
  • Predict the motion of a single-particle system executing constant velocity or constant acceleration motion using appropriate representations (this includes verbal, graphical, diagrammatic, mathematical, and computational representations).
  • Collect, analyze, and evaluate data to determine the type of motion and the properties of the motion of a single-particle system.
  • Evaluate the applicability/limitations of models and the validity of predictions for different types of motion.
  • Apply the momentum principle ($\Delta\vec{p}=\vec{F}\,\Delta t$; $d\vec{p}=\vec{F}\,dt$) iteratively/computationally to predict the motion or determine the properties of motion/net force acting on a single-particle system where the net force is not constant (e.g., due to spring-like restoring forces or dissipative drag forces).
  • Forces cause changes in momentum
  • Kinematic Equations - Constant Acceleration
  • Gravitational Force Near Earth
  • Vector Components
  • $\vec{F}_{net} = m\:\vec{a} = \dfrac{\Delta\vec{p}}{\Delta t}$
  • Iterative Prediction of Motion

Project 2: Part C: Escape from ice station McMurdo

Surprisingly enough hovercrafts are an expensive piece of kit. Your employer, the Carver Media Group, is concerned by the happenings at the McMurdo ice station and would like you to produce an accident report detailing the events after you lost control of your hovercraft. The accident report should include a detailed computational model that provides the projected motion of the runaway hovercraft.

Project 2: Part D: Escape from ice station McMurdo

After completing part C and prior to starting this part talk to your small group instructor. The Carver Media Group is now asking for an accident report for the your hovercraft as well. They want to you simulate the events from the point at which the two hovercrafts meet to when the hovercraft reached the water, however, they want you to model the hovercraft as if it had left the cliff at angle of 27 degrees from the ground. They want this model to be in the same model as the model for the runaway craft.

  • 183_projects/problem2c_fall2024.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/09/04 13:14
  • by hallstein