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Project 5: Escape from Korath Part 2

Success! Your team has made it to the bottom of the “Cliff of Insanity” without alerting Korath the Pursuer to your location. Unfortunately, the piece of tech the team has, which guides you to the nearest dimensional gate, must have been malfunctioning at the top of the cliff because there is not a single-dimensional gate insight.

As the team discusses the best way to move forward, the snow sitting on top of the metal platform begins to glow. You and a team member quickly brush the snow to the sides of the platform to see what all the fuss is about. The two of you stand in shock as you realize the glowing is coming from a map that has been carved into the metal! Upon further inspection, you and your team member concluded that the glowing map is directing you toward an ominous cave opening in the mountain. At that same moment, your other three team members, who have been re-calibrating the gate finder tech, exclaim that the dimensional gate must be located within the mountain. With few options left, your team decides to head into the mountain opening.

Inside the cave, you find the remnants of an ancient Kree mining facility. You figure that this specific facility must have been abandoned a long time ago, mostly since it utilizes a spring system to launch the minecarts up to the main track. You flip the switch on the computer system that is attached to the spring and, to your surprise, it illuminates two graphs that describe the properties of the spring launching mechanism.

You and your team must use the only remaining minecart to launch yourselves across the oil-slicked straightaway of 10 meters, up a 13-meter long ramp (20-degree angle), and into the facility. You need to find out what your velocity will be at the top of the ramp.

Project 5: Escape from Korath Part 3

  • Constant acceleration and kinematic equations
  • Frictional Force
  • Rotated Frames (Forces on an inclined plane)
  • Free body diagrams

Your team is now confronted by a tunnel that then leads to the dimensional gate. Your amazing piece of tech (turning out to be very useful) indicates that the dimensional gate is at the end of the tunnel and must be entered at a speed of 20mph. It also indicates the angle and height of the incline and the length of the tunnel as displayed in the following screenshot from your tech. The tech also indicates that the base of the tunnel is made of a different surface than that of the incline. Your tech indicates that the incline is made of Leannium and you have conducted previous tests on this material that indicates that a sled can rest on an incline of the material without sliding as long as the angle of the incline is less than or equal to 14º. At the top of the incline are two sleds. You have one chance of escape, for all four of your group members to push the sled down the incline and get in, move through the tunnel and then the dimensional gate. Will you be successful?

Learning Goals Week 5

  • course_planning/183_projects/s20_week_5_problems.1596074946.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2020/07/30 02:09
  • by pwirving