~~NOTOC~~ ====== Course Notes and Videos ====== Pre-class notes and video lectures are contained in the pages below. The material is organized by class week. Notice that some weeks (e.g., Week 2) have more readings and videos than others (e.g., Week 4), so please plan accordingly. We have tried to ensure that each week's pre-class work will take less than 1 hour. The organization of the course notes by week is a matter of convenience. It means that we do not expect you to have read about future material for the current week, but it does not mean that you will not go back and look at old material for current work. /*{{ vimeo>138195778?large | First Day Slides - Fall 2015}} */ /* * {{183_notes:slides.pdf|Slides from the first day}} */ ==== Computational Modeling ==== The notes and videos on computational modeling will be useful throughout the course and should be viewed (at least once) during the first full week of the course. * [[:183_notes:vpython_resources|Software for Projects and Troubleshooting]] * [[:183_notes:vpython_furtherresources|Link to VPython videos not made by us]] ==== Course Notes ==== ---- ---- === Week 1 === == Modeling Motion with No Net Force == * [[:183_notes:scalars_and_vectors|Scalars and Vectors]] * [[:183_notes:displacement_and_velocity|Displacement and Velocity]] * [[:183_notes:modeling_with_vpython|Modeling Motion with VPython]] * [[:183_notes:relative_motion|Relative Motion]] * [[:183_notes:graphing_motion|Graphing Motion]] /* [[:183_notes:review video|Week 2 Learning Issue Review Video]] */ === Week 2 === == Modeling Motion with a Net Force == * [[:183_notes:momentum|Momentum]] * [[:183_notes:momentum_principle|The Momentum Principle]] * [[:183_notes:acceleration|Acceleration & The Change in Momentum]] * [[:183_notes:motionPredict|Applying the Momentum Principle]] * [[:183_notes:constantF|Constant Force Motion]] * [[:183_notes:localg|Constant Force: Gravitational Force near Earth]] * [[:183_notes:iterativePredict|Iterative Prediction of Motion]] * [[:183_notes:drag|Drag]] /* [[:183_notes:review video 2|Week 3 Learning Issue Review Video]] */ === Week 3 === == Modeling Motion with Non-Constant Forces: Newtonian Gravitation == * [[:183_notes:gravitation|Non-constant Force: Newtonian Gravitation]] * [[:183_notes:grav_accel|Gravitational Acceleration]] * [[:183_notes:ucm|Uniform Circular Motion]] /* [[:183_notes:review video 3|Week 4 Learning Issue Review Video]] */ === Week 4 === == Modeling Motion with Non-Constant Forces: Springs == * [[:183_notes:impulseGraphs|Impulse Graphs]] * [[:183_notes:springMotion|Non-constant Force: Springs & Spring-like Interactions]] * [[:183_notes:freebodydiagrams|Free Body Diagrams]] == Modeling Contact Interactions: The Ball & Spring Model of Solids == * [[:183_notes:model_of_solids|Matter & Models of Solids]] * [[:183_notes:model_of_a_wire|Modeling a Solid Wire: springs in series and parallel]] * [[:183_notes:youngs_modulus|Young's Modulus]] === Week 5 === == Modeling Contact Interactions: Friction == * [[:183_notes:friction|Contact Interactions: The Normal Force & Friction]] == Conservation of Linear Momentum in Multi-particle Systems === * [[183_notes:mp_multi|The Momentum Principle in Multi-particle Systems]] * [[183_notes:collisions|Colliding Objects]] === Week 6 === == Modeling Curved Motion == * [[183_notes:curving_motion|Curved Motion]] * [[183_notes:center_of_mass|Center of Mass Motion]] === Week 7 === == Modeling Energy Transfer in Single Particle Systems: Total Particle Energy & Work == * [[183_notes:define_energy|What is Energy?]] * [[183_notes:point_particle|The Simplest System: A Single Particle]] * [[183_notes:work|Work: Mechanical Energy Transfer]] * [[183_notes:work_by_nc_forces|Work Done by Non-Constant Forces]] == Modeling Energy Transfer in Multi-Particle Systems: Kinetic & Potential Energy == * [[183_notes:energy_cons|Conservation of Energy]] * [[183_notes:potential_energy|Potential Energy]] * [[183_notes:grav_and_spring_PE|(Near Earth) Gravitational and Spring Potential Energy]] * [[183_notes:rest_mass|Changes of Rest Mass Energy]] === Week 8: === == Spring Potential Energy == * [[183_notes:spring_PE|Spring Potential Energy]] == Modeling Energy Transfer in Multi-Particle Systems: Newtonian Gravitational Potential Energy == * [[183_notes:force_and_PE|Force and Potential Energy]] * [[183_notes:newton_grav_pe|Newtonian Gravitational Potential Energy]] * [[183_notes:grav_pe_graphs|Graphing Energy for Gravitationally Interacting Systems]] * [[183_notes:escape_speed|Escape Speed]] == Modeling the Colliding of Systems == * [[:183_notes:colliding_systems|Collisions - Momentum and Energy]] === Week 9 === == SPRING BREAK & Group Project 2 == === Week 10 === == Modeling Energy Transfer in Multi-Particle Systems: Internal Energy & Heat Exchange == * [[183_notes:internal_energy|Internal Energy]] * [[183_notes:heat|Heat Exchange: Energy Transfer due to a Temperature Difference]] * [[183_notes:power|Power: The Rate of Energy Change]] * [[183_notes:system_choice|Choosing a System Matters]] * [[183_notes:energy_dissipation|Dissipation of Energy]] === Week 11 === == Modeling Energy Transfer in Multi-Particle Systems: Point Particle and Real Systems == * [[183_notes:center_of_mass|Center of Mass Motion]] * [[183_notes:energy_sep|Separating Energy in Multi-Particle Systems]] * [[183_notes:rot_KE|Rotational Kinetic Energy and the Moment of Inertia]] * [[183_notes:pp_vs_real|Point Particle and Real Systems]] * [[183_notes:proof_of_pp|Proof of the Point Particle- Energy Principle]]' === Week 12(Tuesday) === == Modeling the Colliding of Systems == * [[:183_notes:colliding_systems|Collisions - Momentum and Energy]] * [[:183_notes:discovery_of_the_nucleus|Discovery of the Nucleus]] === Weeks 12(Thursday), 13 & 14 === == Modeling Rotational Motion == * [[:183_notes:angular_motivation|Why Angular Momentum?]] * [[:183_notes:torque|Torques Cause Changes in Rotation]] * [[:183_notes:static_eq|Static Equilibrium]] * [[:183_notes:torquediagram|Torque Diagrams]] * [[:183_notes:ang_momentum|Angular Momentum]] * [[:183_notes:L_principle|Net Torque & The Angular Momentum Principle]] * [[:183_notes:L_conservation|Angular Momentum Conservation]] === Week 15 === == The Core Principles of Mechanics == * [[:183_notes:Fundamental_Principles|The 3 Fundamental Principles of Mechanics]]