

Major: Biosystems Engineering

Future plans: I would like to locate a cause for idiopathic (unknown cause) scoliosis. Currently I am working on developing a new non-surgical technique for treating scoliosis.

Advice on how to approach P-Cubed: If you study hard in the beginning, it will make everything much easier towards the end. Additionally, pay attention to coding problems. On the test, it helps when you have an idea of what you are looking at. The in-class problems will be very helpful for thinking about coding in a physics setting.

What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class? I highly recommend the help room. The help room helped me understand some essential physics concepts. If you are willing to put in the work, the help room can make a good grade very achievable. Grades aside, it is super cool to understand what you are doing! When I did not have a clue, the help room put everything into perspective.

Fun fact about me A fun fact… Once I played on a randomly assembled basketball team—composed of sixth graders. I was the last kid to show up to the first practice. When the other kids saw me, they all started screaming, “What’s your name?”. When I said Joshua, they all started screaming. Shortly after, I learned that every person on my new team was named Joshua.

Help room hours Fridays 3:00pm-4:00pm


Major: Mechanical Engineering

Future plans: Work as a mechanical engineer…somewhere.

Advice on how to approach P-Cubed: Contribute your knowledge to the best of your ability and lean on other students to help you improve in areas that you struggle with. This is a group setting in order to have a collaborative environment, rather than a competitive one. Take advantage of this opportunity to learn your strengths and weaknesses and improve on them.

What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?: Look over the notes in detail for sections that you struggle with and come to help room with any confusion on pre-class, post-class, in class, exams, notes, or ANYTHING else.

Fun fact about me: I went to Spain and studied abroad this summer!

Help room hours Mondays 10:30am-11:30am


Major: I am currently a sophomore studying toward an undergraduate physics degree, and I plan on continuing onwards to graduate school where I plan to study nuclear physics

Future plans: I hope to either work at a university researching with a particle accelerator or to work with a team researching nuclear fusion as a viable power source.

Advice on how to approach P-Cubed: Teamwork, teamwork, teamwork! Find your strengths, and play to them. But most importantly listen to your teammates strengths and let them showcase their strengths too. This course is an adventure for a party, not for a solo physicist.

What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?: Come to the help room! Other than that, don’t ever be afraid to ask for help, use your resources, or even ask for help finding any resources. Your Professor, TA, and other ULAS are all great resources. We all want you to succeed.

Fun fact about me: I toured MSU with my class back when I was in fifth grade. We toured the cyclotron (now the FRIB) and after that tour, I knew that I wanted to work with nuclear physics.

Help room hours Fridays 2:00pm-3:00pm


Major: Mechanical Engineering with a biomedical focus

Future plans: Design prosthetics in Latin America!

Advice on how to approach P-Cubed: Actively participate in class! It's so much easier to study later and ensure you understand the topic when you actively try to problem solve in a low-risk environment.

What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?: Attend a help room! Once you run through a problem step-by-step, you understand the concept behind it and what approaches to use in the future.

Fun fact about me I have four tattoos.

Help room hours Fridays 4:00pm-5:00pm


Major: Applied Engineering Sciences

Future plans: Work as a Technical Sales Engineer

Advice on how to approach P-Cubed: Come into this class with an open mind! Never be afraid to share your thoughts because no idea is a wrong idea!

What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?: Isolate the concepts you are having trouble with and break down practice problems to help yourself build a better understanding. Come to class/help room with any questions! We are all here to help you!

Fun fact about me I love to ski and waterski!

Help room hours Mondays 1:30pm-2:30pm


Major:Math and Secondary Education

Future plans: I plan on becoming a high school math teacher.

Advice on how to approach P-Cubed: Get to know your group members and don't be afraid to ask questions to ULAs or Professors. They are there to help you succeed and enjoy the learning process. Teamwork is key! Engaging with group members and learning from one another will promote improvement and a greater understanding of the course content.

What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?: What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in the class? : I would recommend coming to the help room. It is a great place to better understand the learning concepts and set you on the right path to success! One on one assistance with a ULA or Professor can help clarify so much in even just one session!

Fun fact about me: I love to run, hike, and be outside!

Help room hours Mondays 12:30pm-1:30pm


Major: Electrical Engineering

Future plans: Get my bachelor's and find work in Grand Rapids

Advice on how to approach P-Cubed: You should actually write out a plan ahead of time, it actually makes it easier to solve and organize the problem.

What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?: Ask for the TA or a classmate to explain. No matter what you do, do not let yourself fall behind the group.

Fun fact about me I am a huge music fan: besides listening to music, I also play bass and guitar, and I have a vinyl collection!


