
This is an old revision of the document!

In the $P^3$ learning environment it is each member’s own responsibility to seek a complete understanding of the physics involved in each problem. To do so you must actively engage in the activities and practices of the learning environment. It will not be sufficient to sit back and listen and hope to learn everything outside of the time in the learning environment by yourself.

In many cases some of the group members will have a greater prior knowledge of the subject matter. In this situation it is their responsibility to help the other students learn by explaining and teaching the physics involved. In this way the students can learn from each other and also by teaching the subject the students with prior knowledge can identify any holes in their understanding.

It is also each members responsibility to help keep the group focused on the project and to maintain a good group working environment.

To help guide how you should participate in the $P^3$ we have included some guidelines below about how you should approach class time.

Group Understanding


Peer tutoring
  • Make sure everybody understands the physics and plan being discussed
  • Explain if a group member does not understand (offer evidence and justifications for your understanding.


Learning issues
  • Think about how you will explain your issue to the group
  • How can I explain this issue in my own words
  • Is there an analogy or real life experience I can relate this issue to


Critique the understanding/arguments of others
  • If an argument or others understanding does not fit with your own present a logical argument as to what does not sit right with you.
  • Try to articulate your problems with an argument by any means possible. (You may not know the particular physics words but try to relate your problem in your own words make does not work for you).

Group Focus

  • Support the opinions of others
  • Make sure the group is always open to new ideas from each group member
  • Help to analyze and identify differences when group members are disagreeing
  • Give recognition to others

Individual Understanding

  • Ensure you understand group members by asking questions
  • Ask others to explain their understanding: make sure to seek justifications and supporting evidence from them.
  • Look for possible mistakes in model world, plan and validation process
  • If you believe you have identified a mistake offer evidence and persuade and defend your position
  • course_planning/project_guidelines/student-centered_actions_expected_in_p_3.1403465992.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2014/06/22 19:39
  • by pwirving