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183_projects:problem5a_fall2024 [2024/09/23 21:13] hallstein183_projects:problem5a_fall2024 [2024/09/24 15:04] (current) hallstein
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   - An object is at rest on a flat, rough, horizontal surface. Compare the horizontal force needed to move the object to the horizontal force needed to keep the object moving with constant velocity once the object is moving.   - An object is at rest on a flat, rough, horizontal surface. Compare the horizontal force needed to move the object to the horizontal force needed to keep the object moving with constant velocity once the object is moving.
-  - Consider an object place on a flat, rough surface making an angle relative to the horizontal of $\theta$. Draw a free body diagram showing all forces acting on this object. +  - Consider an object placed on an incline. The inline is a flat, rough surface and is inclined at an angle of $\theta$ relative to the horizontal. Draw a free body diagram showing all forces acting on this object.  
   - In the previous question, what is the angle between the normal(perpendicular) to the incline and the gravitational force?   - In the previous question, what is the angle between the normal(perpendicular) to the incline and the gravitational force?
  • 183_projects/problem5a_fall2024.1727126037.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2024/09/23 21:13
  • by hallstein