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The abnormal storm fronts and epic lightning storms continue across the Earth but the eye of this activity has been the area surrounding the town of Lakeview. A few months have passed and your colleagues at HQ have designed and constructed a new age measurement and prediction device called the Mapping N$\vec{E}$twork Sensory Array (MNSA) to try and understand the source of these storms. This sophisticated measuring equipment works off of a large number of golf ball sized sensors buried in the ground in the surrounding area by HQ. These sensors send signals back to the main relay, located atop Stormchaser HQ. The MNSA was designed for predicting lightning strikes in the surrounding area as well as calibrating instrumentation used by field teams. This is a process you and your team are very familiar with, so your colleagues showed no hesitation calling you and asking for your inputs.

Using your existing knowledge of electric field computer modeling, your Lakeview colleagues have commissioned your team to help with the maiden voyage of the MNSA. In the sky on this strangely calm but partly cloudy day, are three clouds: a large cloud (Q = -150C), a small cloud (q = -50C), and an even smaller cloud (qq = 50 C). Your colleagues have insisted that this is the perfect day to launch their new network because the weather is calm. Some of their programmers have started to work on the model, but due to their inexperience with this type of work, they were unable to finish. So far, this is what they have:

##Scene Setup
scene = display(width=1000, length=1000, height = 500)

## Parameters and Initial Conditions
k = 9e9
Q = -150 ##C
q = -50 ##C
qq = 50 ##C
cloud_height = 600 ##m

## Objects
ground = box(pos = vec(0,0,0), width=5000, length=5000, height=0.1,
mountains = [cone(pos=vec(-1800,0,0), axis=vec(0,1000,0), radius=700, color=vec(1,0.7,0.2)),
            cone(pos=vec(-1800,0,-1600), axis=vec(0,1000,0), radius=700, color=vec(1,0.7,0.2)), 
            cone(pos=vec(-1800,0,1600), axis=vec(0,1000,0), radius=700, color=vec(1,0.7,0.2))]
HQ = box(pos = vec(-100,100,0), width = 15, length = 15, height= 200, color =
large_cloud = sphere(pos = vec(-1000,cloud_height,0), radius = 100, color = color.white)
small_cloud = sphere(pos = vec(900,cloud_height,100), radius = 40, color = color.white)
smaller_cloud = sphere(pos = vec(800, cloud_height, 800), radius = 25, color = color.white)

E = vec(0,0,0)
point = vec(HQ.pos.x,HQ.pos.y,0)
field = arrow(pos = point, axis = E, color=color.yellow)

##Calculation Loop
x = -200
dx = 20
xmax = 200
while x<= xmax:
    z = -200
    dz = 20
    zmax = 200
    point = vec(x,0,z)
    E = vec(0,0,0)
    field = arrow(pos = point, axis = E, color=color.yellow)
    x = x + dx

Before you can start calibrating the field sensors, the main relay needs to be adjusted to the electric fields caused by the nearby clouds. The main sensor relay is located at the top of the HQ. Once the main relay is programmed properly, you and your team will need to complete this program to map out the electric field on the surface of the ground.

Learning Goals

  • Understand how a calculation loop works (either a while loop or a for loop)
  • Explain what a “nested” loop does and why you would want to nest loops in the first place
  • Use superposition to calculate the electric field at one point (by hand) and at many points (using the computer)
  • Be able to articulate what should go into the calculation loop (and what should go outside the calculation loop)
  • course_planning/184_projects/s18_project_3.1516901668.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2018/01/25 17:34
  • by dmcpadden