===== Project 10 ===== ==== Project 10A: Sorting Hawkions ==== Since your team was so successful at creating the magnetic field detector for the hawkions, you have now been hired to analyze other characteristics of the hawkions, which it appears come in a variety of masses. To do this, you must sort out the hawkions by mass using a mass spectrometer. To design the spectrometer, your team is asked to develop a model of the spectrometer to determine the appropriate dimensions of the magnetic plates and the catching plate, which stops the hawkions. Below is the beginning of a model that was developed by another team that mysteriously disappeared. GlowScript 2.6 VPython ## Model parameters B = vec(0,0,-2) magconstant = 1e-7 ## Objects magplate1 = box(pos=vec(1,0,1), length=2, height=2, width=0.1, opacity=0.2) magplate2 = box(pos=vec(1,0,-1), length=2, height=2, width=0.1, opacity=0.2) catchingplate = box(pos=vec(4,0,0), length=0.1, height=10, width=10, opacity=1) xaxis = cylinder(pos=vector(-3,0,0), axis=vector(6,0,0), radius = 0.05, color=color.white) yaxis = cylinder(pos=vector(0,-3,0), axis=vector(0,6,0), radius = 0.05, color=color.white) zaxis = cylinder(pos=vector(0,0,-3), axis=vector(0,0,6), radius = 0.05, color=color.white) ## Set up particles i = 0 N = 20 particleList = [] while i < N: particleList.append(sphere(pos=vec(-2-4*random(),0,0), radius = 0.1, m = 20*(random()+1), v = vec(2,0,0), q = 10, color=color.red)) i = i + 1 ## Calculation Loop t = 0 dt = 0.01 while t < 30: rate(300) for thisParticle in particleList: thisParticle.pos = thisParticle.pos + thisParticle.v*dt if thisParticle.pos.x > catchingplate.pos.x: thisParticle.v = vector(0,0,0) t = t + dt ==== Project 10B: Lakeview's Mystery ==== You've just received a phone call from the head of the Wildlife Tracking Foundation of Lakeview. Dr. Taulest reports that they have recently had an unprecedented disappearance of their yellow-bellied canaries that like to roost in the cliffs overlooking the lake. Their most popular nesting area on the eastern edge of the cliffs is completely empty. It's almost like they decided to migrated 4 months ahead of schedule! The Wildlife Tracking Foundation is also reporting that the fish, especially those near the north-eastern bank of the lake, have suffered a sudden decrease in their population. Dr. Taulest claims that it is all your fault since you had to build a large power line to run the Hawkion detector. //Clearly//, the magnetic field from the power line interfered with the yellow-bellied canaries (who rely on Earth's magnetic field for migration purposes), causing their vacation from the vicinity. As the lead engineers on the Hawkion project, your boss has kindly asked that you disprove Dr. Taulest's claims. The company could be facing ridiculous litigation fees if the Wildlife Tracking Foundation has a case against you. To start, you go back and consult the handy-dandy blueprints you drew up when designing the transmission line. {{184_notes:blueprints3.png?550}}