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This picture clearly hates me If a sign were hung like the one above, what would the tension forces acting on both of the ropes?

To solve for the force of tension in both rope 1 and 2, both forces have to broken down into their x and y components and then solve the resulting system of equations.


  • The system is stationary
  • Gravity works in the negative y direction, with $g=9.81m/s^{2}$
  • There are two forces of tension, on for rope 1, and one for rope 2
  • Mass of the object?
  • Angles of the ropes?


  • Either force of tension of the ropes

Approximations & Assumptions

  • The lengths of the two ropes is irrelevant, only the angle matters to solve for the two forces
  • The net force is zero since the system is stationary


  • I have a drawing but I'm having a hard time adding pictures
  • 183_notes/examples/statics.1458316658.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2016/03/18 15:57
  • by klinkos1