
The Carver Media Group is planning the launch of a new communications satellite. Elliot Carver (head of Carver Media Group) is concerned about the launch. This is a $200,000,000 endeavor. In particular, he is worried about the orbital speed necessary to maintain the satellite's geostationary orbit (and if that depends on the launch mass). You were hired as an engineer on the launch team. Carver has asked that you allay his concerns.

  • Forces cause changes in momentum
  • Uniform circular motion
  • Newtonian gravitational force

Project 3: Part B: Geostationary orbit

Carver is impressed with your work, but remains unconvinced by your predictions. He has asked you to write a simulation that models the orbit of the satellite. To truly convince Carver, the simulation should include representations of the net force acting on the spacecraft, which has a mass of $15\times10^3$ kg. Your simulation should be generalized enough to model other types of orbits including elliptical ones.

Project 3: Part 3: Acceleration Due to Gravity

Unbeknownst to the rest of Earth, Carver's space program is ultimately more advanced than anyone could imagine and he has established a space station that is in orbit around Pluto. In order to complete some important repairs of the space station, you have been tasked with finding out the acceleration due to gravity on the space station at the furthest point away from Pluto on the space station. The radius of the space station is 238 meters and its mass is 5 * 10^15 kg. The space station is a radius of 6.2 * 10^6 meters from Pluto. Find the acceleration due to gravity at the furthest point from Pluto on the space station.

  • course_planning/183_projects/s20_project_3.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/01/23 18:46
  • by pwirving