
This is an old revision of the document!

These notes are to provide the standard practices & formats that should be used to improve the accessibility of any new notes on the EM/P-Cubed wiki pages.

1. Consistent use of headings

2. Consistent use of bold, italics, & underline

**1. Check figure for color & texture use**

When using figures, colors should be chosen carefully and color should not be the only way to distinguish between important features of a diagram/figure. When making a figure, you should choose colors that have high contrast with the different forms of color blindness and define important contrast with textures.

For example, in the figure to the left, red-solid arrows are representing the electric field from the positive plate of charge and blue-dashed arrows represent the electric field from the negative plate of charge. So we are using both the color and textures to distinguish the meaning of the arrows.

Electric field between two parallel plates. The dashed blue arrows represent the E-field from the negatively charged plate, and the solid red arrows represent the positive plate.

When picking colors, there are several resources that have predefined color palettes that have contrasting colors for people with and without colorblindness. These resources give HEX numbers and RGB numbers for each color that are easy to add to Paint, MS word or powerpoint, inkscape or any other image creator.

  • https://davidmathlogic.com/colorblind/ – This resource provides a good overview and an interactive simulation where you can see what colors would appear like for three different versions of colorblindness. You can add various colors to test their contrast. At the bottom of the page, it offers pairs of colors that are high contrast (with HEX & RBG numbers) and links to predefined color palettes.
  • https://www.nature.com/articles/nmeth.1618 – This is a published research column that outlines a particular color palette that is distinguishable for 2 types of red-green color blindness. It includes RGB & CMYK numbers for each color.
  • https://personal.sron.nl/~pault/ – This resource provides multiple color palettes with RGB & HEX numbers that will still provide contrast for color blind individuals. Each palette has a thorough caption for what the palette can and should be used for.

Motivation/Reason for this check: Roughly 1 in 20 people have some form of color blindness, so it is likely that some of your students each semester are color blind. When color is the only distinguishing factor in a figure, it prevents a person who is color blind from understanding or interpreting important information from that figure.

Guidelines this measure satisfies:

2. Descriptive caption/alt-text for figure

3. Check surrounding words for references

1. Add captions to all videos

2. Double check figures used in videos

3. Describe any figures/features used audibly

  • 184_notes/access_template.1647536175.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/03/17 16:56
  • by dmcpadden