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183_projects:problem5b_spring2024 [2024/08/13 16:28] – created hallstein183_projects:problem5b_spring2024 [2024/09/25 16:50] (current) hallstein
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 +==== Kick Off Questions ====
 +Consider the momentum principle $\vec{F}_{net} = \dfrac{\Delta\vec{p}}{\Delta t}$ applied to a system of more than one object.
 +  - Should forces acting between objects inside your system be included in $\vec{F}_{net}$? Why or why not?
 +  - Under what conditions is momentum of the system conserved?
 ====== Project 5: Part B: CSI East Lansing Part 1 ====== ====== Project 5: Part B: CSI East Lansing Part 1 ======
  • 183_projects/problem5b_spring2024.1723566514.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2024/08/13 16:28
  • by hallstein