Major: Physics

Future plans: WGrad School, figure out what I want to specialize in.

Advice on how to approach P-Cubed: Write down everything. Draw diagrams. Take advantage of the group setting. Have discussions, and don't be afraid to state your own opinion and understanding of something even if you think it might be incorrect. It's easy to get lost in the sauce when working on problems, so make sure to take good notes before you come to class as they will be your best friend.

What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?: Help Room is such a chill environment to discuss concepts you’re struggling with or even to just sit and do your LON-CAPA work. Make sure to get all your group members’ contacts! They were always my go-to, even prior group members. You will have a day or two where you didn't take notes beforehand, so you get overwhelmed during class. No worries, just be honest with your groupmates (they will be understanding) and come to the help room while the problem is still fresh in your mind. Talking about it makes all the difference.

Fun fact about me I named my cat Meow Meow, not because I’m not creative but because he talks SO MUCH. It’s also the only name he responds to :) Ask me for pics of him you will make my day.


Major: Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Spanish.

Future plans: Work towards optimizing renewable energy.

Advice on how to approach P-Cubed: With an open mind. You might find that there is more than one way to approach a problem, so group discussions and adaptability can help you find even better ways of taking on the course material.

What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?: Visit the help room! We’re there to help you, and even if you don't have any questions it's a very productive study space.

Fun fact about me I play alto saxophone in the Spartan Marching Band!

Help room hours Mondays 11:30am - 12:30pm


Major: Applied Engineering Sciences

Future plans: Working for PepsiCo as a packaging engineer

Advice on how to approach P-Cubed: do not be afraid of help rooms and use the mock exams!

What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?: Reach out! We are here to help. Attend help rooms, practice!

Fun fact about me: I am certified to do taxes

Help room hours Wednesdays 4:00pm-5:00pm


Major: Mechanical Engineering

Future plans: Work in the automotive industry

Advice on how to approach P-Cubed: Make sure you have open communication within your groups and try to include everyone in your group in conversations.

What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?: The help room is a great tool for homework and reaching out to your group for help is very beneficial.

Fun fact about me I am on the MSU equestrian team.

Help room hours Wednesdays 3:00pm-4:00pm


Major: Mechanical Engineering

Future plans: Work in the automotive industry.

Advice on how to approach P-Cubed: Don’t be afraid to make mistakes in class. You have your group and LAs to help you out, and it’s easier to learn from your mistakes.

What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?: Talk to your group about topics you are struggling with and come to the help room.

Fun fact about me: I won a Go-Kart championship when I was 9 years old.

Help room hours Mondays 5:00pm-6:00pm


Major: Computer Science Engineering

Future plans: Become an entrepreneur and build my own tech company

Advice on how to approach P-Cubed: Being active in class is the easiest way to become familiar with the topics and test your understanding of the concepts.

What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?: Help room is your best choice. Talk to your ULA, and I am sure most of your problems will be solved.

Fun fact about me: I used to ride motorcycles back home, and currently I box at IM West.

Help room hours Mondays 6:00pm-7:00pm


Major: Computer Science

Future plans: I want to make AI and computer algorithms more equitable and less biased against marginalized groups.

Advice on how to approach P-Cubed: Do the readings and actively participate in class. If you can do the harder in-class problems with your group in class, you can study from those and then replicate similar concepts on the exams.

What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?: I think nothing is more helpful than the help room! Whether it is help on homework or questions on an in-class problem, the help room gives you a chance to sit down with classmates and LAs who can give you a step-by-step explanation and way forward with both that specific problem and the concept as a whole.

Fun fact about me: During the summer I work as a camp counselor at a camp that runs outdoor trips. This past summer I helped lead a bunch of 14 year olds a sea kayaking trip at Lake Superior Provincial Park and then led a 115-mile backpacking trip around Isle Royale!

Help room hours Mondays 1:30pm-2:30pm


Major: Computer Science

Future plans: Pursuing a career in computer science centered around either machine learning or data engineering.

Advice on how to approach P-Cubed: Make sure you set aside time to learn the concepts. The reading material and homework problems outside of class can appear daunting but it becomes significantly easier if you dedicate time every day of the week to learning the material and attempting problems.

What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?: You will hear this a lot, but seriously, come to help room!! If you are struggling in class that is the best way to get clarification on concepts and receive help on the homework.

Fun fact about me I’ve spent time in the Romanian countryside and have milked a cow.

Help room hours

==== Samuel Adjaklo ==== Mondays 12:30pm-1:30pm


Major: Computer Engineering

Future plans: I aspire to become a game-dev engineer, bringing my passion for gaming and technology to life!

