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After the incident with Spurgeon Tanner's heart attack, you and the rest of the team of the Artemis 13 continue with your testing missions. Your pilot, Pete “Maverick” Mitchell, has been performing some upper atmosphere maneuvers while you and the crew have been testing the systems and equipment on board. The final test was a short “jump” to the moon and back. A jump occurs when a large energy flux accelerates the ship to 11 km/s in a short time frame. The inertial dampeners prevent the crew members from any adverse affects of rapid acceleration. The purpose of this system is for what JPL is labeling Fast Action Maneuvering (FAM).

After a successful jump, the Artemis 13 makes a pass by the moon and begins the return trip to Earth. However, Maverick notices some systems warnings. Apparently, there was a power delivery failure, and the jump has drained the batteries of the Artemis 13 to unexpectedly low levels. This being a prototype ship, and with NASA's space program on hold, there is no way to get a ship up to the Artemis before it zooms by Earth and gets lost in deep space. The other issue, there is a limited air supply on the Artemis 13 as most of the systems are still in a Beta phase, so time is of the essence.

Project 8A: Austin, We Have A Snafu

The Artemis 13 is split into the two separate sections and it has been decided that in order to conserve resources that everybody should be put into the command ship and power transferred into it. However, power supply for the whole ship is running critically low, so you are now only running the ECS to maintain oxygen in the command module. You no longer have communications with Austin.

You notice as you begin powering up the command ship (which operates on its own reserve power system) that although the navigational controls have been primed, there are several components that are not responding to testing. It appears that the circuit switch control board got fried during the test jump, as a result, you now need to create a new circuit that will allow you to provide different amounts of energy to the propulsion system's module in the command ship.

That propulsion system consists of the primary burners and the cooling system, which have a total resistance of 65 $\Omega$. The primary burners require a short burst of 200 J to power-up. The cooling system requires a short burst 300 J to power-up.

You need to be able to deliver different amounts of power to this module; however, you are growing concerned that your re-entry power supply of 100 V may not be sufficient to power these command ship systems. You manage to find some additional batteries onboard (three 10 V batteries from the supply room) to use if you need them.

You also have several 0.125F capacitors and resistors (1 $\Omega$, 5 $\Omega$, 10 $\Omega$, 50 $\Omega$, 100 $\Omega$) on hand. You also have access to multiple switches that can be used to open and close parts of the circuit you are designing.

There is a breaker in the circuit that is a failsafe and will trip if the current exceeds 2 A. You also know that there are delicate circuit elements in the primary burners and the cooling system, so the propulsion system should not be connected to any power supplies when charging capacitors.

You should provide a circuit diagram of your design that helps you explain to your crew that the current in the circuit is safe and that you are going to be able to supply the needed power to the systems when the time comes. As a check for yourself, you should make sure that the voltage in the circuit adds up to the correct amount as to not suffer any voltage shortages.

  • course_planning/184_projects/f17_project_8.1508257999.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/10/17 16:33
  • by dmcpadden