Changes in motion; you pay attention to how an object changes it position
Define momentum - some objects are easier to change their motion than others
$\vec{p} = \gamma m \vec{v}$ is a vector concept; points in direction of velocity vector for a system; complete and alway applies
Define $\gamma$
$\gamma$ starts to matter at high speeds; less than about 300 km/s $\gamma \approx 1$
The motion of a system is governed by the momentum prinicple
Big idea: Forces cause changes in a system's momentum; specifically the net force (define momentarily)
N1: An object that experiences no net force moves with constant velocity and vice-versa
N2 (MP): The quantitative description is $\Delta \vec{p} = \vec{F}_{net}\Delta t$.
Where the's calculus?
Another way to represent: force vs time graphs