Advice on how to approach P-Cubed: Plan and visualize problems to solve them faster. Get to know your group, actively participate, listen, and contribute to discussions. Engaging with teammates helps you understand concepts better. And remember, teamwork makes the dream work!“

What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?: Make sure to stay on top of your homework, as it's crucial for understanding difficult concepts. Engage your group members for help, and more so take advantage of office hours and help rooms. Do not fall behind, use all these resources to your advantage to stay on track.

Fun fact about me: I'm a master at dominating EA Sports FC but put me on an actual soccer field, and I'm likelier to trip over the ball!

Help room hours Mondays 6:00pm-7:00pm

Sections: 4

Research Area: High Energy Physics

Description of Research: One of the many goals in high-energy physics is to look at the subatomic world and describe what matter is made of. The ATLAS group, where I would like to do research, is involved in one of the detectors of the LHC at CERN, where protons or ions are brought into collision. By tracking the different particles after these collisions, you study the elementary particles and even hope to find new physics.

What excites you about physics: What excites me most about physics is that you learn new concepts every day. The more you think you know, the more you realize that this is not true. And it also helps you to better understand the world around you.

What do you recommend if you're struggling in class?: Try to keep up with your homework and don't wait too long if you realize you're struggling. The first step I would recommend is to ask your group members for help. Furthermore, don't hesitate to use all the other resources such as LAs, TAs, Office Horus, Helproom and the various forums to ask questions.

Fun fact about me I'm really bad at orientation, I once even managed to get lost with one of my friends on a school trip because we took a different route to the others. So, if you see me, never ask me for directions. My best support in this regard is Google Maps. What's more is that I play the piano and enjoy taking horse riding lessons.

Email: imthurnc@msu.edu


Section: 4

Research Area: Physics Education Research

Description of research in that area: Right now, my research is analyzing interviews on how accessible group work in classes (like this one!) are for ADHD students.

What excites you about physics: Having the tools to understand why things happen–like why the pitch gets higher and higher as you fill up your water bottle.

Advice on how to approach P-Cubed: In order to practice physics, you and your group will have to risk sharing ideas you aren’t sure about–be kind to others and yourself

What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class? Help room is a great resource, if you're struggling or if you're just not sure. When I took introductory E&M, I went to office hours 3-5 times a week.

Fun fact about me: I love knitting and crafting, and can explain the physics behind a spinning wheel.

Email: reyno650@msu.edu

Help Room Monday discussion forum manager


Section: 3 & 4

Degrees: BS degrees in Mechanical Engineering and Physics; MS in Physics Education

Research/Interest Area: Teaching Physics

What excites you about physics: That physics helps me to understand the universe and the world around me. I love learning new things about how physics applies to other areas of interest, particularly from the students in my classes about their areas of interest.

Advice on how to approach P-Cubed: Read the lecture notes and watch the linked videos to prepare you to complete the pre-class homework. Instead of trying to rush through an in-class problem, your focus should be on the process you follow as you work through them. How you work through and connect the concepts is more important than your group finishing the problem. After the first class meeting of each week, get started on the post-class homework – don’t wait until the last minute. While there is an individual-only component to the class (our exams), most of it is group-focused in the case of our in-class problems and projects; or homework where you can collaborate with your fellow students and course staff on your personalized assignments. Use the lecture notes and pre-class homework to prepare you for our in-class problems; the in-class problems help to prepare you for group projects, the post-class homework, and the individual exams; the post-course homework helps to solidify your understanding of the week’s work and better prepare you for the individual exams.

What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class? Talk to me or schedule an appointment to talk to me. You also ha LAs in the class who have taken the course in the recent past and have been in your position. They can offer good, constructive advice on how to approach and overcome particular struggles. Take advantage of all of the resources available to you. In addition to the course notes and videos, you have the help room, D2L discussion boards, your group mates, and your fellow students from other groups available to you. If you find yourself grappling with a concept, don’t delay seeking help through these resources. Questions you bring to the help room or the Piazza discussion can go beyond the current homework. Use these forums to ask about any concepts from the class, the in-class problems, the lecture notes, or any previous homework assignments you wish to review.

Fun fact about me: I like to bike, cook and taking my dog Reo on long walks (or does he walk me?). Each of the past couple of summers, I rode my mountain bike for 100 miles in a day and hope to do this again this August.

Help room hours: Wednesdays 2:00pm-3:00pm; Piazza Discussion Forum Manager: Saturdays

Email: hallstei@msu.edu

  • 183_tutors.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/09/25 00:54
  • by hallstein