetic energy? 
 You and your team have been hired by Marvel Entertainment to develop a stunt for the next offering in the Marvel Cinematic Universe -- Squirrel Girl - New Warrior. This film introduces a new character: Squirrel Girl.  You and your team have been hired by Marvel Entertainment to develop a stunt for the next offering in the Marvel Cinematic Universe -- Squirrel Girl - New Warrior. This film introduces a new character: Squirrel Girl. 
  • 183_projects/problem11a_fall2024.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/11/04 13:35
  • by hallstein