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Review Materials - Key Concepts from Calculus and Mechanics

Week 1 - Charges, Electric Field & Electric Potential

Week 2 - Charges & Superposition

Week 3 - Electric Force & Energy

Week 4 - Modeling Distributions of Charge

Week 5 - Modeling Moving Charges & Batteries

Week 6 - Resistors & Combinations of Resistors

Week 7 - Combinations of Resistors (Part 2)

Week 8 - Capacitors & Combinations of Capacitors

Week 9 - Magnetic Field from a Moving Point Charge

Week 10 - Magnetic Field of a Wire

Week 11 - Sources of Magnetic Fields

Week 12 - Magnetic Force

Week 13 - E&M so far, flux, & short cuts

Week 14 - Induction

  • 184_notes.1704819223.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2024/01/09 16:53
  • by dmcpadden