An experimental magnetic field detector has been constructed at the FTOE lab, to study the properties of these mysterious new hawkion particles. You and your team have been asked to determine the charge of this new particle and construct a model of what the magnetic field should look like. Thankfully, you've gotten some initial data from the FTOE staff. They were able to take two different magnetic field measurements for one of the particles, which was moving with velocity of $\vec{v} = \; < \! 0, -20, 0 \! > {\rm m/s}$. The first field was measured 1 m to the right and 1 m up from the charged particle and found to be $\vec{B}_1 = \; <\!0, 0, +7.07\times 10^{-6}\!> {\rm T}$. The second field was measured 4 m beneath the particle, and interestingly was found to be $\vec{B}_2 = \; <\!0,0,0\!> {\rm T}$.
Your colleagues have also worked on a partially complete model of the field, but it looks like there are some pieces of code that the team wasn't sure what to do with. You will need to select a few locations to model the magnetic field due to the new particles and produce arrows that represent the magnetic field as the particle moves by. This will provide much needed information about these new particles!
## Scene setup scene.background = color.white ## Parameters and Initial Conditions velocity = vector(0,-20,0) #q = ??? Don't know this?? ## Observation Points - Need at least 3??? ## Objects charge = sphere(pos=vector(0,2,0), radius=0.1, xaxis = cylinder(pos=vector(-3,0,0), axis=vector(6,0,0), radius = 0.01, yaxis = cylinder(pos=vector(0,-3,0), axis=vector(0,6,0), radius = 0.01, zaxis = cylinder(pos=vector(0,0,-3), axis=vector(0,0,6), radius = 0.01, ## Calculation Loop t = 0 dt = 0.001 while t < 2: rate(100) charge.pos = charge.pos + velocity*dt t = t + dt if charge.pos.y < -3: velocity = vector(0,0,0) ## Not sure what to do with these ##p = sphere(pos=vector(-1,-1,0), radius = 0.1, color=color.cyan) ##Barrow = arrow( ##Barrow.pos = p.pos ##Barrow.axis = vector(0,0,0)