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183_projects:problem3c_fall2024 [2024/09/10 18:26] hallstein183_projects:problem3c_fall2024 [2024/09/12 11:25] (current) hallstein
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 ====== Project 3: Part E: Geostationary orbit ====== ====== Project 3: Part E: Geostationary orbit ======
-Use Glowscript to generate a single graph, plotting both the x-component of the satellite's momentum and the x-component of the net force acting on the satellite as a function of time. If you were not able to complete part B from last time, hand draw a prediction of these two graphs **before** having Python constructing the graphs.+Use Glowscript to generate a single graph, plotting both the x-component of the satellite's momentum and the x-component of the net force acting on the satellite as a function of time. If you were not able to complete part B from last time, hand draw a prediction of these two graphs **before** constructing these graphs using Glowscript.
  • 183_projects/problem3c_fall2024.1725992804.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2024/09/10 18:26
  • by hallstein