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Project 15

Project 15: Choose your own adventure

Your group is to design a problem that incorporates the main topics that the EMP-Cubed course has focused on:

  1. Sources of fields (either electric or magnetic)
  2. Superposition of fields (either electric or magnetic)
  3. Applications of fields (either circuits and/or an induced voltage/current)

Your design should include both the problem statement (storyline, just look at any of ours for details) and the solution to the problem. Imagination is a plus. You should use the four quadrants and include any appropriate sketches (including appropriate measurements and any necessary free-body diagrams). You can write it up on the sheets provided and on the white boards. Try to include a motivation within the problem for incorporating the main ideas and not just include them randomly.

A good solution will not just be equations but will include some commentary.

We encourage you to take this opportunity to review any physics you had particular difficulty with. The tutors are here to help you consider the correctness of the physics you are trying to include in your problem.

The winners of the “choose your own adventure problem” will receive the following:

Good Luck!

Project 15B: Those Pesky Grinch EM Boar Tigers

Instead of investing in a Christmas tree this holiday season, the physics department has decided to invest in a large hologram machine with the capability of displaying an image contained within the dimensions of 3m x 1.2m x 1.2m. Now all they need is a program to create an image to be displayed. Being physics nerds, they decide to tackle the task using one resource: charges. Who wouldn’t want to unwrap the 6×6 Rubik’s cubes, eat cookies, and share physics jokes around huge imaginary charges and their corresponding magnetic and electric fields?!

You and your team have volunteered to take on the task of designing a circuit for the hologram to display the most festive Christmas tree, since you figured that all you’ve been doing this semester is dealing with those tiny little invisible bastard charges anyways. Despite your best arguments, the department has refused to fund the expensive hologram and has promised to buy you a normal Christmas tree. So instead, your task is to design a circuit for the most festive Christmas tree to spread joy and cheer. Your tree must be dressed in four strands of lights, two of which wrap around the tree trunk and two that wrap around the outside of the tree, and a star at the top of the tree. The strands of lights all should have half the brightness of the star. If the power goes out, the star should still be able to shine bright for a few more seconds on the tree.

Unfortunately, those pesky Grinch EM boar tigers, especially Max, are at it again and are plotting to ruin your beautiful new Christmas tree! You will also need to find the B-field to ward off the Grinch boar tigers. For the full safety of your tree, you need to repel the Grinch tigers from 2m away. From the lovely grad students in the stock room, you know that: the power of one strand of lights is 40.8 W, the power of the star is also 40.8 W, the battery at the base of the tree has a voltage of 12V, and the capacitor in your circuit should be $5\cdot 10^{-6}$ F.