
This is an old revision of the document!

Simulation of a Binary Star System

<PRELOAD> # Step 1: load several library files in <head> section

/js/jquery.jqplot.css    # css

# /js/jquery.min.js (not required since DokuWiki 2012-01-25 Angua uses jQuery)

/js/jquery.jqplot.min.js # js


<HTML> <!– Step 2 : prepare chart box (canvas) –> <p>Figure. line chart example</p>


<JS> Step 3 : inline JavaScript to produce a chart ! do not forget to replace “$.jqplot” to “jQuery.jqplot” var data = 0,0.0],[1,1.0],[2,1.414],[5,2.236],[7,2.646],[11,3.317; jQuery.jqplot('chartbox', [data]); </JS>

  • course_planning/simulations/binarystar.1404928563.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2014/07/09 17:56
  • by caballero